We are out of luck with Americans this year


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
<djk: Did you seriously indicate that KR will upend his life-time political career and help HD to defeat his life-time boss G.W. Bush?>

You're clueless with politics. No, Rove wants Dean there because he's one of the weaker candidates running for President. Get Dean as the Democratic candidate for President then shred him in the nine months before the polls and volia, Bush is back in.

Gray Davis did the same thing against Richard Riordan (very popular mayor of LA) during the governor race. Bill Simon won the nomination for the Republican party instead (he was a much weaker candidate) and Davis smeared him as a anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-etc, bible thumper. Davis won on a landslide.

Dare I mention Rove building up support for McCain then dirtying him when it was just him and Bush for the Presidental nomination from the Republican Party in 2000? :)




New member
Jan 2, 2003
djk said:
......You're clueless with politics. No, Rove wants Dean there because he's one of the weaker candidates running for President. Get Dean as the Democratic candidate for President then shred him in the nine months before the polls and volia, Bush is back in.

Gray Davis did the same thing against Richard Riordan (very popular mayor of LA) during the governor race. Bill Simon won the nomination for the Republican party instead (he was a much weaker candidate) and Davis smeared him as a anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-etc, bible thumper. Davis won on a landslide.

Dare I mention Rove building up support for McCain then dirtying him when it was just him and Bush for the Presidental nomination from the Republican Party in 2000? :)



Thanks for clarification. Now it makes sense and I get it. I am not familiar with last CA governor race, so I have no way to say otherwise rather than agree with you on that. But not to be astray from this thread too much, I just want to simply add, as I said previously, that Bush faces no viable threat from Demo side currently, and barring any major terrorist attack and sudden and unexpected economic downturn from now to 2004, he will sit through until 2008. So, regardless of whom KR picks to hammer and smash eventually and finally, it really does not make any difference because the entire lineup of current Demo candidates are weakest targets. The Party has lost direction. As for John McCain's fruitless presidential try in 2000, it was mainly because: 1), GOP is an extremely conservative party which respects the establishment more than encourages maverick and it was well-known that McCain was much disliked inside the Party, which explained why those who voted for him were mostly Independents and Democrats; 2), Bush had his father's Party networks and connections nationwide while McCain did not; 3)Bush had the money while McCain did not; 4)McCain lacked systematic and cohesive campaign strategy: he ran the GOP primary like a general election basically saying " I can beat Al Gore more possibly than Bush", and after he won New Hampshere and Michigan(both maverick states) and Arizona(his home state), he basically ran out of gas, waiting to be shredded by Bush, ......after all, there was only so much you could run on your background and biography.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Rove tarred McCain so bad, he lost most of his focus too.





Active member
Aug 23, 2001
IB_VI_UB_IX!!! said:
Although the New York mayor has proven yet again...that new yorkers are GREAT at sticking their foot in their mouths.

Wasn't it Ohio that started the surg...which bounced up here...knocked us out...then bounced back to eastern seaboard of the states?

Anywho i think it was kinda fun...marshmallows anyone?
Yeah Bloomberg (was it Bloomberg? I thought it was Gov. Pataki?) was wrong about the cause (blaming Ontario) but then again wasn't it Cretien (or someone) the said the cause was lightning striking a plant in NF,NY the cause when it was a clear day in Niagara Falls, NY?

Basically everyone rushed to conclusions without all the facts. Panic does that.

But I agree, I thought it was kinda fun... or interesting at least.


New member
Jan 2, 2003
Re: Re: We are out of luck with Americans this year

Baron said:
Put the exchange rate back up around 60% and we'll call it even :)
Did you mean to put $1 CND to $1USD? Then those exporters would cry foul.

It's a tough situation. We Canadians don't like being dictated, yet more than 85% of our economy, if I am not wrong, depends on US market.


New member
Jan 2, 2003
djk said:
Rove tarred McCain so bad, he lost most of his focus too.



KR's tarring was definitely a factor---I still remember how McCain was set up and then punched in a flurry of jabs and hooks from all directions in South Carolina, which in fact was the turning point in his ill-planned campaign. And he never recovered from there. But, I have to say that he was no match for Bush at all in the first place in light of all the reasons I have just listed.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: okay who caused it

dvh said:
I think it may have been me that caused the blackout. I had the A/C tv and computer on all at once. Sorry folks.

Maybe we can make it up to the US by having our SP's offer americans a blackout special!!
Now thats a good idea.


New member
Jan 2, 2003
Ripper77 said:
I think maybe Martians came down and did this.Did any one see any little green men around?
Martians? Green men? Hmm, that's lots of X there. Ripper, last time PA went to Al Gore, even with Tom Ridge's efforts for Bush, right? Now in 2004, where will your state be going? The same direction?


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
I really miss President Clinton.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
CyberGoth said:
I really miss President Clinton.
Me too.

You just know that he is a terbite at heart :)

As to the power problem, maybe now they will go ahead and finally build the mothballed hydro project at James Bay ONTARIO.

Did anyone else notice that Quebec had no problem weathering the storm. Why?

Cause they are smart enough to build something right.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
CyberGoth said:
I really miss President Clinton.
OK now this should have been posted under things that make me laugh


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
E_B_Samaritano said:
As you rightfully pointed out, we do remember exactly where you weren't with respect to the Iraq question. There are more that a few Americans that hold a grudge on that issue. Be glad we have the French to excoriate, otherwise you'd be catching it.
See that's one thing I don't get. The French said that they weren't willing to go to war at the present time. The Germans said that they would not go to war under any circumstances. Yet, dispite this, the French are the ones taking the flak. If anyone should be getting slagged over this, it should be the Germans.

Personally, I don't think any country should be taking flak over this issue as they are all independent countries and can do as they please.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Tell me one major achivement Clinton did other than welfare reform and lowering the deficit.

He was a do-nothing President in my eyes.


djk said:
Tell me one major achivement Clinton did other than welfare reform and lowering the deficit.

He was a do-nothing President in my eyes.


What? He's everyman's hero!!! Getting blown in the Oval Office man!!! ;)

Oh yeah, Clinton was friends with China just like Nixon ...
America was most prosperous (compared to previous years) under Clinton's tenure.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
<What? He's everyman's hero!!! Getting blown in the Oval Office man!!! >

Maybe if he was caught doing with a hot hot sweet belle from Texas. ;) Not a pudgy clueless clingy Monica.

<America was most prosperous (compared to previous years) under Clinton's tenure.>

Clinton inherited a rebounding economy just like Bush inherited a withering one.

Remember, the economy started to slow down and the dot.com bust happened under Clinton.




New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Bill spent money we did not have

sucessfully place blame on Bush


New member
Jan 2, 2003
djk said:
Tell me one major achivement Clinton did other than welfare reform and lowering the deficit.

He was a do-nothing President in my eyes.


djk, you might have missed the point. BC was the closest golfbuddy of our PM JC and still is, as opposed to that Bush keeps snubbing him. Case in point: Bush was scheduled to visit Ottawa in early May, yet he cancelled it abruptly saying he was too busy to come up. To put salt onto the wound, he still could manage to ride his F150 around his wild wide ranch with Australian PM in the same time.
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