What do SP's do when they quit the Biz?


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
petitelover said:
My goodness, you certainly are belittling the SP crowd. The point in my post is that SP's have a hard time, not impossible time, acclimating to society. Money made in this business is analogous to an aphrodisiac and when they see it is not as forthcoming with a lot more work in the "real world" many become disenchanted with the work concept and resort to other avenues of income. Based upon your response, and please take not offense to this, it certainly sounds like you have a lot of pent up anger directed at this business. I am glad to hear you are leading a very fulfilling life.

I think she responding her way because you spoke about something you know nothing about or ever will. Unless you are or have been an SP or any other lady in the adult industry, you should never speak about your assumptions and that you know how it is, you don't. Shes not showing anger, she's showing you your place.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Morgan Ellis said:
What are you basing this on? Which well researched follow up study on the lives of ex-non-street working sex workers did you draw this data from? Seriously, quote me some sources here - I'd love to read them.

Oh, that's right - there are no sources, other than the fertile ground of your own imagination.

Do you know what makes both current and ex hookers alike bitter? Reading idiotic drivel like this, over and over and over again. Drivel couched as facts, and presented as such.

The reality is that you have no idea what kind of success we lead in the 'real world', because most of us became adept a long, long time ago at blending both parts of our lives seamlessly. Segueing into non-sexwork is a piece of cake, compared to the juggling we do while we're working F/T.

Hard as it may be to believe, we're not all crack addled, shopping addicted head cases who can't hold down a day job or a relationship. It would be nice if there was just one place where almost everyone didn't believe all of those stupid stereotypes, and present them as facts engraved in stone.

- Morgan
Morgan, you know what I think? I think he made these statements because if someone like himself had a job that paid above average wages and he had to down-grade to the "real world" wages, he'd probably lose it. He wouldn't know what to do with himself so assuming that someone making "tax-free" cash that some don't even see in one paycheck would obviously not be able to handle a "real" 9-5, 45% tax cut and health benefits. I'm being funny. What he doesn't realize is that he's not an SP and he doesn't know a damn thing about what SPs do while they are SPing and what they can do after they leave the business. Could it be that some may think it's so easy to be a SP in the first place? That SPs couldn't make it in the "real world" in the first place so they became SPs? Could be but I would be an ASS to assume he's one of these.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Strongbeau said:
Some of them marry people like Paul McCartney.
she got a sweet deal, better then an SP

better to get the milk from one cow then have to milk a whole bunch to get a gallon of milk


New member
Dec 19, 2006
Morgan Ellis said:
Hard as it may be to believe, we're not all crack addled, shopping addicted head cases who can't hold down a day job or a relationship. It would be nice if there was just one place where almost everyone didn't believe all of those stupid stereotypes, and present them as facts engraved in stone.
- Morgan
You really can't assume that all women in the business are "crack and or shopping addicts". Thank you Moragn for your comments you're proof that there are level head SP's out there. I've met a few in my 9 years of hobbying.

The reason why I posted this thread was because I wanted to know if SP's have ever thought about these issues because I almost came close to falling for a couple SP's. 3 to be exact. I always questioned, "Could I ever have a working relations with an SP/ex SP?" I know I couldn’t be with an active working SP. I fell for this one girl pretty good and just reading reviews on her… It was good. Especially when you have guys calling her a whore/slut/dirty whore you name it. You know when I read stuff like that I’m actually ashamed to be guy you know. No respect what so ever.

Another thing, the only women I meet that are worth dating are usually SP's.
But realistically I could never have a relationship with a SP. There would be way to many problems. The only good thing about dating an SP would be that she wouldn't have to hide or lie that she was an SP at one point in her life.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
markb1655 said:
But realistically I could never have a relationship with a SP.
Do you know what I always think when I read that statement?

"How do you know you haven't already?"

I'm not being facetious, either - I've known more than a few women in my time who, underneath a surface life of respectability, have thriving part time careers as successful SPs. And trust me - they're excellent at hiding it. From everyone, including their SOs and families...

That aside, the reason that this issue upsets me is that once more we're experiencing something that few other people ever do - the experience of being simply as what it is we do, rather than who it is we are.

There are as many different types of women in sexwork as there are women in any line of work. Yes, there are sexual abuse survivors who work as SPs - but there are also sexually abused women working in banks, or offices, or living in your homes. I've known and met crack addicted professionals from all walks of life, so that's not solely the province of sexworkers, either. As for vain, shallow, shopping addicted mercenaries - umm, been to Yorkville lately? The average trophy wife can put a ho to shame when it comes to sheer, avaricious, conspicuous consumption.

On the flip side, I've known sexworkers who were avid volunteer workers, full time students, ex missionaries (seriously), skilled artists, tireless workers for human rights, and committed wives and mothers. Are we all saints? No. But we're certainly more than the just the sum of what we do or did for a living.

One thing that no one seems to have considered is that it is sometimes hard for SPs to quit working entirely for the same reason it's hard for men to quit seeing us - the excitement can be addictive, as can the sex. That can be harder by far to walk away from than the money....

- Morgan

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
red said:
they become politicians
Actually, there is a rumour that a certain well known GTA mayor used to be a call girl way back (and I mean way back) in her day.

Who knows what SPs do when they retire, maybe some PhD anthropology student did a thesis on it. After all, SPs could be considered a subset of society.

I would imagine that many of them do just fine. I would imagine that some don't. Just like everyone else.

Two things are for sure, 1. Some guys on here seem to have some perverse sense of forward looking "shadenfreuden" (spelling) with respect to a woman that they used to pay 300 bucks an hour for falling on very hard times, and 2 Society in general is fascinated by the "Hooker who has fallen from Grace" type story.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
petitelover said:
My goodness, you certainly are belittling the SP crowd. The point in my post is that SP's have a hard time, not impossible time, acclimating to society. Money made in this business is analogous to an aphrodisiac and when they see it is not as forthcoming with a lot more work in the "real world" many become disenchanted with the work concept and resort to other avenues of income. Based upon your response, and please take not offense to this, it certainly sounds like you have a lot of pent up anger directed at this business. I am glad to hear you are leading a very fulfilling life.
I'm belittling the SP crowd? Are you kidding me?
You make a post such as yours, assuming that most former SPs have a hard time merging into society and you say I am belittling?
Sweetheart, the only bitterness I have toward this business is because of idiots like you who assume the facts without having any experience whatsoever. Oh those poor ex-hookers must be having such a hard time getting used to living in the 'real world'. Hey here is a secret for ya, we have been living in the so called 'real world' all along, just like you ;).
There are MANY women in this business who are far more intelligent than you could imagine, just because we sell our bodies for money does not degrade us into the lower ranks of society.
I absolutely LOVED working as an SP but as with everything else in life, things change and other facets of my life became a priority.
There are likely 10x more women in society that are having a harder time adjusting to living in the real world that have never even thought of becoming SP's than those who have actually been SP's.

Like I said, I'm not bitter, I just wish more people would pull their heads out of their asses once in a while.


New member
Dec 19, 2006
Morgan Ellis said:
Do you know what I always think when I read that statement?

"How do you know you haven't already?"

I'm not being facetious, either - I've known more than a few women in my time who, underneath a surface life of respectability, have thriving part time careers as successful SPs. And trust me - they're excellent at hiding it. From everyone, including their SOs and families...

- Morgan
That could be a possibility but I highly doubt it. If I did find out that she was an actively working SP that would be the end of it. No mater how you look at it that's cheating. Having sexual encounters with strange men regardless if it's for work it's cheating. If you knew about then it wouldn't be cheating.
This is yet another reason why I could never fully trust a women.

They say guys are bad, well women are just as bad if not worse. What's wrong with our society? No one respect ppl anymore, cheating and lying is an everyday day thing. The more I live here the more I want to move to OZ. I tell you the women there are laid back, friendly, approachable, loyal, trust worthy, they love Canadian men (Caucasian). I know I'm generalizing but I have friends down under who can vouche for what I've said.
I know I'm bashing the women here but it's hard to be optimistic with all the crap that I’ve been through and what I’ve herd from others. It's really depressing you know.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
I think she responding her way because you spoke about something you know nothing about or ever will. Unless you are or have been an SP or any other lady in the adult industry, you should never speak about your assumptions and that you know how it is, you don't. Shes not showing anger, she's showing you your place.
Bingo! Thank you!

Morgan, I'm not gonna bother quoting you but just let me say I love you and I think we may be long lost twins or something LOL :)


New member
Dec 19, 2006
jazzy_doll said:
Some people degrade others as it's the only way they will feel better about themselves.
I think ppl are just jealous because SP's are making so much money. Mean while you've got people busting their asses off to make an honest buck. Fortunately I'm not one of them. I've got my own thing going and I couldn’t be happier :).

If I was a hot chick I would seriously consider SP-ing. I would get in, make my money and get out. It's not something I would be proud of doing no, but the money is so damn good that I would do it.
The reason why I say it's not something I would be proud of is;
1. Could I tell people about what I'm doing? No
2. Would I let my daughter do this?
If it were my daughter there's no way in HELL I'd let her do this. This is a dangerous business whether you want to believe it or not. Having sexual encounters with strange men, not good. You never know who you might run into. Heaven forbid you never run into someone like Robert Picton (Killed 50 SP's in BC). You never know it could very well happen. People always say, "it'll never happen to me" but you know it only has to happen once.

Sorry for the negative vibe I'm usually a cheery person it's just that Morgan got me thinking about women and can I really trust them? I was actually thinking of getting back into the dating game but now it’s like, why bother?

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
markb1655 said:
Sorry for the negative vibe I'm usually a cheery person it's just that Morgan got me thinking about women and can I really trust them?

Uh huh. We're on a board frequented by men who seek the services of sex pros, and the main thing you've taken from being here is not to trust women? :rolleyes:

People cheat. Monogamy is hard. It's true for men, and it's true for women - even women in Australia. Get over it, or stay single - or come to terms with it, and accept it for what it is - a simple fact of human biology, and not a personal attack. It's entirely possible for two people to love one another, and be completely committed romantically to each other, and yet to still have sex with outside partners. Trust is another issue altogether from fidelity.

As for the risks inherent in sexwork, no one is going to sit here and deny that there are risks involved in it - and yet, in my opinion and that of many other decrim advocates, most of these risk factors are as a result of society's skewed attitudes towards sexwork, and sex in general. Shoving us into corners as 'undesirable' segments of society is what keeps us unsafe, not the work itself.



ps: Sasha, you know I think you kick ass.


New member
Dec 19, 2006
Morgan Ellis said:
People cheat. Monogamy is hard. It's true for men, and it's true for women - even women in Australia. Get over it, or stay single - or come to terms with it, and accept it for what it is - a simple fact of human biology, and not a personal attack. It's entirely possible for two people to love one another, and be completely committed romantically to each other, and yet to still have sex with outside partners. Trust is another issue altogether from fidelity.
I think I'll take my chances in Oz thank you. There are so many things I hate about the GTA it's not just the women here.
The men there treat the women like shit which is why when they find someone nice their all over them sort of speak. One of my good friends went there to work for a couple months and told me all the stories.
I'm not making the sh*t up. So you can think what ever it is you want to think but I have to believe that there are people in the world who are good, ppl who are honest and respectful to one another and who won’t cheat on their SO.

I totally don't agree with your statement about being in a committed relationship while having outside partners. We really lived in a F-up society if people think that's okay knowing that there SO is partaking in outside sexual relations. In my opinion that’s not right on so many levels. But why am I even talking about morals on an escort review board? It's pointless to even ague really. You’re an SP and you feel strongly to one side and I obviously feel strongly towards the other side.

Anyways that’s my 2 cents…


International User
Jan 14, 2003
Planet Earth
Morgan Ellis said:
What are you basing this on? Which well researched follow up study on the lives of ex-non-street working sex workers did you draw this data from? Seriously, quote me some sources here - I'd love to read them.

Oh, that's right - there are no sources, other than the fertile ground of your own imagination.

Do you know what makes both current and ex hookers alike bitter? Reading idiotic drivel like this, over and over and over again. Drivel couched as facts, and presented as such.

The reality is that you have no idea what kind of success we lead in the 'real world', because most of us became adept a long, long time ago at blending both parts of our lives seamlessly. Segueing into non-sexwork is a piece of cake, compared to the juggling we do while we're working F/T.

Hard as it may be to believe, we're not all crack addled, shopping addicted head cases who can't hold down a day job or a relationship. It would be nice if there was just one place where almost everyone didn't believe all of those stupid stereotypes, and present them as facts engraved in stone.

- Morgan
I base my comments on my own interaction with SP's both personally and professionally. As far as a scientific study - obviously not, but I'm sure your comments have no scientific support of any kind either. That is what this board is about, opinion stated in a format for discussion. With respect to your comment that SP's are "crack addled, shopping addicted head cases who can't hold down a day job or a relationship," based upon the SP's I know and call friends, none are addicted to the stereotypic vises you so easily label.


International User
Jan 14, 2003
Planet Earth
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
Morgan, you know what I think? I think he made these statements because if someone like himself had a job that paid above average wages and he had to down-grade to the "real world" wages, he'd probably lose it. He wouldn't know what to do with himself so assuming that someone making "tax-free" cash that some don't even see in one paycheck would obviously not be able to handle a "real" 9-5, 45% tax cut and health benefits. I'm being funny. What he doesn't realize is that he's not an SP and he doesn't know a damn thing about what SPs do while they are SPing and what they can do after they leave the business. Could it be that some may think it's so easy to be a SP in the first place? That SPs couldn't make it in the "real world" in the first place so they became SPs? Could be but I would be an ASS to assume he's one of these.
Although your rebuttal is nonsensical, I will try to respond. You are correct in that I am not a SP but I know a fair number of them who have confided in me for assistance. I have no doubt certain SP's could become high paid executives in the real world but the question is why don't they try? I respectfully submit the answer is the fast and easy cash available in this business. A lot of SP's claim they are in the biz to obtain money for education, shelter, family, etc and those are certainly noble reasons. In reality, again based on my own non scientific interaction, although they start out with that in mind many (not all) choose to stay on the path simply to raise as much cash as possible for other things. Many (not all) who are in the biz a long time might tend to pick up bad habits - drugs, alcohol, etc and the money disappears. I have the utmost confidence that most SP's have the ability to pick whatever career they want outside this business. The question resolves itself into do they really want to do something else based upon the pay scale they are currently on taking into account the "tax free" status as you so aptly state.


International User
Jan 14, 2003
Planet Earth
Sasha Jones said:
I'm belittling the SP crowd? Are you kidding me?
You make a post such as yours, assuming that most former SPs have a hard time merging into society and you say I am belittling?
Sweetheart, the only bitterness I have toward this business is because of idiots like you who assume the facts without having any experience whatsoever. Oh those poor ex-hookers must be having such a hard time getting used to living in the 'real world'. Hey here is a secret for ya, we have been living in the so called 'real world' all along, just like you ;).
There are MANY women in this business who are far more intelligent than you could imagine, just because we sell our bodies for money does not degrade us into the lower ranks of society.
I absolutely LOVED working as an SP but as with everything else in life, things change and other facets of my life became a priority.
There are likely 10x more women in society that are having a harder time adjusting to living in the real world that have never even thought of becoming SP's than those who have actually been SP's.

Like I said, I'm not bitter, I just wish more people would pull their heads out of their asses once in a while.
I guess I won't be invited to your house for Easter dinner. Too bad, it would be an interesting interaction. You state I have no experience. Well, if the litmus test for having experience is being a SP - then I agree. On the other hand, my experience is in my interaction with current and former SP's. One can learn a lot from such a diverse group. I don't have pity for SP's as you suggest - it is a choice one makes as is the hobby itself. As far as your comment that SP's lack intelligence, nothing can be farther from the truth. I view SP's as having a tremendous amount of "street smarts" and even though I have many years of education, I personally would take "street smarts" over academics any day of the week. Sasha, think about Easter Dinner - I'll bring the wine!

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
To me, it comes down to this...stereotyping other people based on your limited personal experience with a particular group is wildly pointless, particularly if you have never been in that person's line of work.

To choose to denigrate many fabulous guys based on both the asshat clients I've met in person, and even more often, based on overly-defensive pissy men on boards like these, to describe clients on that basis as thoughtless, purposely confrontational, insecure, and utterly unfamiliar with the concept that life is too bloody short to spend it in idle speculation about the lives of others without any real understanding of their own motivations in doing so would be a waste of everyone's time.

Of course one of my giant shortcomings is that I find it difficult not to get involved in these provocative discussions and do precisely that even when I know posting cutesy-pie quizzes and pictures of my ass will get me far more business interest.

Oh well. Sucks to be me.

And, I think I'm with you on this one Alexa. I am now officially taking the "Bitch Please! Option Of Non-Participation In Idle And Excruciatingly Repetitive Speculation About SPs Lives" vow.

Unofficially known as the BP!OONPIIAERSASL, or BP!O. See my sig...


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
jazzy_doll said:
Having read your (ladies) posts, I am so relieved! I was beginning to think that "doll" in my handle was somewhat misleading, that I am mistaken for some kind of "blow-up" with no mind. I am so glad of my upcoming scarcity from this board, nothing against the board itself. Happy hobbying guys!
You mean you're gonna leave without telling us all about yourself!:(
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