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What makes an older woman older?


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Sep 23, 2004
Ogenstein said:
Prince Charles was found to have a mistress. Both he and the woman were 'older'. [chuckling]

For what it's worth, I do believe that he has acquitted himself somewhat better than President Clinton did. I would also suggest that this judgement may also apply to his mistress as well.

-- "Youth is wasted on the young."
I think so too. Being American by birth and upbringing, I still have a bit of difficulty with all this British royalty nonsense -- and so I was mostly just disgusted over the years of Charles' bachelorhood (... most of us back home figured he was gay), his courtship with Di and marriage, and then the resulting paparazzi bullshit.

By chance, I happened to catch the ceremony of Charles' and Camilla's wedding on CNN. !!! I was stunned. After more than 30 years in this business, I think I'm a pretty good judge of character -- and she struck me as a very humble and gracious person.

Too bad for silly rules that prevented them from marrying before. She would have been the better wife for him -- not withstanding all of Di's excellent qualities in other areas. But yes, of course, I feel she was way more seemly and discreet than Monica -- even with the wolves all around her. I suspect she's a hell of a woman, to have captured and held a man's heart the way she did Charles' (who, while he might not be that great of a guy, certainly had plenty reasons to go with a shallower option). And at the same time to remain as occult as she did with such intense media focus on her.

If there were any indiscretions in this whole situation, they came from Charles and Di -- not from Camilla. (As far as I know.)

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