What not to do if you see a sp in public!!!!`


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
I never go out in public. Just kidding! My worst fear is running into my BOSS at an SC. I think the proper protocol in that situation is we do not make eye contact and the junior member leaves the SC ASAP and erase the incident from his memory.
Do you wear your flip flops?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Saw that, but you keep making excuses for the idiots and giving ridiculous comparisons and examples. I'll stand by my post until you prove otherwise.

Escorts are not public figures - they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, as do clients. For either side to break that contract makes the hobby a worse place for all involved. There really is no more to be said... however, if someone - client or escort - doesn't get this, they need to leave the business immediately. There are several SPs on this board who have shown that they're not trustworthy and would never see one cent of my money. There are way too many anonymous clients that would have me deeply concerned if I were an escort - posting personal details, acting like creeps, etc.

PS - it's not just this business where people lack common sense - this just happens to be the one that attracts a lot of delusional creeps.
I also agree that comparing SPs to movies stars, etc. is not an analogy, even though movie stars deserve privacy too.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
1. This guy is a dickhead for following you around.
(I am not certain that informing the other SPs is appropriate or worth while, he followed you, but he didn't really do anything else?)

2. If you were that upset, why not approach a store staff member or just leave?

3. It's bound to happen that you'll bump into someone that is a client or has seen your advertisements somewhere.

4. Remember once you put your face on the internet, it's always there, somewhere or someone will have it.

Now a funny story, there are several SPs, MPAs and Dancers that share the same postal code as me. In fact, I bump into them at the grocery store, beer store, liquor store, bank, football games, malls, etc. Most often, there is a smile, nod or wave in passing, sometimes there are conversations and coffee. One gal actually shares the same doctor and dentist that I do. You just never know when someone from the business is gonna bump into you.


Jan 3, 2009
1. This guy is a dickhead for following you around.
(i am not certain that informing the other sps is appropriate or worth while, he followed you, but he didn't really do anything else?)

2. If you were that upset, why not approach a store staff member or just leave?

3. It's bound to happen that you'll bump into someone that is a client or has seen your advertisements somewhere.

4. Remember once you put your face on the internet, it's always there, somewhere or someone will have it.

Now a funny story, there are several sps, mpas and dancers that share the same postal code as me. In fact, i bump into them at the grocery store, beer store, liquor store, bank, football games, malls, etc. Most often, there is a smile, nod or wave in passing, sometimes there are conversations and coffee. One gal actually shares the same doctor and dentist that i do. You just never know when someone from the business is gonna bump into you.
this is what ive been trying to say!!!!!


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
its not the fact that he spotted me , nor the fact that he said hello. ITS THE FACT THAT HE STALKED ME IN THE DAM STORE AND THAT HE HAS CALLED ME SEVERAL TIMES.. I mean like at least 15 times,,, and that is just uncalled for.. say hi but be descreet.. if I were not a SP then would there be something wrong with it?


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
1. This guy is a dickhead for following you around.
(I am not certain that informing the other SPs is appropriate or worth while, he followed you, but he didn't really do anything else?)

2. If you were that upset, why not approach a store staff member or just leave?

3. It's bound to happen that you'll bump into someone that is a client or has seen your advertisements somewhere.

4. Remember once you put your face on the internet, it's always there, somewhere or someone will have it.

Now a funny story, there are several SPs, MPAs and Dancers that share the same postal code as me. In fact, I bump into them at the grocery store, beer store, liquor store, bank, football games, malls, etc. Most often, there is a smile, nod or wave in passing, sometimes there are conversations and coffee. One gal actually shares the same doctor and dentist that I do. You just never know when someone from the business is gonna bump into you.
I did tell someone


Mar 24, 2010
I see Sp's out in public all the time. I just pretend I don't know them. It's the easiest thing to do. Why even say hello? I am sure they are discreete and expect the same from their clients. I mean an Sp wouldn't walk up to you and your wife and say 'Hey how was the BBBJ I gave you Friday night"?


New member
Jan 15, 2004
I see SP all the time in DT area. Some off them give me shit for not saying Hello. Now when I see an SP i, I walk up and give a nice hug and Hello. (lol)


Jun 22, 2010
I'm new to this hobby but here is my view on it. You pay your SP for a certain amount of time in which she provides you with a GFE or PSE. In that time you can have fun and talker with her all you want. After your time ends, she becomes a stranger you never saw before. If you see her in a public place, the most you should do is look at her as if you were checking out a hot girl. Just a simple look and a smile and move. I believe you should only approach and speak with your SP if you and her both agreed to speak in public. Otherwise move on and give her a call/text later and tell her you saw her and that she look great and you want to see her. Same goes if you see an SP that you never been with. Don't run up and say "Hey aren't you so and so. I hear you give a mean BBBJ." Give her a call later and set up a date if you liked what you saw. To me this is all just common sense. But some people don't have any.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
To me this is all just common sense. But some people don't have any.
That is an oxymoron, having sense is not that common in this world.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Wow, so many messages to answer.

and now he has called me 4 times in 10 mins.. if any girls would like his info PM.. I feel this guy is not cool
Agreed. That is not cool since LR made it clear she did not want to talk to the guy.

This entire industry is built upon, and depends upon discretion, from both sides, provider & client.

Maybe this will help you understand the situation more easily:

hamiltondude and Mrshamiltondude are out shopping.
Would you like it if a provider came up and started talking to you in front of your wife (repeatedly, despite being told politely to get lost) ?

Not married ?
How about you're out with your mom or dad helping them pick up some stuff, and the same situation arises.

Mom & Dad are dead?
You're out with your boss grabbing some stuff for the office party, or you're out with a niece.

Do you really want to have to explain the circumstances as to how you know this woman that seems quite familiar with you ?

Interactions between provider and client are to take place within the hour (or appointment time), and through texts/emails/phone calls, whatever works to set up the rendevous. That's it, period, end of sentence. A thank you email or communication is okay, if warranted, but again, discretion is the key !!
Problem with this example is LR was alone, by all accounts, and Costanza is putting a guy with family members or friends. It is not the same.

I had a client smack my ass in a grocery store once. He was very close to getting punched in the face.
Not that is really uncool. Actually it is sexual assault or at least plain vanilla assault.

Dude, shes a human being!! if she cant stand the possibility of some outside publicity (Just like movie starts shouldnt be movie stars if they dont want to be approached by 'fans'), then maybe shes in the wrong business. You cant expect EVERYONE to react to seeing an SP out and about like you or i would.
I am kind of in agreement with Hamiltondude on this one. She is a person out in public, can we no longer just say 'hi' to another person of the opposite sex ? Have we gone so far into technology that we cannot talk unless it is on a phone or texting on a computer ?
However I do understand LR's reasoning, the guy did seem to be over excited.

Since when is it okay to go up and speak with anyone in this business in public without explicit permission by both parties beforehand? Did the rules change some time in the last ... 10 minutes?

As stated earlier: discretion is a two-way street and must be upheld by both the escort and the client. Anyone who doesn't get this basic and simple fact is not mature enough for this hobby, plain and simple. That goes for anyone explaining or enabling such behaviour.
A client is not in the business, just apart of it.
I go to see the Leafs at the ACC and the Jays at Skydome and I am not in hockey or baseball.

Part of the "contract" that goes along with the fee is that both sides keep it to themselves. Think the Vegas slogan: what goes on in... stays in...

AGAIN, if someone doesn't have the good sense to know that the contract begins and ends in the allotted and paid-for time period, then they have no business partaking in this hobby and get what they deserve from the SP (or client, if the role is reversed) - namely a kick in the nuts, pepper spray to the eyes or a tazer. <wink> (I'm kidding - chill out.)

Followers? "Expect the unexpected?" By stating shit like this, you show that you clearly don't get it. You are enabling the idiots, which makes me think that you are also an idiot. < shaking head >
Saw that, but you keep making excuses for the idiots and giving ridiculous comparisons and examples. I'll stand by my post until you prove otherwise.

Escorts are not public figures - they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, as do clients. For either side to break that contract makes the hobby a worse place for all involved. There really is no more to be said... however, if someone - client or escort - doesn't get this, they need to leave the business immediately. There are several SPs on this board who have shown that they're not trustworthy and would never see one cent of my money. There are way too many anonymous clients that would have me deeply concerned if I were an escort - posting personal details, acting like creeps, etc.

PS - it's not just this business where people lack common sense - this just happens to be the one that attracts a lot of delusional creeps.
First you state the contract ended at the end of the session, then you mention breaking the contract out in public. In your own words the contract has ended after the hour(or however long the session was).
And escorts are public figures ... sort of.

I think there's an expectation of privacy when an SP is out in public. It's not like she advertises on Google or the Weather Network.
But she does advertise in 'public'. The internet is a public domain, is it not ? One does not even need to own a computer, just go to any library and away you go, it is free.
Also, if you 'Google' "TERB" it will lead you here. So "It's not like she advertises on Google..." is a matter of opinion.


LR, you did put your face on the internet, the problem is this is such a different business.
On the one hand LR advertises on the internet, in public, while on the other hand, as I already said, it is a different business.
Contact in public is going to happen, how we handle it is of prime importance. Just saying "Hi. How are you ?" etc, etc goes with the territory.
The outing or threat of outing, I agree is not apart of a friendly exchange and should never happen.
In this case it does seem as though LR hit the panic button early, but it did seem as though the guy was heading in the outing LR direction, intentional or otherwise.


Happily Retired
Aug 29, 2009
Alright, I figure its time to give my two cents here...
The way I see it, if you see an SP out in public, a simple nod or a wave is fine. It shows you see them, its a form of greeting, but it is discreet and easy to explain 'oh, him? I see him in the coffee shops/library/grocery store sometimes'. Simple. What happened to LadyRaven is completely unacceptable. There is a difference between what the idiot in that situation did, and simply approaching an SP. Had Lady Raven NOT been an SP and the same experience had taken place, everyone would be freaking out about the audacity of the man for stalking our lovely young lady through the store. As it is, SP or not, what he did was creepy and she has every right to be angry and creeped out.
If a hobbyist sees me out and about, whether I am with someone or not, I expect a little restraint to be used. Because even if you don't see anyone with a girl, that doesn't mean she is alone. Please keep such things in mind the next time you see the lovely LadyRaven or any other SP out shopping.

P.S.- LadyRaven, that sig pic is very distracting. You have a gorgeous ass darlin'


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Alright, I figure its time to give my two cents here...
The way I see it, if you see an SP out in public, a simple nod or a wave is fine. It shows you see them, its a form of greeting, but it is discreet and easy to explain 'oh, him? I see him in the coffee shops/library/grocery store sometimes'. Simple. What happened to LadyRaven is completely unacceptable. There is a difference between what the idiot in that situation did, and simply approaching an SP. Had Lady Raven NOT been an SP and the same experience had taken place, everyone would be freaking out about the audacity of the man for stalking our lovely young lady through the store. As it is, SP or not, what he did was creepy and she has every right to be angry and creeped out.
If a hobbyist sees me out and about, whether I am with someone or not, I expect a little restraint to be used. Because even if you don't see anyone with a girl, that doesn't mean she is alone. Please keep such things in mind the next time you see the lovely LadyRaven or any other SP out shopping.

P.S.- LadyRaven, that sig pic is very distracting. You have a gorgeous ass darlin'
hehe thank you for your understanding and kind words.
he actually did follow me last night. he left a drunken vm at 3 am saying he knew where i was cuz he followed me trying to get my attention and he wanted to drive me to my location , and at 3 am he wanted to come and just chill with... now tell me people is this really acceptable behaviour for ANYONE????


New member
Jul 13, 2009
hehe thank you for your understanding and kind words.
he actually did follow me last night. he left a drunken vm at 3 am saying he knew where i was cuz he followed me trying to get my attention and he wanted to drive me to my location , and at 3 am he wanted to come and just chill with... now tell me people is this really acceptable behaviour for ANYONE????
I think, at this point, you might consider calling the police; assuming he persists with this behaviour.

BTW, you should be saving the messages this idiot is leavnig you... just in case
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Jun 22, 2010
Wow, this guy is a creep. In no way is stalking someone acceptable. You might want to let the cops know about him. Well, stalking someone would only be acceptable if let's say Ladyraven was stalking me. That would be awesome.:cool:
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New member
Jan 19, 2006
its not the fact that he spotted me , nor the fact that he said hello. ITS THE FACT THAT HE STALKED ME IN THE DAM STORE AND THAT HE HAS CALLED ME SEVERAL TIMES.. I mean like at least 15 times,,, and that is just uncalled for.. say hi but be descreet.. if I were not a SP then would there be something wrong with it?
Respectfully, I don't believe it was entirely clear that this was the entire point you were making rather than it being but an additional aspect of he acknowledged you. This confusion I believe led to the number of posts in this thread.

I believe we can all agree with what you have clarified your point to be! Stalking someone is both creepy and generally illegal!


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Wow, this guy is a creep. In no way is stocking someone acceptable. You might want to let the cops know about him. Well, stocking someone would only be acceptable if let's say Ladyraven was stocking me. That would be awesome.:cool:
I suspect LR has many nice stockings and that what you meant was stalking.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
this is why i don't see SP's. When in private, she'll be willing to say the most endearing things to you ...... when in public, as the original poster stated, she won't even look at you or want to look at you or be seen with you
Duh ! So I guess you would be OK if she ran over and introduce herself to your family when she has seen you at a restaurant ??? I hope you will give her at least 5 minutes to relay your sex performance to your mom.

You are correct in avoiding SPs until you can differentiate them from girlfriends. No matter how well we both seem to enjoy our time together, after I pay the SP and leave - we are living separate lives. If it was anything longterm I wanted - I would have signed up to a dating service.

It is obvious that the idiot following this SP around is a first class social loser with no girlfriend. I'm guessing when he finally takes the hint, he'll go back to establishing a girlfriend status with his favorite SC dancer.
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