Weed and your employer


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
but that's assuming that cannabis intoxication can be detrimental to one's work performance.... what if the cannabis intoxication is actually a means of performance enhancement?
From what I've seen, it doesn't go a long way toward motivating you! But it's your performance that matters. I doubt you'll be able to fire a guy who is performing better than anyone else simply because you believe he's high.


Aug 30, 2004
No, no, no, no.

Alcohol is 'legal' but strictly prohibited in work places or subject to a zero tolerance policy. Smoking weed would be the same, whether you're high or not.
The point I'm making is say for example you go out drinking Friday night get drunk whatever. Show up for work Monday morning. alcohol doesn't stay in your system long. if you were randomly tested Monday morning you would be clean, as far as I know. You are not under the influence of alcohol.

You're on vacation and smoke up and get high. 3 weeks later you're at work and get tested for weed. Now I understand is that a hair folical test will tell if you smoked in the last 3 months.

So now the question is if weed is legal can you be fired if you are a user? In the trucking industry you would be fired even though you never drove while under the influence.

So are you saying if someone drinks alcohol Saturday afternoon and shows up sober Monday morning they can be fired because they consumed alcohol? you know the zero tolerance policy.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
but that's assuming that cannabis intoxication can be detrimental to one's work performance.... what if the cannabis intoxication is actually a means of performance enhancement?
Well in any line of business that involves thinking, smoking pot is a great way to handicap yourself in the competitive workplace.

I could see it being an advantage in a dispensary, or if you make $47 a year writing a blog about how awesome pot is.
Also it may be a good in a super repetitive factory job where you do the same thing day after day because you are not paid to think.


Active member
Apr 1, 2015
Well in any line of business that involves thinking, smoking pot is a great way to handicap yourself in the competitive workplace.

I could see it being an advantage in a dispensary, or if you make $47 a year writing a blog about how awesome pot is.
Also it may be a good in a super repetitive factory job where you do the same thing day after day because you are not paid to think.

or, in my case, sailed through the finest institutions this province has, was paid by taxpayers to do 2 graduate degrees, and am currently in a postdoctoral fellowship... i didn't study history or drama, i studied organic chemistry and chemical engineering. Yes, I smoke prodigious amounts of cannabis. I'm high now, at work. I can synthesize LSD on a long weekend just because I possess those skills and can. I assure you that my intellect is far greater than yours, as is my specialized knowledge in several disparate fields. I also have my ARCT diploma for classical performance in piano as well as my grade 10 for classical guitar. I'm also married, 32, and mortgage free. I also am a medical marijuana patient although that's just a clever story to secure legal access to cannabis and to cover my ass. I also can afford to hobby whenever i please...

so, please, save your bullshit. You wouldn't believe how amazing life can be if you're highly intelligent and work hard. Cannabis, for the record, was fresh in my blood and brain for literally every exam, all-nighter, research paper, my thesis, and my dissertation. I even present at conference while stoned.... I care not for any narcotics or amphetamines, they're just in poor taste.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Since weed will be legalized, what would and will your employer do? I don;t like the idea of weed being legalized.
I am with you.
Last thing you want is a snowplow driver going down the road buzzed out of his mind. There are enough drunks on the road now we just increase the likely hood of more impair drivers.

Lets hope JT gets a reality check before he moves forward with this stupid legislation.


Well-known member
or, in my case, sailed through the finest institutions this province has, was paid by taxpayers to do 2 graduate degrees, and am currently in a postdoctoral fellowship... i didn't study history or drama, i studied organic chemistry and chemical engineering. Yes, I smoke prodigious amounts of cannabis. I'm high now, at work. I can synthesize LSD on a long weekend just because I possess those skills and can. I assure you that my intellect is far greater than yours, as is my specialized knowledge in several disparate fields. I also have my ARCT diploma for classical performance in piano as well as my grade 10 for classical guitar. I'm also married, 32, and mortgage free. I also am a medical marijuana patient although that's just a clever story to secure legal access to cannabis and to cover my ass. I also can afford to hobby whenever i please...

so, please, save your bullshit. You wouldn't believe how amazing life can be if you're highly intelligent and work hard. Cannabis, for the record, was fresh in my blood and brain for literally every exam, all-nighter, research paper, my thesis, and my dissertation. I even present at conference while stoned.... I care not for any narcotics or amphetamines, they're just in poor taste.
or just high?
what was the point of all that hyperbole???..
so you built up a resistance to the weed..BFD..lets see how far your education gets you when your behind the wheel of a car and take out an entire family..and your blood test results come back....
criminally speaking.... you might beat the charge...but in civil court when the family comes after you ...alot of good all your education will do you.....In my job I see smart asses like you think that a little weed ...aint no big thing......all I tell them is tell it to the Judge...dipshits


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The point I'm making is say for example you go out drinking Friday night get drunk whatever. Show up for work Monday morning. alcohol doesn't stay in your system long. if you were randomly tested Monday morning you would be clean, as far as I know. You are not under the influence of alcohol.

You're on vacation and smoke up and get high. 3 weeks later you're at work and get tested for weed. Now I understand is that a hair folical test will tell if you smoked in the last 3 months.

So now the question is if weed is legal can you be fired if you are a user? In the trucking industry you would be fired even though you never drove while under the influence.

So are you saying if someone drinks alcohol Saturday afternoon and shows up sober Monday morning they can be fired because they consumed alcohol? you know the zero tolerance policy.
Ok I understand. Thanks.

WELL, according to that article posted by Skyrider, that could be the answer to your question (that it's discrimination to find a trace if you're performance is not hindered in the least).

Would it have to be a hair folical test? I understand they can trace cocaine that way too but after 6 months, although you'd have to use it more often than once.


Mar 31, 2009
Guys, this is 2015. You can be fired for a variety of reasons unrelated to your job performance.

1) Teacher on vacation post a nude pic of himself on his Facebook page. FIRED
2) Teacher while off duty performs in a porn video:Eek:. FIRED
3) Hydro guy making $100,000 a year says something stupid to a TV reporter. FIRED.
4) Guy voted no to gay marriage in a referendum. FIRED


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
or, in my case, sailed through the finest institutions this province has, was paid by taxpayers to do 2 graduate degrees, and am currently in a postdoctoral fellowship... i didn't study history or drama, i studied organic chemistry and chemical engineering. Yes, I smoke prodigious amounts of cannabis. I'm high now, at work. I can synthesize LSD on a long weekend just because I possess those skills and can. I assure you that my intellect is far greater than yours, as is my specialized knowledge in several disparate fields. I also have my ARCT diploma for classical performance in piano as well as my grade 10 for classical guitar. I'm also married, 32, and mortgage free. I also am a medical marijuana patient although that's just a clever story to secure legal access to cannabis and to cover my ass. I also can afford to hobby whenever i please...

so, please, save your bullshit. You wouldn't believe how amazing life can be if you're highly intelligent and work hard. Cannabis, for the record, was fresh in my blood and brain for literally every exam, all-nighter, research paper, my thesis, and my dissertation. I even present at conference while stoned.... I care not for any narcotics or amphetamines, they're just in poor taste.
Do you realize how ridiculous you are? Comparative intellect is a sucker's bet at the best of times, but when you only know your (bizarre) side of the equation any statements cross the line into pure stupidity.

As is pretty common, people who have to tell everyone how smart they are, are typically not that smart. Thank you for providing your stoner CV on an escort board though. We will get back to you.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Guys, this is 2015. You can be fired for a variety of reasons unrelated to your job performance.

1) Teacher on vacation post a nude pic of himself on his Facebook page. FIRED
2) Teacher while off duty performs in a porn video:Eek:. FIRED
3) Hydro guy making $100,000 a year says something stupid to a TV reporter. FIRED.
4) Guy voted no to gay marriage in a referendum. FIRED
Which are all bullshit reasons to be fired.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Since weed will be legalized, what would and will your employer do? I don;t like the idea of weed being legalized.
The same thing that he would do, if you went out for lunch and had Drinks.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
or, in my case, sailed through the finest institutions this province has, was paid by taxpayers to do 2 graduate degrees, and am currently in a postdoctoral fellowship... i didn't study history or drama, i studied organic chemistry and chemical engineering. Yes, I smoke prodigious amounts of cannabis. I'm high now, at work. I can synthesize LSD on a long weekend just because I possess those skills and can. I assure you that my intellect is far greater than yours, as is my specialized knowledge in several disparate fields. I also have my ARCT diploma for classical performance in piano as well as my grade 10 for classical guitar. I'm also married, 32, and mortgage free. I also am a medical marijuana patient although that's just a clever story to secure legal access to cannabis and to cover my ass. I also can afford to hobby whenever i please...

so, please, save your bullshit. You wouldn't believe how amazing life can be if you're highly intelligent and work hard. Cannabis, for the record, was fresh in my blood and brain for literally every exam, all-nighter, research paper, my thesis, and my dissertation. I even present at conference while stoned.... I care not for any narcotics or amphetamines, they're just in poor taste.
And despite all this supposed life experience you are still an arrogant ass.

And to refer to various narcotics as being in "poor taste" for the damage they can do?

Seriously you are an ass.


Mar 12, 2004

And despite all this supposed life experience you are still an arrogant ass.

And to refer to various narcotics as being in "poor taste" for the damage they can do?

Seriously you are an ass.
His quote,..."Yes, I smoke prodigious amounts of cannabis".

Wonder just how did the idiot get to prodigious amounts,...???



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
but that's assuming that cannabis intoxication can be detrimental to one's work performance.... what if the cannabis intoxication is actually a means of performance enhancement?
What's your job? Snack tester? Professional comedy audience?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Employers may require employees to sign letters of employment that would include termination if you show up for work drunk or stoned. This way they have it in writing with your signature, if you don't agree to sign the letter they just won't hire you.


I don't drive a civic!!!
Nov 6, 2007
A few years back, right before I got hired on to work for a pretty large tech company, my future manager told me I'd be subject to a drug-test. I wasn't sure if he was joking or serious. Anyway, I found out that due to our civil rights, employers aren't allowed to drug test (in Canada anyway). Fast forward about a year: a customer of ours said, as per the statement of work, the consultant must submit a drug test for urine. I wasn't super big on weed back then, I was still kind of worried but, I said hey, what the hell. The results would be sent to me first, and at my discretion, could be forwarded to a company who would validate and then confirm with our customer. I passed that. About a year ago, I was asked again if I'd do it but this time, they also wanted a blood sample. I right away refused, no questions were asked, my manager agreed that it was intrusive and a violation of our rights. It's at a company's discretion on whether or not they drug test on individuals. But, in my opinion, THC stays in your system for weeks, cocaine doesn't, I feel like they target potheads.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
or, in my case, sailed through the finest institutions this province has, was paid by taxpayers to do 2 graduate degrees, and am currently in a postdoctoral fellowship... i didn't study history or drama, i studied organic chemistry and chemical engineering. Yes, I smoke prodigious amounts of cannabis. I'm high now, at work. I can synthesize LSD on a long weekend just because I possess those skills and can. I assure you that my intellect is far greater than yours, as is my specialized knowledge in several disparate fields. I also have my ARCT diploma for classical performance in piano as well as my grade 10 for classical guitar. I'm also married, 32, and mortgage free. I also am a medical marijuana patient although that's just a clever story to secure legal access to cannabis and to cover my ass. I also can afford to hobby whenever i please...

so, please, save your bullshit. You wouldn't believe how amazing life can be if you're highly intelligent and work hard. Cannabis, for the record, was fresh in my blood and brain for literally every exam, all-nighter, research paper, my thesis, and my dissertation. I even present at conference while stoned.... I care not for any narcotics or amphetamines, they're just in poor taste.
BLACKROCK????............is that you, buddy??


New member
Jan 14, 2011
I thought a month ago a guy that smoked medical M. was fired from his employer in the US because he broke the rules of the company and the company won the court case.
I think there would continue to be job positions that forbid someone from being impaired.
Buy I doubt thc will be legalized that fast, could be years..if.
That's because legalized weed is a state choice and his employer follows federal guidelines where it's still illegal.
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