What are you doing to save the planet ?


Apr 25, 2007
There seems to be a huge debate over man made materials that can cause wildlife ,aquatic life ,and agriculture crisis's .
Not to mention the natural disasters that are caused from un natural causes .

So it takes a earthquake for the world to donate Theres still many countries since the day I was born are in deseperate for aid and food ,yet they still starve and i will never ever understand that .

So since i'm not a hooker anymore saving horny men ,cause it seriously is not that rewarding .I used to think I was saving a child from molestation or an innocent woman from being raped .Those two issues still exist at large and it doesn't justify it any longer since they both are on the rise .I feel I must focus my intelligence on what I have been taking advatange and for granted for and that is the planet .

I know it comes across as political and yet I perceive it as the right thing to do .I don't care what people believe in but one thing is for sure ,the planet is crying out for help .

I know people can try to tell me i'm nuts and Its ok ,they are only interested in prophit and the new trend of living for the moment and not giving a shit about our waters ,land ,vegatation ,animals,or atmosphere cause in there mind they won't be here when the truth comes out ,there children and grandchildren will though .In such desperate times its all about take take take .So let me explain why its so important why we start from the ground up to those who used to be like me that take everything for granted

Plastic bags should be banned -they are made out of a polethyene man-made material -they never decompose -inorganic material

Yet people are complaining about paying for 5 cents for a material that kills soil wildlife and aquatic life

So I pick on all the fastfood chains the dominator being Tim Hortons since 365 million cups get thrown into landfills every year and that are non biodegradable ,yet everyone throws them in the recycacle bin not realizing they are not being recycled
Subway refuses to even put a recycable bin in there restaurants for there beverages .The list goes on and on .

All these chemicals and toxins that we breathe everyday come from materials that are not meant to be dumped .

The aquatic life can't differenciate bewteen digestive particles and microscopic plastics .These particles will poison animals and aquatic life .We know how the food chain works the larger prey eat the smaller prrey and so forth and now I think twice about eating sushi

So the best thing Canada did was introduce the reusable bag and yet they still give you a choice to buy plastic to harm the planet .Whats the message ?

Glass should only be recycled cause it takes a million years !to breakdown .Do you ever go to the ocean an look for shells and see a piece of colored glass rounded up ,thats how long it stays in the ocean a million years

We always have money for disaster and we wont have a planet if you all don't realize how important recycling and making biodegradable product is for everyone not just canada . The ground will fight back so be prepared for more disaster until we start cleaning up the lakes and soil .I will only eat organic food until people start helping the farmers .Also we haven't even got into the sun overheating the planet ,nor the polution we pump out .We all have choices .Some rather chase the high mighty dollar and rot . Oil will explode from overheating also that might get some attention .Global warming ccomes from man not natural causes

So what are you doing to save aquaticlife,wildlife,and the soil,atmosphere,and humans from new airbourne disease?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I have a yard full of snow that remains unmolested.


hung like a squirrel
Jan 28, 2006
Peeler Region
oh please

The planet is fine, and does not need saving. It will be here long after we kill ourselves off.

Enjoy life, make yourself as comfortable as possible, don't deliberately hurt others, and don't worry about shit you can't change.
I feel no guilt about living the way I do, why should I? Because I was born here? Because my parents were smart enough to have their children in a country where there was enough food and water? I'm so tired of people trying to make me feel guilty for being alive.
As for resources, we have enough. Oil is not running out in our life times, or that of any children alive today.
"Sustainabilty" is bullshit, as our time here is temporary. Show me a human that can live forever and I'll show you someone who truly has to care about the environment. I don't feel any obligation to future un-born humans.
If previous generations had killed off the human race, and we were not here right now, we wouldn't know the difference, would we?
Same thing going forward.
It's all for nothing in the end so might as well make the best of it.


Jan 18, 2004
My 1st instinct is to do the exact opposite of anything a hippy green protester wants me to do. God love them they mean well but havn't got a clue. Anything they do almost always has the exact opposite effect they intend.


Apr 25, 2007
The planet is fine, and does not need saving. It will be here long after we kill ourselves off.

Enjoy life, make yourself as comfortable as possible, don't deliberately hurt others, and don't worry about shit you can't change.
I feel no guilt about living the way I do, why should I? Because I was born here? Because my parents were smart enough to have their children in a country where there was enough food and water? I'm so tired of people trying to make me feel guilty for being alive.
As for resources, we have enough. Oil is not running out in our life times, or that of any children alive today.
"Sustainabilty" is bullshit, as our time here is temporary. Show me a human that can live forever and I'll show you someone who truly has to care about the environment. I don't feel any obligation to future un-born humans.
If previous generations had killed off the human race, and we were not here right now, we wouldn't know the difference, would we?
I take it math is your best subject and you failed science ....oil is not running out its becoming overheated so you do the math ! if i mention a prophit emelent i knew i'd get your attention and yeah its a wonderful country and the water is full of mercury ,zebra muscles ....so yeah its sad our fish are dying and the beaches are unsafe to swim in . bottled water doesn't do it for me


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
The BEST thing any Canadian, American, German, Japanese...

...can do:

I have no kids!

(And I distracted a few good women who MIGHT have been breeding if they had not been involved with me)

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
The world cannot be saved. When you take the daily amount of births and the daily amount of deaths in the world, you get a surplus of BIRTHS in the amount of about 200,000. That's right, the equivalent of a city the size of Waterloo, ON gets dropped on to the planet every day...those people need the use of the planet's resources to live...and eventually there will be very little left....so are efforts are almost futile


New member
Nov 27, 2006
I became a punter and speculate the money originally allocated to hobbying by placing my bet on US-listed ETF PBW.

And I also aspire to be a tree hugger by betting on another US-listed ETF CUT.....:rolleyes:

Still, not enough money to speculate on cap and trade.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
While it may seem that the world needs "saving" there is no such saving required. This planet has been through a great deal and will be through a great deal more and will not be undone by human beings.

To put our present environmental crises in context, I suggest that you Google geological history of the Earth, past calamities on earth (e.g. Chicxilub crater, dinosaur extinction, Permian extinction, average rate of extinction, past ice ages, asteroid impacts, etc.) and learn about how much of a lickin' this planet can take and keep on tickin'.

There is SWEET FUCK ALL that humanity can do that has not been done already 1,000 times worse and still life goes on. Our species may perish and I share your existential fear of this inevitable event (sorta like fear of death only bigger and badder and more subtle), but IT IS INEVITABLE! We and every other species that creeps and crawls will go extinct sooner or later. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

Don't believe me? Watch these two shows to put it in proper perspective: (multi-part youtube tv shows, but fundamentally accurate (so far as the science is known)):



Our world is doomed.

Live, laugh, love and die.

Get over it. Nothing to worry about at all.


Apr 25, 2007
If you think that this is fear of death ,then your very wrong .
It is an issue about producing materials that do not belong in our atmosphere .
Instead of saying its to late ,why aren't we spending more money on safer environmentally friendly product ,cleaning up wastelands and most of all cleaning up our mistakes .
Why should wildlife become extinct from mans mistakes ? For example the monarch butterfly flies to mexico every year and will not navigate to another location ,so the forest is a necessity if you want the monarch butterfly in your world . It all comes down to elements and its ok if we fucked up in the past ,why not be responsible now .Most of us are guilty making this happen and want no responsibility nor give a shit .How did this happen ?Who gave you the right to speed up the process of existence ?

the gravitational pull from the earths south and north pole is unbalanced so earthquakes are enivitable and larger to come .Floods,volcanoes eruptions,dried out crops ,disease,huge hurricanes,and drought. Elements have caused this effect.Many new islands. I have a very dry sense of humour and I don't want the world to dry up.The sun is so hot that it will not be able to breakdown through the soil from the elements that are soil will turn to sand
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