Wal-Mart worker trampled to death by Black Friday mob

Mar 19, 2006
Rylan said:
Just to set the record straight, I said the people were fucking idiots before the pics came out. They would be idiots if the were black, white, yellow, red, green, blue, purple or polka-dotted!
You don't have to set the record straight. My post wasn't directed at you.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Ok to sum it up so far:

1.a bunch of fucking maniac shoppers knock down a temorary security guard and he dies of something that happened when he fell;

2.one guy says it proves the whole country is nuts;

3.another guy blames the capitalist store because they don't hire union labour and therefore aren't overstaffed;

4. a fourth guy says he's not racist but notes that all the 'perps" are black;

5. and lastly another guy's first concern is that the store will get sued.

does that about sum it up so far?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
TeflonJohn said:
Not to be racist in anyway shape or form.
But it seems the ONLY caucasian person in the photos is the police officer.
Hey, I know what you mean. I get a similar reaction when I see pictures of out of control mobs at British soccer games. Nothing but pasty white guys as far as the eye can see. Weird.


Nov 13, 2008
lookingforitallthetime said:
I see. You had no point then.

Unless you see a value in pointing out the obvious.
And when did pointing something out become not of value, obvious or not?

I have mentioned something that every single person here thought as soon as they looked at those photos. Now your going to attack me on it, you must of had the same thoughts if it was "the obvious"
Mar 19, 2006
Asterix said:
Hey, I know what you mean. I get a similar reaction when I see pictures of out of control mobs at British soccer games. Nothing but pasty white guys as far as the eye can see. Weird.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Training is also to have the right people working the doors....not a 75 year old, not a women--for a Black Friday opening--We don't know the size of this guy either.

I am a thin lightweight guy--not the type who should be a bouncer, a door man on a early store opening. This has happen before, maybe not a death but injury's when crowds have rushed in the stores...so Wal Mart should have know better since they are a major retailer.

If it was a small chain of stores, OK but Wal Mart messed up (once again)

As for all those shoppers being black, yes I notice but Wal Mart wants a store there, they should be able to run the store right, so its shoppers and employee's are safe in its store.


Mar 5, 2005
TeflonJohn said:
And when did pointing something out become not of value, obvious or not?

I have mentioned something that every single person here thought as soon as they looked at those photos. Now your going to attack me on it, you must of had the same thoughts if it was "the obvious"
whoa...hang on, buddy. Don't talk for everyone else here. You can't be sure of that.

I didn't think like you when I saw the pic. I thought people are no worst than animals to do something like that.
Mar 19, 2006
TeflonJohn said:
And when did pointing something out become not of value, obvious or not?

I have mentioned something that every single person here thought as soon as they looked at those photos. Now your going to attack me on it, you must of had the same thoughts if it was "the obvious"
To be honest I didn't pay any attention to the picture. You seem like a smart guy so I was willing to accept your profound observation that the mob was without caucasians.

Anyway, I'm sure you will be a valuable addition to terb. I look forward to reading more of your insightful posts.


Nov 13, 2008
gentle_lover said:
whoa...hang on, buddy. Don't talk for everyone else here. You can't be sure of that.

I didn't think like you when I saw the pic. I thought people are no worst than animals to do something like that.
Fair enough.
Some are more observant and analytical then others I presume.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
S.C. Joe said:
Training is also to have the right people working the doors....not a 75 year old, not a women--for a Black Friday opening--We don't know the size of this guy either.

I am a thin lightweight guy--not the type who should be a bouncer, a door man on a early store opening. This has happen before, maybe not a death but injury's when crowds have rushed in the stores...so Wal Mart should have know better since they are a major retailer.

If it was a small chain of stores, OK but Wal Mart messed up (once again)

As for all those shoppers being black, yes I notice but Wal Mart wants a store there, they should be able to run the store right, so its shoppers and employee's are safe in its store.
The simple fact that is was not some 70-80 year old greeter, let's you know that Wal-mart was trying to think. Most times that is the age range for those greeters because it is the best job for the age group.

I am not saying that Wal-mart could not have done some better planning, but it is not "their" fault. Not completely. Most of the blame as to be put on the people. The only reason that I am putting any fault at all on Wal-mart is because they should have taken more precautions against crazed people. That is what it was - a crazed mob. The store was not even opened yet. That is crazy and most people do not think that others can get that bad, so it is hard to plan for something like that. However Wal-mart should know that Black Friday gets a little nuts and taken all the steps to ensure safety. When they saw the rush of people starting to line up, they should have changed strategies right there and come up with a different plan.

Now what that plan could be - I don't know. Not opening the store until order was restored would be my first plan, but that would not have helped at all either.

What would you have done?


Mar 5, 2005
TeflonJohn said:
Fair enough.
Some are more observant and analytical then others I presume.
That's true.
But, being able to spot everyone in the picture is white does not make you more observant and analytical than others, though.
Observation and analysis results in different opinions.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
TeflonJohn said:
Fair enough.
Some are more observant and analytical then others I presume.
Does anyone else see the irony in this comment sticking to John ?


New member
Oct 27, 2006
looking said:
I see. You had no point then.

Unless you see a value in pointing out the obvious.

Yes change the holiday name! Or something more politically correct?" Cheap ass motherf---ers Day"! Who don't care about other people's concerns or safety.


Nov 11, 2003
TeflonJohn said:
Not to be racist in anyway shape or form.
I went to No Frill during my lunch to pick up some Royal Toilet paper (40 rolls) for $5.97. I was grabbing two packs for myself then this chinese lady zips by me and pushes her cart right by me hitting the back of my legs. So this proved to me that not only can chinese people not drive cars but they can't drive shopping carts eithers! "Oh not to be racist in anyway shape or form", I'm chinese by the way and yes I can drive :p

This kind of stuff has happened a lot in the past for the mentioned products. I guess economic times are tough in the US and here as well. So people let the hype of these sales get the best of them. But looking at those pictures Walmart could have done a better job of forming a line or directing the flow of people going into the store better. The first pic looks like a free for all so no wonder the poor person got trampled on.


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Walmart is absolutely negligent and at fault. This unsafe behaviour has been going on for years, the corporate fat-cats have proudly sat in their offices watching with glee as the news reports from these days added to the feeding frenzy mentality of the already socially handicapped consumer they cater to. Their lack of reasonable concern and restaint has condoned this and they now need to be held accountable. I see serious changes coming for Walmart.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
stang said:
Walmart is absolutely negligent and at fault. This unsafe behaviour has been going on for years, the corporate fat-cats have proudly sat in their offices watching with glee as the news reports from these days added to the feeding frenzy mentality of the already socially handicapped consumer they cater to. Their lack of reasonable concern and restaint has condoned this and they now need to be held accountable. I see serious changes coming for Walmart.

Really? So what would have done to avoid this from happening if you were a Wal-mart fat cat?
Mar 19, 2006
mwong168 said:
I went to No Frill during my lunch to pick up some Royal Toilet paper (40 rolls) for $5.97. I was grabbing two packs for myself then this chinese lady zips by me and pushes her cart right by me hitting the back of my legs. So this proved to me that not only can chinese people not drive cars but they can't drive shopping carts eithers! "Oh not to be racist in anyway shape or form", I'm chinese by the way and yes I can drive
Not to be racist in anyway shape or form but Chinese people sure go through a lot of toilet paper. :D
Mar 19, 2006
eldoguy said:
Yes change the holiday name! Or something more politically correct?
I'm not sure what your point is but if you consider teflon john's post as merely politically incorrect, I'm probably not missing anything.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Whoa, this is fricken ridiculous. Utterly and totally uncalled for. I doubt this will be the case but all those idiots/animals/fucktards who were there, inline and know they stepped on someone, should be thinking in the back of their mind: I killed someone for a cheap "whatever".

Like I said: I highly doubt any one of those animals will think that way but let's hope a couple of them did.

This just goes along with my attitude on boxing day: there is NOTHING I want bad enough to line up for hours for. NOTHING. Anyone who does? Really ought to seek out some professional help because unless they are selling 2009 Cadillacs for $200.00, then one has to really give their head a shake.

As for the soccer "hooligans" they too ought to be ashamed of themselves and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In this case, they should have locked ALL the doors again and not let anyone leave until the police examined the video tapes.

After reading the story there was one woman who "pushed" her way into the store after finding out someone was injured. Fuck, makes me ashamed to be a part of the same species as these people......

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Be nice to see a few people charge with a crime but likely not--even if the police try, likely it be for disorderly conduct or something very minor.

Wal Mart could have hire more people to work the line outside and inside..plus have people who work on Black Friday in the past. This poor guy who was killed might have had no idea how people can rush in to a store when it first opens after a holiday.

You take a rock concert--were people have died before--they have many big guys working the doors...plus they make sure people line up single file-they might have steel rails before the doors...but all that cost more money (and less profits).
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