We are out of luck with Americans this year


New member
Jan 2, 2003
We opposed their war and they were unhappy at best and pissed off at worst, then we had SARS and they were scared and terrorized, and now they blamed us for their blackout from NY to OH.

Well, with Bush still in office and possibly in it until 2008 because I don't see any viable Democratic candidate threatening him, maybe except for Howard Dean, I really don't anticipate Americans will embrace Canadians very soon. Or perhaps, after Paul Martin kicks in next February, he can do something Jean Chretiean has not been able to do: get an invitation to Cranford, TX, riding a Ford150 with Bush around his ranch.


New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
I think you are making far too much of this blame game of Canada versus the US. The fact is that right now nobody knows what happenned and that there is very little thought in the minds of Americans or on the US media and television that give any slant to "it was the damned Cannucks". People need to take a deep breath up there and realize that during times like this there will be a lot of misinformation that hits the airwaves. There is nobody in New York or Ohio right now that is blaming anybody or anything in Canada. Bloomberg made statements, your own Prime Ministers office made statements...neither was accurate. Perhaps Cannucks are sensitive because they realize that the blackout of 1965 was traced to a relay failure in Ontario. Hey how do you like that for trivia. It wasn't a major international crisis. Your Natural resources Minister and our Secretary of Energy will be chairing a commission to find out what happened. My hope is that they do a thorough job, find the problem and fix it. I personally don't care for the politics...It's absolutely ridiculous on a issue such as this.

As you rightfully pointed out, we do remember exactly where you weren't with respect to the Iraq question. There are more that a few Americans that hold a grudge on that issue. Be glad we have the French to excoriate, otherwise you'd be catching it.



New member
Jan 2, 2003
Well, it was true that the fingerpointing was mutual and across the border and quite fussy initially, and of course I only noticed those fingers pointing at us:). In the meantime, I also understood those folks' frustration down there when lights were blown out, tap water stopped running, and gas stations were packed up with long lines.


New member
Jun 25, 2003
barrie area
okay who caused it

I think it may have been me that caused the blackout. I had the A/C tv and computer on all at once. Sorry folks.

Maybe we can make it up to the US by having our SP's offer americans a blackout special!!
Damn Yanks attracting them terrorist to North America !!!

It's got to be a terrorist thing man ... the media just didn't say it was. Nor will the US or Canadian government admit it because it would undermine our confidence in our governments as well as national safety and security ...

Blaming it on each other is a good strategy in avoiding giving us answers! Did you hear George W. on the news? He said "America's electrical network/supply lines ought to be modernized." Whadda fuck? North America has one of the most advanced and modern electricity networks in the world.

Blah !!!!!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
submissivedave said:
." Whadda fuck? North America has one of the most advanced and modern electricity networks in the world.

Blah !!!!!

When you consider the power from the niagra powerporject is detined for ALBANY and New Your City, NOT Niagara Falls and Buffalo, you begin to see the problem.

Localized prime suppliers are not in existance. Thje Dependance on the "GRID" is indded a problem. BTW the only lightning in the area was in St. James Bay. Not NF, New York.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
<maybe except for Howard Dean>

When Karl Rove is endorsing Dean, I don't think he's going to be much trouble in the race.


papasmerf said:

Localized prime suppliers are not in existance. Thje Dependance on the "GRID" is indded a problem. BTW the only lightning in the area was in St. James Bay. Not NF, New York.
So in a way, they lied!!!

First they said it was some problems down at Mohawk by Niagra. Then they said a certain cable caught fire ... now they say they don't know what's going on ...

But you are right Papa. I guess inter-dependence may not be a good thing after all. It's just weird. We in Southern Ontario buy electricity from the US, yet, the US (East Coast) buys electricity from Quebec. Why can't we just generate our own electricity instead of having to get it from hundreds of kilometres away? Weird ...


New member
Jan 2, 2003
dvh: Ask Dani if she is willing to offer some specials as she has been all over the board recently with her trade mark teasing signature.

dave and papa: Any conspiracy theory these days has its merit. Just look at how the politicians had lied to us right in our face about Iraq's WMD before the war started. One excuse they used really laughed off my ass: Saddam(representing a moderate Islam stream) had been linked up with Osama Bin laden(an ultimate symbol of extreme fundamental Islam and fanatic Muslims).Guess what? To each and everyone's disbelief: Prostitution was allowed in the southern Iraqi town called Diwaniya. Hmm, I still can't forget those delicious and succulent women!

djk: You gotta be kidding to expect KR to endorse HD, didn't you:)?


Aug 29, 2001

Since some Americans bother to remember why Canada didn't bend over and take it gently, perhaps they can also explain where the WMD "aren't."


On and entirely seperate note,

The worst part in all this mudslinging is that many are actually asked to consider the poor feelings of our brethren to the south.

Since GWB does whatever he please's, people's feelings are hardly the issue. But nonetheless everything has to be made nicey-nice and ultra polite since truth is generated from a power station in Washington, D.C. and no-one can rock the boat.

I'm sick and tired of being made to feel by yanks that I should go along with whatever happens in Washington, especially when what happens there easily affects my life and I don't have a vote in the cruddy system there.

People south of the border need to get a thicker skin and accept that living in the sole imperial super-power in this world means you will have judgement passed upon you. Live with it.

As for conspiracies,

the black-out is a test of our ability to stay in line under difficult circumstances, since they can't actually get a bunch of desert kooks to invade and properly occupy us,

or they are recharging the tesla rays they use to blow up things, and needed to steal a few hours worth of electricity from the most wired area on Earth,

or they used the energy to pull the moon and mars a little closer to the earth to blow it up and allow the Jesus freaks in Washington to meet their God,

or they scanned my brain with a giant magneto and left me thinking all these crazy thoughts.



pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
You gotta hand it to terrorists. First they turn our "advanced" technology against us and now they prey on our paranoia and need to lay blame ( prejudices ) to pit us against each other.


New member
Jun 24, 2003
djk said:
When Karl Rove is endorsing Dean, I don't think he's going to be much trouble in the race.
Aaltogropius said:
djk: You gotta be kidding to expect KR to endorse HD, didn't you:)?
Karl Rove is quoted in the July 5th Washington Post:

Rove Spends the Fourth Rousing Support for Dean
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post
Saturday, July 5, 2003; Page A05

Talk about lining up the competition. President Bush's chief political adviser has seen the possible presidential candidates among the Democrats and has found one he apparently thinks his man can beat: former Vermont governor Howard Dean.

Karl Rove tried to stir up enthusiasm for Dean marchers yesterday at the 37th annual Palisades Citizens' Association Fourth of July parade along the District's MacArthur Boulevard, which always attracts plenty of politicians.

As a dozen people marched toward Dana Place wearing Dean for President T-shirts and carrying Dean for America signs, Rove told a companion, " 'Heh, heh, heh. Yeah, that's the one we want,' " according to Daniel J. Weiss, an environmental consultant, who was standing nearby. " 'How come no one is cheering for Dean?' "

Then, Weiss said, Rove exhorted the marchers and the parade audience: " 'Come on, everybody! Go, Howard Dean!' "



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
submissivedave said:
Did you hear George W. on the news? He said "America's electrical network/supply lines ought to be modernized." Whadda fuck? North America has one of the most advanced and modern electricity networks in the world.

Blah !!!!!
SD, you should do some research before you make a comment like above. Anyone who has would see how antiquated the system really is in our day and age.


New member
Jan 2, 2003
HT, thanks for the link. I would take it as mere a piece of humorous and amusing slow-day such as July 4 journalism. KR is considered one of the most loyal and the staunchest GOP strategists for Bush.


New member
Jun 20, 2003
in a house...somewhere....i think
Although the New York mayor has proven yet again...that new yorkers are GREAT at sticking their foot in their mouths.

Wasn't it Ohio that started the surg...which bounced up here...knocked us out...then bounced back to eastern seaboard of the states?

Anywho i think it was kinda fun...marshmallows anyone?


Nov 26, 2002
We should build more power plants but our electricy prices are too high.

We should not have to ship power hundreds of kilometers but I do not want a power plant in my back yard.

We need more power but I love the fuzzy beavers and they should be able to live too.

THe best solution for all our electricity woes is conservation, cheap, reliable, sustainable electricty starts with conservation. Unfortunately every likes to point the finger and never stare in the mirror. A national or provincial program needs to be setup to encourage conservation through financial incentives. Everybody likes the 4.3 cent rate freeze but hates blackouts, well you can not have your cake and eat it too.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
<djk: You gotta be kidding to expect KR to endorse HD, didn't you?>







New member
Jan 2, 2003
djk: Did you seriously indicate that KR will upend his life-time political career and help HD to defeat his life-time boss G.W. Bush?


Apr 24, 2003
Aaltogropius said:
We opposed their war and they were unhappy at best and pissed off at worst, then we had SARS and they were scared and terrorized, and now they blamed us for their blackout from NY to OH.
Put the exchange rate back up around 60% and we'll call it even :)
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