What the hell are the Raptors doing?

Big Ben

Official Time Keeper
Aug 17, 2001
In the watchtower
Charlie Villanueva?

With all the other players they could get?

Great move Babcock :rolleyes:


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Their 16th pic was good but the 7th pic was horrible.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2002
Babcock is the next Scott Layden.

Wtf is his problem??? Does he have sh!tty scouts? Does he think he is a good scout? Does he not listen to his advisors? Maybe he listens to them too much?

Araujo over Iggy and several others last year.
Getting jacksh!t for VC
Villanueva AND Graham over GREEN AND GRANGER this year.

This moron can do nothing right.

He was given the keys to the raptors and he's driving them to the US real fast.


New member
Aug 31, 2004
Horrible Pick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know i wasn't alone in screaming at the tv when the raps made that pick. absoultely shocking!!! and every single person on that espn panel ripped the raptors for that pick.


New member
Dec 2, 2001
I think the Villinueva pick makes perfect sense, reason being the idiot tandem of Richard Peddie and Rob Babcock will continue their incompetence to the point that Chris Bosh is going to flee Toronto as soon as he possibly can, so now we have a PF to replace him.
This was a very deep draft. Maybe no real franchise player-type studs, but very deep in talent. Babcock could have drafted any one of a half dozen players at number 7 and there wouldn't be any real complaints, yet he somehow manages to fuck up a seemingly idiot-proof situation.
On the bright side though, his consitency of dumbfuck moves as GM gives the rest of us a glimmer of hope: I or any of my fellow terbites could be the Raps lottery pick next year! And for those of you who have always wanted to be a NBA general manager, evidently having a fucking clue is NOT a prerequisite for the job.
The funny thing though is that the Raps somehow got a very good pick in Joey Graham and an absolute steal in the 2nd round with Ruko Ukic. However I refuse to give Babcock credit for having those players fall into his lap. This could have been an A+ draft for the Raps if they hadn't fucked up the lottery pick. Imagine a future roster of Bosh at PF, Graham at SF, Ukic at PG and say Channing Frye at C if they had taken him. That's a lot of potential there.
Oh, this just in: Raps drafted another PF with their final pick, Uros Slokar. Centres and shooting guards are overated anyway. The Raps will be the first team to field three PF's in the starting line-up to go with Graham and Ukic.


New member
Dec 2, 2001

You must be a big fan because that is way too generous for those idiots.
How can Tanenbaum be so blind to what a pathetic joke this franchise has become the past two seasons (I know they've been bad for a lot more than the past two seasons, but it has really gone down the toilet since Babcock took over). Tanenbaum has to tell Peddie and Babcock, along with the scouting department to pack their shit and get out. Otherwise this franchise will continue to flounder.


Mar 14, 2004
BlahBlah said:
...The Raps will be the first team to field three PF's in the starting line-up to go with Graham and Ukic.
Joey played PF in college. 4 PF's and one 6'6" PG (who could probably play at the 4).

On the serious side, picks 1, 2, and 3 should all be playing some minutes this season. (not like there is any choice!)


Nov 23, 2004
I'm alive, I'm alive
BlahBlah said:
Chris Bosh is going to flee Toronto as soon as he possibly can, so now we have a PF to replace him.
This was a very deep draft. Maybe no real franchise player-type studs, but very deep in talent. Babcock could have drafted any one of a half dozen players at number 7 and there wouldn't be any real complaints, yet he somehow manages to fuck up a seemingly idiot-proof situation.
And for those of you who have always wanted to be a NBA general manager, evidently having a fucking clue is NOT a prerequisite for the job.
The funny thing though is that the Raps somehow got a very good pick in Joey Graham and an absolute steal in the 2nd round with Ruko Ukic. However I refuse to give Babcock credit for having those players fall into his lap. This could have been an A+ draft for the Raps if they hadn't fucked up the lottery pick. Imagine a future roster of Bosh at PF, Graham at SF, Ukic at PG and say Channing Frye at C if they had taken him. That's a lot of potential there.
Oh, this just in: Raps drafted another PF with their final pick, Uros Slokar. Centres and shooting guards are overated anyway. The Raps will be the first team to field three PF's in the starting line-up to go with Graham and Ukic.

That son of a Babcock loaded up on power forwards to put together a package to bring home Magloire. Maybe New Orleans wanted one or two of these picks. We lose at least 1 of these young pf & the remainders get to complement Bosh for offense & defence & rebounding. The trade should be consumated after July 28 when Mo Pete is free to land in Orleans.
Toronto can't afford to wait for these picks to pan out in 4 yrs. Babcock doesn't have that much time - which is why he didn't take any high schoolers. Magloire will sell tickets in his hometown. The Maple Leaf Empire needs to maintain profits levels now.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Yahweh said:
That son of a Babcock loaded up on power forwards to put together a package to bring home Magloire. Maybe New Orleans wanted one or two of these picks. We lose at least 1 of these young pf & the remainders get to complement Bosh for offense & defence & rebounding. The trade should be consumated after July 28 when Mo Pete is free to land in Orleans.
Toronto can't afford to wait for these picks to pan out in 4 yrs. Babcock doesn't have that much time - which is why he didn't take any high schoolers. Magloire will sell tickets in his hometown. The Maple Leaf Empire needs to maintain profits levels now.
Apart from Magloire's family and some Eastern Commerce alumni, he isn't going to attract more fans to watch the Raptors because he is not a star player and never will be. The novelty of a home grown talent grows thin fairly quickly when you consider the Petty regime is still at the helm of this mess. 10 years later, the franchise is in no better shape than it was when it started. We all know that Bosh has nothing to play for and isn't sticking around as a result. At the end of the day, we need to accept the fact that a pro basketball franchise in Canada is not a long term viable proposition (regardless of attendance).


New member
Nov 18, 2003
BlahBlah said:
On the bright side though, his consitency of dumbfuck moves as GM gives the rest of us a glimmer of hope: I or any of my fellow terbites could be the Raps lottery pick next year!
I'm declaring my eligibility for next years draft. I haven't played serious ball in 4-5 years but I think I've got a good chance at being a Raptor. lol

I think this was an OK draft. I don't think its as bad as most are making it out to be.

I'm looking forward to seeing Graham play. He seems to be a decent shooter. If he can slash to the hoop it would be a great asset as he's got a good free throw %.

I don't expect Villanueva to be a top scorer. If he can drop 10 pts and pull down some rebounds I think he could be a great role player.

We'll see in 3 months.


New member
Dec 2, 2001
I agree that at the end of the day it was a good draft, could've been a great draft if not for the Villinueva pick. I'm not even so much against him going at number 7 as much as them using a 7 to pick another PF. Best case scenario bosh resigns and the Raps used a lottery pick to take his back-up. Villinueva is too big to be a regular SF and to small to play at C. Mixing him will pose favourable match-ups at times, but both players are natural PF's. If you are weak in 4 out of 5 positions, why reach on a guy who plays the one position you are set at.
Also, I really don't buy the Magloire trade aspect. Not saying it can't happen, but as far as I understand, there is nothing stopping the announcement of a trade that includes "future considerations" a.k.a. Morris Peterson.


Feb 26, 2004
Lets step back here for a moment.....

I see a lot of bashing going on and I'm not going to say that people aren't right for being upset with Villinueva as the 7th pick, but lets look at the facts here too.

1. Granger and Green slipped from top 10 picks to number 17 and 18 respectively. That means that 14 teams passed on both of these players. Maybe scouts have seen something we don't know. Sure, they have the potential to be francise players, but after the top 3 picks, everyone is a crap shot.

2. Villinueva is not a bad player. Yes, he wasn't projected to go that high, but he's 6'11" with some excellent skills and comes from a winning organization. Sure his natural position is PF, but at 6'11" he could play centre instead of Arajuo which is way better.

3. The Raps desperately needed size and rebounding, they will get that from Villinueva. Everyone has been crying for the Raps to do this, at least Babcock got that part right.

Now I'm not saying that passing on Granger and Green was a good thing. But it might not necessarily be a bad thing either. In the East if you can line up Bosh, Villinueva and Graham in your front court then a lot of team are going to have trouble matching up against you. This is an experiment, make no mistake about that, but is 100 times better than the crap they tried to pull last year.

As for a trade for Magloire, I wouldn't count on it. Magloire is a good player, but he's coming off an injury and the Raps would have to trade one of their picks from this year plus Mo Pete to get Magloire. At least thats what is looks like. If I'm the Raps I hold on to Mo Pete and play him in the SG position and although I'm not a fan of Alston, you put him at the PG. With that starting line up you have mismatches all over the floor against opposing teams. Just get a bench that can hold its own and you can make the playoffs in the East.

Mind you, thats my two cents and Babcock can stilll screw this up more. However, I will wait to see what Villinueva can do in the NBA cause he isn't a bad player by any stretch.


Feb 26, 2004
Hey Psubs, you forgot Villinueva on your list there.

I agree with you on trading Williams. The Raps have too many players now and I don't know how I forgot about Rose. Start Rose at SG and let Mo Pete come off the Bench. Or start Mo Pete at SF and work Graham into the line up gradually.

I would try and resign Bonner if possible and trade Murray since he's not going to get playing time in Toronto. Marshall is definately gone now, I can't see the Raps trying to resign him with all the big men they have now.


Nov 1, 2001
What the fuck is problem with most of you people.These are the same people who ran Vince Carter out of town because he wasn't worth anything, then cried because the Raptors got nothing for him. Too many people are being influenced by the idiots on ESPN. First off Steven A Smith is a clown and should be in the circus and not commenting on sports. This is the same idiot that thought a great injustice was done by giving Steve Nash the MVP. Steven A Smith thinks that if he talks louder than anyone else then people will believe he knows more than anyone else.Not true. The Raptors got 2 very well coached players from two of the top programs in the US and were coached by two of the very best college coaches in Eddie Sutton and Jim Calhoun. They also got a a european guard in the second round who many felt would have been a mid first round selection. Every mock poll had Villinueva as a top ten player.He went seventh, They had gerald Green a top 5 pick, he slid down, thats the nature of the draft.The draft is a crap shot to begin with, and picking a high school kid is a bigger gamble, the raptors don't need someone who won't play for two years. I'm really glad the Raptors didn't draft Channing Fry, just because the New York really wanted him, and they draft worse than the raps. Maglore's best days are behind him and he will be a free agent in two years. The Raptors have some good young players now to build from, with two first round picks next year which they can trade up in the draft to get the guard they really need. The future looks a hell of a lot brighter today then it did a year or two ago.


New member
Dec 2, 2001
Even though we got nothing in return, i'm still happy that punkass Wince Carter is gone. Good riddance to that ungrateful fuck!
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