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What do you say to a stripper?


New member
Nov 29, 2006
wrt twizzler2's 12:13 pm post above - excellent read. Very thoughtful and informative.

Just wanted to say "thanks" for the great response.


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
I popped into the Silver Dollar this afternoon and was not planning on any CR action, just a quick beer and out. The waitress hadn't even taken my order when the parade started. Every single chick approached me to go into the CR and kept continuing even when they saw that I was blowing them all off. I finally settled on Rosa as she was the only one with any tits to speak of. 2 mediocre dances and I was out of there. As I was leaving, the first one that had approached me earlier came up to me at the door and said "Well, I guess my tits aren't big enough for you". I told every one of them, "I just came in for a quick beer and I'm leaving" yet the still kept coming. Biggest turn off for me. If I want you, I'll find you.
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