What are the short-term consequences of C-36?


Wow a lot of beef between massage parlours and escort agencies...who would have known. I'd say there are many girls in both massage and escort agencies that don't make money. This business is a meritocracy where only the best really do make money on a consistent basis. I would be curious though whether a high end escort agency makes more money than a high end massage parlour.
That's the funny part, there is no beef. At least for those of us who don't associate with drama.

Whether or not the new law is unconstitional or enforceable or favours mp's or agency's means absolutely nothing to me and I imagine, to most clients. The very first high-profile bust is gonna be a national news item and I don't want to be anywhere near the sex industry when it happens. All LE needs is one high-profile bust to send a chill through the industry and curb demand, which is what most housewives who vote want.

However, to think there will be no busts across the country is crazy. Of course there will. But what happens in one city has very little to do with other cities.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Short term consequences of c-36 would be members of this board getting anxious and paranoid.

Top Drawer

Supporting Member
Aug 13, 2012
Downtown Toronto, Business District
What a jackass comment. I was a sex worker for 8yrs myself. Don't you dare tell me what I have or have not been thru. Again, know who & what you are talking about before making yourself look foolish. I've never had a fucking rash from massage oils, to belittle the massage industry shows your true colors! I find it funny that you just spout off things, have no baring or idea who you are speaking to or about, and to a woman no doubt! Such ignorance.
Perhaps he should have put the "wink" after the word "Oils" and not "nite" :D



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
Most agencies are carrying on like normal.. many are even hiring new girls. I hope they aware of what is about to happen. Maybe they are and are just being quiet about it.

and yes.. I know there will be busts.


Feb 8, 2012
Short term for me.

I will only see ladies who I've seen before.
I will nolonger use agencies (not that I used them that much anyway)
I will not use Bp anymore

While I'm 99% sure that there will be no major changes to this hobby or the industry. I'm still going to change my habits. I have no intention of being one of the first.


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
What a jackass comment. I was a sex worker for 8yrs myself. Don't you dare tell me what I have or have not been thru. Again, know who & what you are talking about before making yourself look foolish. I've never had a fucking rash from massage oils,

Jack ass comment ? OUCH lol Hardly. I operated massage parlours before, and other than for shear and utter fucking boredom the biggest "crisis " that happened was when a few of the girls developed a reaction to the oils and got rashes. Thus the comment. it wasn't directed at you personally. Lay off with personal insults, cause it is you who is looking foolish. I spoke my mind, but did not insult you personally, Everything that I have written is truth, whether you like it or not, or agree with it, it is truth. If its the truth that you have difficulty with, go play in a different sand box cause I don't sugar coat things just to make people like you happy. YES, MANY girls from popular spas apply here on a daily basis, even from yours sunshine, yes, even yours, big fucking deal, what is your issue with that ? Im sure escorts apply to be MPAs everyday as well, big deal. Yes it is proven and fact that certain massage parlour owners were trying to rat out incalls. He admitted it to my face. It left a very sour taste in my mouth as it did to other agency owners as well. Its my last comment to you on this thread. as you notice, I am rarely ever on this board. much too busy. Take care

God Bless............Andy


Perhaps he should have put the "wink" after the word "Oils" and not "nite" :D


Jack ass comment ? OUCH lol Hardly. I operated massage parlours before, and other than for shear and utter fucking boredom the biggest "crisis " that happened was when a few of the girls developed a reaction to the oils and got rashes. Thus the comment. it wasn't directed at you personally. Lay off with personal insults, cause it is you who is looking foolish. I spoke my mind, but did not insult you personally, Everything that I have written is truth, whether you like it or not, or agree with it, it is truth. If its the truth that you have difficulty with, go play in a different sand box cause I don't sugar coat things just to make people like you happy. YES, MANY girls from popular spas apply here on a daily basis, even from yours sunshine, yes, even yours, big fucking deal, what is your issue with that ? Im sure escorts apply to be MPAs everyday as well, big deal. Yes it is proven and fact that certain massage parlour owners were trying to rat out incalls. He admitted it to my face. It left a very sour taste in my mouth as it did to other agency owners as well. Its my last comment on this thread. as you notice, I am rarely ever on this board. much too busy. Take care

God Bless............Andy
Your backpedaling is awesome!

1. I'm female
2. I have no beef with incalls
3. I don't even know you, clearly you don't know me
4. Boredom? Thought you were squashing the mp biz? Bored & ruling an industry don't go hand in hand
5. Cashmere was an epic fail
6. You know nothing about Toronto brp's
7. You made several accusations towards me in your initial few posts
8. I don't sugar coat or let people lump me in with said drama
9. Rashes to products are rare, an experienced mp owner would know this & change the products used.
10. A hell of a lot more goes on in mp's. My 15+yrs in the biz can vouch for that.
11. I don't claim to know anything about your biz, because I'd look foolish lying
12. A gentleman would apologize to a lady for his false/inaccurate accusations & claims
13. You brought up the comment about girls from all the big spas coming to you. Clearly you mean the west end. Because the 3main toronto spas are busy as all heck. Brampton spas are struggling. East end spas are not. The top mississauga spa is not. Pickering is not. Vaughan is not. Etc.
14. You said he in reference to ratting on incalls. I can assume who you are reffering to based on logic, and yes, he is troublesome to those who engage in drama. Leave the rest of us out of it. We don't ball u up with bad apples, so don't do that to us. In fact, some of us are helping your industry's new association.
15. Chill out!


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
Short term consequences: Spa owners and Agency owners will engage in online battles to demonstrate which one is the safer venue for hobbiests. In the end, they will both look petty and self serving while expressing their insights into the new laws.
Many hobiests will sit on the sideline and form their own opinions, derermining for themselvves the best way to hedge against risk.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
. I spoke my mind, but did not insult you personally,
I hate to interrupt a nice argument, but what better time to point out that in my experience, people who sign off their online posts with "God bless" are the singularly most unaware assholes on the planet. They are invariably stupid and ugly motherfuckers who deny their insulting essence even when it fools absolutely no one. Nothing personal, you unnerstand. Just a few stray observations that should in no way be taken as an insult.


Jun 9, 2004
The sad thing is that everyone is just trying to survive and make a living while an awful law that declares it's purpose is protecting the exploited is harming all the good people involved with sex work.
C36 will cause the most damage by demolishing the incomes of women who are just trying to get by and who have found the sextrade to be the best way to do it at this time.
People are afraid of losing clients and clients are afraid of being charged. Business will suffer. People will suffer. This winter is going to be a tough one.


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON

Your backpedaling is awesome!

1. I'm female
2. I have no beef with incalls
3. I don't even know you, clearly you don't know me
4. Boredom? Thought you were squashing the mp biz? Bored & ruling an industry don't go hand in hand
5. Cashmere was an epic fail
6. You know nothing about Toronto brp's
7. You made several accusations towards me in your initial few posts
8. I don't sugar coat or let people lump me in with said drama
9. Rashes to products are rare, an experienced mp owner would know this & change the products used.
10. A hell of a lot more goes on in mp's. My 15+yrs in the biz can vouch for that.
11. I don't claim to know anything about your biz, because I'd look foolish lying
12. A gentleman would apologize to a lady for his false/inaccurate accusations & claims
13. You brought up the comment about girls from all the big spas coming to you. Clearly you mean the west end. Because the 3main toronto spas are busy as all heck. Brampton spas are struggling. East end spas are not. The top mississauga spa is not. Pickering is not. Vaughan is not. Etc.
14. You said he in reference to ratting on incalls. I can assume who you are reffering to based on logic, and yes, he is troublesome to those who engage in drama. Leave the rest of us out of it. We don't ball u up with bad apples, so don't do that to us. In fact, some of us are helping your industry's new association.
15. Chill out!
Jesus Christ Emily, you are making me want to bang my fucking head against the wall. OK oK, I surrender, you win. TRUCE. no girls from east end spas have ever applied to work at our agency, only from the west end, Nunaviut and fucking Jupiter. Are you happy ? And as per Cashmere, you are right, it was an epic fail. AFTER I LEFT. it was kicking ass when I started, but a disagreement in the direction of the spa with my partner created friction. So we parted ways. No need to gloat at other peoples failures. It goes to show what type of person you are. . I did my best. I have failed before and no doubt will fail again at some other venture as well. That's why I enjoy working 20 hours a day, you never know how things will turn out. What great advice you gave on what to do when a girl gets a rash from oil. Change the oil. Brilliant, why didn't I think of that. ( I cant believe you actually took the time to type that little gem of advice ) lol. we all know you are the best emily, your spa is the greatest spa in the history of spas, we are all so proud of you sunshine. Keep up the great work.

God Bless............Andy
Jan 24, 2012
Crazy thing such paranoia & no common sense. " Bawdy Houses " up to now have been illegal & put clients at risk of charges .... & yet very little happens. Laws on the books get enforced based on local community concerns & priorities. That doesn't suddenly change Dec 6. The present laws could have been applied vigorously IF any local L.E. wanted to. Obviously they don't or they would have already done so...... a long time ago.


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON

Your backpedaling is awesome!

1. I'm female
2. I have no beef with incalls
3. I don't even know you, clearly you don't know me
4. Boredom? Thought you were squashing the mp biz? Bored & ruling an industry don't go hand in hand
5. Cashmere was an epic fail
6. You know nothing about Toronto brp's
7. You made several accusations towards me in your initial few posts
8. I don't sugar coat or let people lump me in with said drama
9. Rashes to products are rare, an experienced mp owner would know this & change the products used.
10. A hell of a lot more goes on in mp's. My 15+yrs in the biz can vouch for that.
11. I don't claim to know anything about your biz, because I'd look foolish lying
12. A gentleman would apologize to a lady for his false/inaccurate accusations & claims
13. You brought up the comment about girls from all the big spas coming to you. Clearly you mean the west end. Because the 3main toronto spas are busy as all heck. Brampton spas are struggling. East end spas are not. The top mississauga spa is not. Pickering is not. Vaughan is not. Etc.
14. You said he in reference to ratting on incalls. I can assume who you are reffering to based on logic, and yes, he is troublesome to those who engage in drama. Leave the rest of us out of it. We don't ball u up with bad apples, so don't do that to us. In fact, some of us are helping your industry's new association.
15. Chill out!
and a reply to point number 12 in your post, I sincerely apologize if I offended you in any way what so ever. It was not my intention.

God Bless............Andy


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
Most agencies are carrying on like normal.. many are even hiring new girls. I hope they aware of what is about to happen. Maybe they are and are just being quiet about it.

and yes.. I know there will be busts.
It has always been illegal, from the very first day I started. Can you please name one agency in Canada that was shut down that didn't deserve to be shut down ? and the owners arrested. Agencies and Spas serve a purpose. They keep girls SAFE, and in the end my friend, its all L E really cares about. Have been told this many times by them, they don't like girls working the streets. Agencies and Spas work closely with police when serious problems arise.

God Bless.................Andy


Feb 8, 2012
Short term consequences: Spa owners and Agency owners will engage in online battles to demonstrate which one is the safer venue for hobbiests. In the end, they will both look petty and self serving while expressing their insights into the new laws.
Many hobiests will sit on the sideline and form their own opinions, derermining for themselvves the best way to hedge against risk.

There is a lot of truth to what you've said. MPA and agencies will be hurt by this (I think independents may suffer a bit too).
The simple fear will keep clients out in the short term.


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
I hate to interrupt a nice argument, but what better time to point out that in my experience, people who sign off their online posts with "God bless" are the singularly most unaware assholes on the planet. They are invariably stupid and ugly motherfuckers who deny their insulting essence even when it fools absolutely no one. Nothing personal, you unnerstand. Just a few stray observations that should in no way be taken as an insult.
lol. non taken. We cant all be beautiful. There needs to be some ugly people round. My mother still loves me. Never been called stupid before though. lol

God Bless..........Andy


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
Short term consequences: Spa owners and Agency owners will engage in online battles to demonstrate which one is the safer venue for hobbiests.
I really doubt that. lol. For the "most part". Different client bases.

God Bless.............Andy


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
Jan 24, 2012
Many here don't seem to compute that a law on the books is enforced or not enforced based on local community concerns & priorities. There is already laws existing to shut down incalls & the industry & arrest guys for " Found In " WELL ????? NOT HAPPENING ..... & that won't suddenly change. Community concerns & priorities are being enforced .... in the past , now & in the future as need be.
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