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WAR IMMINENT:Russian commanders given instructions to attack Ukraine


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
The only real advantage that Russia has is that the West are a bunch of pussy ass bitches with enough people in power who think sanctions and not sending weapons is the way to go. A invertible firth column. However if the West does decide to throw down, faggetabout it.
also, Russia can help republicans win elections. These kind of favours are not free
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If I was Metternicht, or Bismark or Kissenger, I would propose a solution where The Donbass region and Crimea became part of Russia. The people living there are Russians, want to join Russia, and the Ukrainians do not like them anyway.
There must be something Russia can give Ukraine in return.
Yes, they can offer more threats.

And yes, there is a significant Russian speaking population there. Before the Russians sent "volunteers" in, the region was peaceful and most communities were mixed ethnic Russian/Ukrainian. Since then there has been population transfer caused by the violence. And of course some people are concerned that many of those ethnic Russians are there because the '32 famine and Soviet farming changes caused a few million deaths, which the the Soviets used as an excuse to send in Russian settlers as part of their Russification campaign.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2008
Oh i
Ukrainian and Russian are two quite different languages. They even have alphabet differences. I tried to learn them both.

Ukraine was a province of Poland for several centuries, as was Belarus. Then it was independent. It was absorbed by the Grand Duchy of Muscovy in the late 1600's. It was briefly independent again after 1917 and then split between Poland and the USSR. USSR only acquired all Ukraine in 1945. Ukraine had an armed guerilla movement against Stalin for a while, before they were hunted down and killed.

Much of Western Ukraine is Catholic. That's the Poland connection.

Ukraine is culturally different from Russia. Ask any Ukrainian-Canadian and they'll explain the differences.

Most Ukrainians are wary of Russia, in part because of Stalin and the Holodymyr.

You know dick-all about this. Go read some books.

Oh i know all about all of that, and that during the soviet union was the most developed and industrialized state....

Bla bla bla chatolics, that follow the eastern service, aka converts after the napoleonic wars, and austrohungarian influence to follow, religion aside, Poland , Ukraine, and all the slacic dialects have the same common root, Modern Ukranian is nothing but bastardized version of Russian, and Ukraine within current borders is a Joke, since it cant come to terms that 1/3 of its current teritory does bot want nothing to do with the current anglosaxon regime in place in Kiev.

I really could not care less, but Ukis fucked them selves up the ass when they took western money, and broke ties with its slavic roots, and mother Russia :p.


Aug 23, 2001
Oh i
Oh i know all about all of that, and that during the soviet union was the most developed and industrialized state....
Bla bla bla chatolics, that follow the eastern service, aka converts after the napoleonic wars, and austrohungarian influence to follow, religion aside, Poland , Ukraine, and all the slacic dialects have the same common root, Modern Ukranian is nothing but bastardized version of Russian, and Ukraine within current borders is a Joke, since it cant come to terms that 1/3 of its current teritory does bot want nothing to do with the current anglosaxon regime in place in Kiev.
I really could not care less, but Ukis fucked them selves up the ass when they took western money, and broke ties with its slavic roots, and mother Russia :p.
Helluva great logical argument you got going there!

You Russian by any chance?

And Russian is a bastardized version of Ukrainian, right? When Kiev was a great city, Moscow was a shitpile inhabited by raccoons and peasants.
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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2008
Helluva great logical argument you got going there1

You Russian by any chance?

And Russian is a bastardized version of Ukrainian, right? When Kiev was a great city, Moscow was a shitpile inhabited by raccoons and peasants.
This I agree with 100% , Russians have culturally evolved from what is today considered Ukranian... there is really no difference between the 2 .

And no I am not, Russian, but someone who understands that part of the world quite well, and that borders change quite a bit in the continental Europe, and how tightly interlinked all those cultures are, and how utterly stupid and retarded the Hate bigotry and prejudice that lives among the population there.


Aug 23, 2001
This I agree with 100% , Russians have culturally evolved from what is today considered Ukranian... there is really no difference between the 2 .

And no I am not, Russian, but someone who understands that part of the world quite well, and that borders change quite a bit in the continental Europe, and how tightly interlinked all those cultures are, and how utterly stupid and retarded the Hate bigotry and prejudice that lives among the population there.
But those borders haven't changed in 70 years. And now the players have nuclear weapons. So it's no longer the old game of "I'll kill 10,000 of your guys and take some border provinces. And then we'll have a peace treaty and be buddies again." That's what makes it so fucked-up now.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2008
But those borders haven't changed in 70 years. And now the players have nuclear weapons. So it's no longer the old game of "I'll kill 10,000 of your guys and take some border provinces. And then we'll have a peace treaty and be buddies again." That's what makes it so fucked-up now.
I agree it is fucked up, but if the dummies that took over in 2014, went to the east of the country, that belongs to them only on paper, and always had, and said, ok listen you get full autonomy, we wont kick russian ships out of their harbours, on paper you live in Ukraine, and west of ukraine will do its thing you do you.... than maby, just maby they would bot have gave Kiev the finger.

But we all know they could not do that , since all the orders come from London and washington, so basically they changed one overlord for the other, and this will bring Ukraine down to a slave society for thw west to ezploit as cheap labour, and strip it of its resources, and also as a human shield against the Russians, and in the eyes of the anglosaxsons, it is just one Russian/Ukranian killing another, win, win win


Aug 23, 2001
I agree it is fucked up, but if the dummies that took over in 2014, went to the east of the country, that belongs to them only on paper, and always had, and said, ok listen you get full autonomy, we wont kick russian ships out of their harbours, on paper you live in Ukraine, and west of ukraine will do its thing you do you.... than maby, just maby they would bot have gave Kiev the finger.

But we all know they could not do that , since all the orders come from London and washington, so basically they changed one overlord for the other, and this will bring Ukraine down to a slave society for thw west to ezploit as cheap labour, and strip it of its resources, and also as a human shield against the Russians, and in the eyes of the anglosaxsons, it is just one Russian/Ukranian killing another, win, win win
You should get out of your babushka's basement a little more often and meet people who don't believe Russian far right propaganda.


Jan 4, 2005

Looks like Russia is preparing for a full scale invasion of Ukraine. They will take over the two areas Putin declared independent, and after that it's anyone's guess if Putin will go furhter and invade all of Ukraine, or just the pro-Rusisan areas.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014

Looks like Russia is preparing for a full scale invasion of Ukraine. They will take over the two areas Putin declared independent, and after that it's anyone's guess if Putin will go furhter and invade all of Ukraine, or just the pro-Rusisan areas.
They have already taken over the disputed areas, a couple of days ago.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Maybe the U.S. can kidnap some Russian NHL hockey players. Just kidding!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Its all over the news, they have gone in full throttle. Well done Biden 👏
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Jan 4, 2005
This is fucking crazy. I think Nato will defend Ukraine eventually, since this is just unthinkable. World War 3 begins
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