What makes an older woman older?


New member
Dec 21, 2004
Joyful C,
Would it have been possible for you to resist the political jibe in a tread in which such was inappropriate? By the way, the war in Iraq is not illegal. There was a declaration of war. The US and its allies do not need the approval of the UN to make the war "legal". Whether it was justified may be debated. There also is virtually no evidence that it was at least directly about oil. If it had been, do you really think that oil would be at the price that it is?
DonQuixote said:
I agree. I have two daughters 25 and younger. For me to spend time with an SP that age or younger is very icky and I make every effort to avoid that situation. I am tempted, though. Only tempted.
LOL... I thought I was the only one with this problem! My daughter is only 19, so I have a little more lee-way, but I have a new policy that I won't see an SP younger than my daughter. Not an issue at the moment, but it will become so in a few years. What I find especially worrisome though, is when I ogle her girlfriends (discretely of course...) wondering if any of them are perhaps MPAs! Bad evil man, I am...

As for the "older" women, I have seen SPs that are as "old" as early 30s and agree with others that experience is worth lots... both in terms of "performance" but also conversation. I am very late 40s, so anyone too close to my age will start to remind me of my ex!

I think the trick is to think of hobbying a bit like eating... it's important to have a good balance between all of the food groups! In the case of SPs... some older, some younger, some slim, some more voluptuous, different races, different hair colour! At it's heart, hobbying is about meeting and exploring women for me, and there is benefit to all "flavours"!


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Vietor said:
Joyful C,
Would it have been possible for you to resist the political jibe in a tread in which such was inappropriate?
Sure, but I didn't feel it was that inappropriate.

Vietor said:
By the way, the war in Iraq is not illegal. There was a declaration of war. The US and its allies do not need the approval of the UN to make the war "legal".
Perhaps "illegal" was a poor word. No one called it "illegal" when Japan and Germany marched on and invaded other countries, I suppose. In retrospect, though, it was stupid and led to their downfall -- as it probably will with the US and it's "allies" too.

Vietor said:
Whether it was justified may be debated. There also is virtually no evidence that it was at least directly about oil. If it had been, do you really think that oil would be at the price that it is?
Okay, here's where we come to the difference between age and maturity. I may be incredibly capable of being immature at times -- especially when there's fun to be had.

But I've been around nearly half a century, and your statement above cracked me up.

Are you so naive that you think that Bush & Co. want to get control of oil so they can ensure we little people will have lower prices at the pumps?

That's too cute!

Older men and women are probably less hung up on proving their maturity and less inhibited about behaving with immature abandon -- but the big difference between younger people and older people is how many times they've been around the block, and what they learned on their travels.



New member
Dec 21, 2004
I think that you are concluding that you are older than I. Alas, I am viewing the half century mark from the other side. And to be called naive is yet another adjective that those who know me would find difficult to apply. On the other hand, your seeming obsession that "Bush & Co." are attempting to get control over the world oil market is a pipe dream at best.

If you think that GWB is not acutely aware of the impact that increasing gas prices are having on the "we little people", you do not have much understanding of the U.S. economy and what its drivers are. The little guy, Mr. Consumer, is the engine of our economy and, for that matter, Canada's and much of the rest of the world. If Mr. Consumer can't buy other things because of the price of gas, watch what the effect will be. And watch what the effect will be when Mr. Consumer decides he has to cut his gas purchases.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Vietor said:
I think that you are concluding that you are older than I. Alas, I am viewing the half century mark from the other side.
Sure, but you know what they say about girls maturing faster than boys. You can't be blamed for being a bit behind the curve.

Vietor said:
If you think that GWB is not acutely aware of the impact that increasing gas prices are having on the "we little people", you do not have much understanding of the U.S. economy and what its drivers are.
On the contrary, I think I understand that they're the same "drivers" who bought hemis and big-ass SUVs and other "ego" vehicles with engines that guzzle down gas and are capable of going much faster than our speed limits allow us.

When we have all these people buying these HUGE engines, is it any mystery why we're paying top dollar at the pumps? It's a sellers' market.

And it makes sense to control the petroleum while it lasts.

Vietor said:
The little guy, Mr. Consumer, is the engine of our economy and, for that matter, Canada's and much of the rest of the world. If Mr. Consumer can't buy other things because of the price of gas, watch what the effect will be. And watch what the effect will be when Mr. Consumer decides he has to cut his gas purchases.
Sure, but in the meantime, there'll be some lag on that where "Mr. Consumer" will be paying the big bucks to support the choices he made in the recent past -- and that, dear sir, is where speculative profits are made.

By the time he gets around to modifying his habits and choices, prices will be driven up sufficiently to ensure that the rest of us will be paying inflated prices for our modest expenditure of gasoline (in our little old VWs) and for our home heating, hydro usage, etc.

In actuality, I believe that Bush is just a "poster boy" -- I don't believe he has the intelligence or insight to actually spearhead any of these initiatives. He's just the kid with the bulls-eye painted on him who gets hung out front. So when I say "Bush & Co." I'm really talking about the people with their hand up his butt, making his mouth move.

But meanwhile, I thought your initial point was that a discussion of politics was "inappropriate" to this discussion. (Flushed you out, eh? ;) ) You noted, with girlish indignance, that the war in Iraq wasn't illegal. Well, how do you figure? We were once told that it was "illegal" for Clinton to lie to us about his private indulgences with another consenting adult (even if she was a very immature adult, lacking in judgement and self-control). We were told that Clinton needed to be impeached because he dared to lie in response to this inappropriate question about his personal life.

Now we have a president (if you can call him that!) and an administration that has blatantly lied to embroil the US in a war and escalate hostility all over the world. His lies have cost the lives of American citizens, as well as those of innocent civilians the world over. His lies have destabilized the entire world. And you don't think this can be called "illegal"?

What colour is the sky on your planet, sweetie?



Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Ogenstein said:
What makes an older woman older?
If her birthdate is before yours... she is older.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Increasing vaginal dryness makes an older woman even older. No substitute for fresh, young wet pussy has been found yet, despite all these older broads trying to turn back the biological clock with vaginal reconstruction, botox injections, hair dying etc.. Older women get with the program and age gracefully, you cannot compete a young woman physically and biologically, only mentally as you have the edge in life experience.


only 3some's
Jun 18, 2005
lomotil said:
Increasing vaginal dryness makes an older woman even older. No substitute for fresh, young wet pussy has been found yet, despite all these older broads trying to turn back the biological clock with vaginal reconstruction, botox injections, hair dying etc.. Older women get with the program and age gracefully, you cannot compete a young woman physically and biologically, only mentally as you have the edge in life experience.

sure, but if i said this i would have everyone all over me.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
JoyfulC said:
What if Bill Clinton had chosen to dally with a more mature (in sophistication at least, if not in years) woman than Monica Lewinsky -- a giddy young girl who couldn't keep a secret if it were crazy-glued to her? How might his reality come out differently? How might things be different for us today? Would people be dying in some senseless, illegal war-for-oil? Maybe not.

I guess as youth passes, so does memory. Illegal war? What about the war to liberate Kosovo? What was the "sense" in that?

I guess the Bush bashers can't help themselves.


only 3some's
Jun 18, 2005
Cinema Face said:
I guess as youth passes, so does memory. Illegal war? What about the war to liberate Kosovo? What was the "sense" in that?

I guess the Bush bashers can't help themselves.

how can you bash bush? he gives every drunken cokehead the dream that if they quit the booze and coke on their 40th b-day they can be president too.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
homonger said:
Although I am not young, I am still young enough where I think it is okay for me to want to be with 21-22 year old sp's. However, as I get older, will there come a time where that would just be inappropriate? Is it okay for a 60 year old to be with a 21 year old, or is that just too icky?
My guess is that you will find a way of dealing with it.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Whatever is comfortable and sexy for you and your partner is okay. Age only matters to those involved. What any third party thinks shouldn't matter to you and the person who chooses to play with you.

I have known men who can't imagine being with a woman over 25. And I've known men who couldn't imagine being with a woman under 40.

For myself, I naturally prefer men 40+ or older -- and always did, even when I was younger. It's just what I'm most comfortable with. But that's not to say that I haven't met (or don't currently know) younger men that I feel comfortable with. I'm not comfortable with most, but there are some I click with.

But in general, I don't have good luck with younger men. Case in point: a guy wrote me last week to ask if 26 was too young for me. (He's younger than my only kid!!!) But still, I've been getting grief from friends lately who insist I should give younger men a chance, and so I wrote him back and noted that, while I prefer men my own age or older, I'd be willing to see if I clicked with someone his age.


Well, he writes me back and asks if he would need to book "a paid appointment" to see if we click. And he notes that "as a student" he doesn't like to "spend too much money."


Hello! I'm a call girl!!! I advertise as such. I'm not fishing around online to find someone for good times (although I enjoy good times as much as anyone) -- obviously, to any _mature_ person with two brain cells to rub together, I'm looking for someone who has no problem paying my rates.

If I was into (or knew how to handle) younger men, I'd be a lot better heeled because I get tons of inquiries each week from men under 30. And I actually have some clients in that age range, but I think they're more the exception than the rule.

There's probably a bigger difference mentally and emotionally between younger men and older men than younger women and older women.



New member
Apr 18, 2002
He's Everywhere!
JoyfulC said:
If I was into (or knew how to handle) younger men, I'd be a lot better heeled because I get tons of inquiries each week from men under 30. And I actually have some clients in that age range, but I think they're more the exception than the rule.

There's probably a bigger difference mentally and emotionally between younger men and older men than younger women and older women.

... and here I thought that only men were heeled.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
He's Everywhere!
JoyfulC said:
But when I think of the difference between 'younger' women and 'older' women (and men too -- although men are always kids), I think of it as one of sophistication. What if Bill Clinton had chosen to dally with a more mature (in sophistication at least, if not in years) woman than Monica Lewinsky -- a giddy young girl who couldn't keep a secret if it were crazy-glued to her? How might his reality come out differently? How might things be different for us today? Would people be dying in some senseless, illegal war-for-oil? Maybe not.

Prince Charles was found to have a mistress. Both he and the woman were 'older'. [chuckling]

For what it's worth, I do believe that he has acquitted himself somewhat better than President Clinton did. I would also suggest that this judgement may also apply to his mistress as well.

-- "Youth is wasted on the young."


Sep 16, 2002
Stoo said:
LOL... I thought I was the only one with this problem! My daughter is only 19, so I have a little more lee-way, but I have a new policy that I won't see an SP younger than my daughter. Not an issue at the moment, but it will become so in a few years. What I find especially worrisome though, is when I ogle her girlfriends (discretely of course...) wondering if any of them are perhaps MPAs! Bad evil man, I am...
I know...it is a bit off topic...but I thought that the Dads might appreciate this clip...the look on the guy's face at the end is priceless..


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