what other countries outside of Canada do you like to hobby?


No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
I have especially enjoyed Colombia and Peru. I hope to visit Brazil in the near future now that they do not require a visa.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Which pornstar/escort gave you such vicious deepthroat bj?
ditavip.com — used to go by Pamela Ann when she did porn, though she looks pretty different now. Haven’t seen her in a few years, so I don’t know how she is nowadays.

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Brothel in Nevada. Only once. I was disappointed in the quality. Being legal I presumed there would be better


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Brothel in Nevada. Only once. I was disappointed in the quality. Being legal I presumed there would be better
Those Pahrump brothels are absolute tourist traps. I’ve been to Sheri’s and the Chicken Ranch, and both places, the girls ask for insane amounts (the first girl I picked at Sheri’s was trying to sell me on 3000.00 for a 1 hour half and half massage and fuck), and then clockwatch and do whatever they can to waste time. I had a girl ask if I wanted a drink and said she wanted to go get herself a glass of wine. I said sure. Took her 25 minutes to go to the bar down the hall and get herself wine and a whiskey and coke for me. Very mediocre, rushed service and extortionate prices. Not worth it unless you have very serious money to spend (and even then, you’d be better off just getting a bunch of escorts here or flying to Europe for a few weeks).


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2014
Those Pahrump brothels are absolute tourist traps. I’ve been to Sheri’s and the Chicken Ranch, and both places, the girls ask for insane amounts (the first girl I picked at Sheri’s was trying to sell me on 3000.00 for a 1 hour half and half massage and fuck), and then clockwatch and do whatever they can to waste time. I had a girl ask if I wanted a drink and said she wanted to go get herself a glass of wine. I said sure. Took her 25 minutes to go to the bar down the hall and get herself wine and a whiskey and coke for me. Very mediocre, rushed service and extortionate prices. Not worth it unless you have very serious money to spend (and even then, you’d be better off just getting a bunch of escorts here or flying to Europe for a few weeks).
I wish more people understood this.

The legal places in Nevada should be turned into museums with an AT&T smart phone store to illustrate how technology and the internet destroyed these places.

GFE services at much lower prices have been available from independent and a few agency escorts in Las Vegas and Reno for a very long time now.

Not as good as Canada or Europe on a price-adjusted basis, nut no experienced U.S. monger has been to one of the legal places for at least the past 15 years.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
I mean, if the service was good, or there was something more unique about the experience, I’d be willing to pay more (not 3000.00 for an hour more, but more), but that isn’t what they’re doing. They’re giving you shitty service with girls who treat you like they think you’re an idiot and make you pay through the nose for the privilege of being ripped off. Like, I dunno, maybe make the places into some kind of Wild West frontier town-themed place. Have the girls all in costume. Offer more specialized services. At the very least, make sure your girls are actually giving people decent value for their money. There are options. Give people a reason to go to your establishment. But no, I guess these girls get so few clients these days that they feel the need to milk them for as much as they possibly can.

It’s a shame, because they’re cool places, way out in the middle of the desert. There’s so much potential to do something interesting with them. Make an actual adult Disneyland out there. I’d visit.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2014

I used to go to those places when there was no alternative. Like 25-30 years ago.

It is a good lesson on how the government fucks everything up, and won’t change things.

The laws, at least in the southern Nevada counties were incredibly restrictive. CBJ only, and overall a clinical experience. The ladies could not leave the facility in between medical checks, so they live and work there, since it made no sense for them to leave and then have to take another medical check to work again. Things might have changed, but I don’t think so.

As soon as the cell phone and email and the internet came along, I started having ladies there slip me their contact information as the first group took the plunge and went independent. Some in Las Vegas, and many in their hometowns. Services throughout the U.S. got better, with BBBJ being standard even among most former brothel ladies. And sex workers are much happier actually having a life. One popular Chicago escort I used to see wrote quite matter of factory that her week at Sheri’s legal ranch was her only time in her career that she felt she went to prison.

When you look at Australia’s scene, the good reviews are not coming from experiences in their legal brothels, where CBJs are mandatory, but are from independents advertising on Scarlett Blue.

Fosta/Sesta dealt the U.S, scene a massive blow, but it isn’t likely to reinvigorate the legal brothels. The way to go is to still get escorts, even though the reviews are more difficult to come by with the demise of TER, and the advertising by those escorts is less explicit. You just have to take more chances now, but with the Nevada legal brothels, there is no chance of real GFE at any sort of affordable price.

As far as tourism is concerned, it is true that the legal places are relatively near Death Valley, Red Rock and Mt. Charleston, all of which are very much worth seeing. But it is better to just drive by the road with the sign pointing to the legal brothels and get a lady to come to your room in Vegas.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Yeah, I’m aware that the girls aren’t allowed to leave during a shift (the shift being however many days they’ll be working). That’s also why the house takes such a big cut of their earnings. They’re paying room and board. The girls are probably bored out of their minds there most of the time, and because they pay taxes and the house is taking half or more of their earnings, they wind up asking for ridiculous amounts to make up for it. It’s just not a very good system, but it could be improved.

I think Amsterdam’s solution is much better. The window brothel system isn’t perfect, but girls get to choose their own hours, choose which services they offer, condom use isn’t mandatory (though most girls require them even for blowjobs). It’s legal, it’s regulated, but it’s not over regulated to the point that it actually degrades the quality of service. The girls have access to free clinics specifically for them, and the doctors even come around periodically and offer free testing right in their rooms, so they get tested fairly consistently. If I were to design a model for legalization for us to emulate here, I’d base it on the Dutch model.

J.A. Prufrock

Well-known member
Feb 27, 2018
They’re giving you shitty service with girls who treat you like they think you’re an idiot and make you pay through the nose for the privilege of being ripped off.
Exactly. I've never been there but did some research and saw an HBO special on one of those places. Only idiots go there, which explains some of the backwoods Gomers they were interviewing on that special, guys who were paying through the nose, probably a good portion of their life savings, with no clue that there are so many better, more affordable options elsewhere.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Yeah, my first ever experience with paid sex was at the Chicken Ranch. At that point, I had no idea that the prices I was being quoted were absolutely nuts. I thought that was the only place remotely nearby where it was legal, and that if I tried it here, I would 100% be arrested. How naive I was. I eventually made my way out to Amsterdam, saw the prices there, and never even looked at the Pahrump brothels again. Those places prey on people who don’t know any better, or idiots who just won at the casinos and feel like they’re spending the house’s money anyway (which is a dumb way of thinking, you won it, it’s your money now).

J.A. Prufrock

Well-known member
Feb 27, 2018
Nevada is not that far from Tijuana. If you travel a little further you can have about 15-20 sessions with hot Latina women for the price of one hour with a Nevada brothel worker. But many are scared to cross the border or don’t like Mexicans. Their loss. One trip to Club Hong Kong can change your perspective on mongering — for the better.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2014
What is up with ignoring Vegas escorts in your discussion. As discussed in the Vegas Other Cities threads, there is an abundance of Vegas escorts available in the $400 - $600 range. Certainly expensive compared to Canada and Europe, but much less expensive (but with much better service) than what is found at the legal brothels. And certainly safer and less time-consuming than a road trip to TJ. Is it the minor screening that you guys object to?


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Pattaya Thailand is my only choice, mostly english, warm weather, cheap accommodations. Get on your scooter and are seconds away from everything. I went to Amsterdam but I found hotels expensive and chilly, remember it raining a lot too. Some beautiful girls though.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Yeah, Amsterdam is not a place you go to for the weather. I actually prefer to go in the fall/early winter when the weather’s awful. Way less tourists around. De Wallen gets absolutely slammed during high tourist season (by which I mean the season when tourists come, not the season for tourists being high, which in Amsterdam is always), especially on weekends. I was there on a Saturday night in early September once, some poor idiot tried to drive through De Wallen. He was coming down a side street toward the canal and got caught in a crowd of people and couldn’t move. I dunno how long he was stuck there, but I had an hour with a girl and he was still there on my way back.

De Wallen, appearance-wise, has probably the best lineup of any place I’ve ever been to. Some absolute stunners there. Too bad half of them are just there to rip you off...
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