What is your annual budget for the hobby?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Try to average $100 a week or so or go 3 weeks without and then spend 300-400 Will be doing less next year . Other things I want to spend time and money on


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
It used to be about $200 per week but an unfortunate incident which I am not going to talk about. helped push me more to the sidelines.
Case of loss of a faith in the hobby I guess.
The extra money has been channeled to fine dining and shoes :)


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
How about how many times a month would you indulge in this hobby?

Mine is 2-3 times at least. Average run on each $150.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
This thread is really fascinating.

LMAO that was my thought. But hey, get em cheap if you can I guess and don't take that wrong RM. I mean no disrespect. I know how you misinterpreted things.
Hey Jessica how many times a month do you have a loyal client coming to see you?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
No actual budget. I've spent as much as $20K and as little as $1K in a year. Average is probably around $5K.
Sometimes I'm all set to see someone (aside from actually having an appt), but then I think of how terrible the value is, relatively speaking, and I end up treating myself to a nice dinner, or going out with friends instead. I think this mindset helps keep my spending down.
Other times, of course, I'm horny enough to just completely ignore the crappy value proposition. It's all in moderation, though, so not a big deal.


New member
Nov 1, 2019
I try to average 1 session of $300 every other week = $7,800 per year. But I mus admit I often will go for stretches of every week or twice per week. So I probably come in about $10k per year.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
I wont put numbers but when I first started I had no structure no budget and just hobbied whenever I had the urge, even did 2 trips... Let me tell you the end of year accounting really was a shocker. When I moved to Toronto I established a strict monthly Budget. I have actually decreased that budget recently. I think it is critical to have a budget in something like this, this hobby can be addicting and there is no limit on how much you can spend. If someone is new to this hobby that is one of my number one recommendations, to set a monthly budget.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
Before I never really kept track of it. It was typically around between 100 to 250 every once in a while.

One day I decided to check my ATM visits over the course of a year and pick out the relevant ones. When I added everything up it was a ridiculously astounding sum and it made me realize that it certainly adds up and I need to keep it under control. Ever since then it has only been occasional for me.

I think of things I could have done with that money such as Renovations on my house or lavish vacations or fine dining in clothing or Investments.

I moved from about 11K down to 3K.


Jan 4, 2005
To me, these numbers that you guys are throwing out are kind of crazy... I thought I had a extravagant year, seeing an escort maybe on average twice a month for the whole year. That's 25 times, so about $5,000. To me, even that is way too excessive. I think I'm more of a once a month kind of guy. Even if I had more money, I wouldn't be seeing escorts much more often.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
To me, these numbers that you guys are throwing out are kind of crazy... I thought I had a extravagant year, seeing an escort maybe on average twice a month for the whole year. That's 25 times, so about $5,000. To me, even that is way too excessive. I think I'm more of a once a month kind of guy. Even if I had more money, I wouldn't be seeing escorts much more often.
Agreed. but I am at an age where I might as well use it before I lose it. Making up for lost time. I was seeing the one twice a month at $160, which is way too much to explain away, but I was still left with an itch. Sex twice a month wasn't cutting it for me. Then I discovered a gilf for $60 which in my opinion is well within a sensible budget.Sort of like a cheap parking ticket. Now my needs are met, and I get a little variety between two women.


New member
Jun 7, 2019
A couple years ago when the economy was better I was spending around 75g a year, guess I was going through a mid-life crisis haha. That number didn’t really sink in till my book keeper asked me about all the cash withdrawals, she thought I had a drug or gambling problem. I’ve cut that number almost in half mostly due to a couple SD arrangements I have

J.A. Prufrock

Well-known member
Feb 27, 2018
A couple years ago when the economy was better I was spending around 75g a year, guess I was going through a mid-life crisis haha. That number didn’t really sink in till my book keeper asked me about all the cash withdrawals, she thought I had a drug or gambling problem. I’ve cut that number almost in half mostly due to a couple SD arrangements I have
Is your book keeper hot? If so, could you hit it and stay under budget?


New member
Jun 7, 2019
She’s a total smoke show but not a chance I’m going there. She’s my best friends wife
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