What do you say to a stripper?


New member
Nov 29, 2006
Just wondering what you guys talk about during the pre-champagne room stage of the transaction?

Me, I usually ask about their previous sexual experiences and I usually get told about how good a deep throat that they can do. But lately, I feel the need to expand my conversation therefore the question.

Jul 28, 2006
Is say "get off my lap, you're crushin' my smokes!"

Seriously though ask them an open ended question about themselves. Everyone finds it easy to talk about yourself. Listen to what she says and think of subsequent questions from her answer. For example if she says she's not from Ottawa, as her where she's from, what brought her here. Depends on where you want the conversation to go. Relax and have fun.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
You can say something like "NO thats not a roll of nickels" I am just happy to see U!! :D
Then you can discuss global warming and how many carbon credits she bought lately?


Aug 29, 2007
This is interesting. I've always wondered what is a good way of inquiring with a stripper what kind of "extra mileage" is on the menu without getting slapped. I usually just wait for them to bring it up. Any suggestions anyone?


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
When they say "Hi baby" I ask how they knew my name. Things just flow from there.

Or when they ask if I would like a dance I ask if they'll repect me in the morning. That usually gets a reaction.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Lol Good one ToughB! Gonna steal it now.

As I can usually be found chatting up the Shooter Girls, I ask if she would like a shot too.

Was trying to be a good boy last night, but even still got a few short dances. Just could not turn down this leggy new girl and one I've seen around, but never got dances from. Oh the addiction continues...


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
I'll chat about the weather, where they're from, sports and current events, how their night is going, that sort of thing. I've found certain lines of questions only lead the ladies to say how much I'll enjoy it if only I take them for a dance.


New member
Apr 15, 2007
Open ended questions are good, especially if you are genuinely interested in what they are doing. A lot of these discussions can be pretty interesting, and I have made some acquaintences that way.

The other interesting part is the post-CR part of the transaction. That's the part where you pay and walk out and they act like you're invisible. :rolleyes:


New member
Nov 29, 2006
castle_79 said:
This is interesting. I've always wondered what is a good way of inquiring with a stripper what kind of "extra mileage" is on the menu without getting slapped. I usually just wait for them to bring it up. Any suggestions anyone?
Yes, how does one inquire about "extra mileage" without offending. Are strippers expecting this type of question or is it unusual?


Member who hasn't been around much lately!
Apr 17, 2005
AFter small talk:

"Have you been on stage yet".....

"I'm just here for a a few drinks".... (implying no dances so she doesn't get her h opes up)

How many tatooes do you have? I could care less but they loveeeeeeee talking about their tatoos.

How many kids do you have? They prefer talking about tatoos but kids do in a pinch.

"Are they real"........ "I don't believe you, can I poke them to make sure"

"How much did they cost", Its amazing how readily they will tell you everything about the cost, the operation etc etc.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Strippers, strippers, strippers

Okay, here is the my take on the whole striper situation.

First of all, you have to realize that strippers are not SPs. They all know that the option exists haven't chosen it at least not outright. My experience tells me that on the subject of providing SP like services, strippers fall into one of several categories.

1) scared/shy/newbies - This type is most just scared to go there, they haven't really gotten comfortable stripping yet and the idea of "doing more" is not something they are really considering. Solution: leave them alone as far SP services go, if they change their mind in the future maybe you'll be fortunate enough to be in their good graces

2) A line they don't cross - This type is pretty comfortable getting naked for a living, even grinding you in the champagne room, but they achieved this level of comfort by creating a distinction in their mind between what they do and what "hookers" do and crossing this line would completely undermine their sense of self worth. Since crossing the line would be traumatic for them, they aren't likely to. Solution: It's probably okay to inquire about services politely and discretely (see notes below) but trying to pressure them to cross the line will likely tick them off and result in less enjoyable dances in the future

3)Maybe if they know you - This type appears a lot like the previous type and it can be difficult to tell them apart when you first meet them. They are comfortable getting naked, give good dances, tend to be busy and don't need to pressure customers to get dances. They still haven't chosen to become an SP but may see customers outside the club for a little fun but are choosy about who they see. If you don't respect their rules in the champagne room or give them a bad vibe you'll go on the permanent "no" list as far as extras go.solution: Inquire with discretion, (see notes below)

4)Fun in the club/high mileage - This type will consistently do a little extra in the club, but they rarely if ever take it outside the club. They don't like the fear of the unknown circumstances outside the club and they usually have a limited repertoire. They know how to push the boundaries inside the club and can get you where you need to go in 10-or 15 minutes but would be like a fish out of water for anymore time than that.Solution: enjoy the club time with them, they've found a way to be good at what they do. They tend to make terrible SPs, and they don't need the money anyway. Lastly Don't talk about them on the boards!!!!

5)Looking for customers - This type will fairly readily see customers outside the club. There's a reason for this: they're having a hard time making money inside the club. Either because they're a little past their prime or a little crazy or both. These are also really bad SPs, they tend not be able to build a business of loyal customers so they rely on the strip club to provide an endless supply of new customers, who are horny and half cut when they meet them. Solution: It's not worth it

Talking about extras:
This needs to be a quite, private and discreet inquiry. Don't put you or the girl in the position of being overheard, or the outcome will be "no". In addition you should find a way of asking in such a way that what you say could be overheard and still not be incriminating. The additional information the women may need to fully understand the meaning of the question can be provided by you with body language, a raised eyebrow, a wink, a squeeze of the hand...etc For example ( and I'm not telling you what to say here ) you might spend the first few minutes of conversation with the girl talking about sex, positions, techniques, whatever. During that conversation you might get around to gently squeezing her hand to demonstrate a particular aspect of what you're talking about, rhythm, pressure, whatever. After the dance and you determine she's the right type to ask the question to, you can ask a very Innocent question and communicate a completely different message by gently squeezing her hand again while asking it.

The last thing is that if you get a positive response it's important to ask about cost. You should not expect that there girls are going to have competitive rates, they will be higher. Don't, I repeat don't negotiate. It's insulting and rude. Even if she lowers her price, shes going to feel cheated and you're going to have a bad time. Instead take it at face value, you should have an idea what you want to pay before you ask the question but don't mention this unless she asks you. If the price is too high for you, make a point of showing gratitude that at least the option exists and then tell her that it's outside your price range at the moment. Maybe another time it won't be.

I could on, but I think that should be enough to get you started. Learn to tell the difference between the types, learn to appreciate them for what they are, and above all show the ladies some much deserved respect.


Y Hunter

seasonal AMP user
Aug 5, 2005
^ A very good read. I believe the techniques can be applied on MA as well.
Just have to think carefully before you speak and the ladies will be happy to serve you.


New member
May 5, 2003
its truth that long diatribe of first gratuations.
wow longer than a penticostal crossword over bagel and lox.

mostly about mo money mo problems in there the oily west is useless as Ive said in no CR etc.. but some good io Orttawa as i recomned barbarela.
but money tlaks and talk is for cheapskates.... and found that that is the plan to drop a few greenies before Stevie even talks bout leather n lace 60 up front and more for dance dont watk with out 120 in the can for certain maybe then the handy man no manje will drop in.. mayube but tdont pig out.

dress lie class with the 3 piece suit for certain, a hat if you have oine. not a cap backwards ass country fuck. but a fedora. feather in you cap in your ass.
quit nice stuff ginglefinn.

money tlaks for certain.. be there and be squre adn youll be acomanied back to the MINTO or the ROUAL whatever. 400 hour for nintendo hotstuff and shell recharge you as much as able till you d cell becomes a hearing aid.

but be classy and nice and thrown Ralph $$$ all over you be happy.
Jul 28, 2006
^^^^^ What ? I've lost my secret decoder ring, can someone please translate!

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
530marcus said:
but be classy and nice and thrown Ralph $$$ all over you be happy.
Lol Word! But just FYI, some of my favs at Barb's will still kick your ass to the curb for asking. Tyler is gone (she could literally do that), but there are quite a few that react badly to being asked. I know, I seem to be their fav Father Confessor...

Too bad Peeler Feeler took the good name :rolleyes:


New member
Apr 15, 2007
If you go back into marcus' earlier posts, he writes pretty normally. I suspect he fell on his head or had some bad drugs. :rolleyes: He's always a fun read now.

Twizzler's got some great pointers, but I agree with Lurk ... discretion is the key.
Jul 28, 2006
Kubrickfan said:
I suspect he fell on his head or had some bad drugs. :rolleyes: He's always a fun read now.
For sure he's a good read, I sometimes shake my head cuz I think I'm the one on drugs after reading his posts!


530marcus said:
its truth that long diatribe of first gratuations.
wow longer than a penticostal crossword over bagel and lox.

mostly about mo money mo problems in there the oily west is useless as Ive said in no CR etc.. but some good io Orttawa as i recomned barbarela.
but money tlaks and talk is for cheapskates.... and found that that is the plan to drop a few greenies before Stevie even talks bout leather n lace 60 up front and more for dance dont watk with out 120 in the can for certain maybe then the handy man no manje will drop in.. mayube but tdont pig out.

dress lie class with the 3 piece suit for certain, a hat if you have oine. not a cap backwards ass country fuck. but a fedora. feather in you cap in your ass.
quit nice stuff ginglefinn.

money tlaks for certain.. be there and be squre adn youll be acomanied back to the MINTO or the ROUAL whatever. 400 hour for nintendo hotstuff and shell recharge you as much as able till you d cell becomes a hearing aid.

but be classy and nice and thrown Ralph $$$ all over you be happy.
Wuz wit wubbie didja doob da wassup on da flidlip funkdoun on yer buksum oozer?

Don't ask, it's between 530M and I !!!


It varies how I start a convo with a peeler chickster dudette type lady but it almost always ends with "thank you" :p
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