How about Czechoslovakia?
It's like driving into
Ok some places I've been and go / no go. Keep in mind I'm pretty much exclusively lookin' for lovely smart ebony ladies
USA: never. Well once, w a Canadian regular who happened to be in NYC.
UK: some very nice ebony indies now and then. Some good looking fun ladies around 150 GBP which is under 300 CAD.
Hong Kong: no. Occasionally an ebony Brit will cycle through but no.
Japan: no, hard for foreigners. Hardly any ebony ladies too.
Korea: not many ebony thus no.
Thailand: no. A friend told me that many of the African ladies had HIV. I don't know if that's true or evil rumour mongering by the Asian ladies, but it's enough for me to give it a pass. But apparently a large enough selection. But not for me.
Malaysia: no ebony. No go.
Singapore: legal brothels but not w ebony ladies lol. Some visiting canadian or an American ebony Indy ladies Yes!
Indonesia: no ebony.
Australia: better availability of ebony ladies, including in the legal brothels. The top brothels looking at 350 AUD ph, around 320 CAD. Sydney and Melbourne in particular. Some nice ebony Indies too.
New Zealand: not many ebony.
India: never.
Turkey: never.
Egypt: never.
Israel: some Ethiopian civilians lol.
Italy: Africa ladies in Rome, but too much of a streetwalker vibe so no.
Germany: apparently some, at times, in the FKK clubs. But have not indulged.
Scandinavia: no limited/no ebony.
Caribbean: civilians lol.
Off the top of my head......