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Using TERB as leverage with SP’s – Unethical?


New member
Jan 8, 2006
I posted this on the "Which reviews do you Trust?" thread and only one person replied. Someone posts a question about golf balls that a quick Google search would answer and gets 25 replies. YIKES!

OK, I realize this topic has likely been covered a few times but there are lots of newbies like myself that would like hear a fresh discussion.

Here's the post, lets hear from the ladies as well.
I’ll start with a few scenarios. Both assume the SP is familiar with TERB and the review process.

Best case scenario:
You reveal it to a SP you have seen 4 – 5 times and you seldom post reviews.

By this time you have developed a rapport with the SP and the rules of engagement have been established. On the down side it will still influence her decision process so a conflict of interest does exist to a degree.

Worst case scenario:
You reveal it to a SP you are seeing for the first time and you frequently post reviews that are highly regarded in the TERB community.

First off, your review is nearly worthless. It may be an exact account of the session but the odds are high that you received better service that the average Joe would get.

I really struggled with this next topic. I am somewhat uncomfortable because it may cause controversy but would like to hear other opinions. Do any of you feel strong enough about this practice being unethical to call it extortion? That argument can be supported. This is a business for these girls, the sole source of income for most. Many have people that depend on them and can little afford to lose business. In cases like that you are basically holding a knife to her throat. Comments?

As you know, most occupations are guided by a code of ethics. I recognize this is not an occupation, however, given the number of people that rely on reviews some guidelines would be appropriate. To illustrate my point here are a few excerpts from the restaurant reviewers code of ethics, not far off from sex really, lol.

  • Reviewers will conduct their reviews anonymously and pay for their meals like regular customers.
  • Reviewers will never announce their intention to cover or review a restaurant by making reservations in their own name.
  • Reviews should be conducted anonymously to experience the restaurant just as ordinary patrons do.
  • Reviewers who have been recognized may want to make note of that in the review, especially if the treatment they receive differs markedly from what nearby tables are receiving.

I realize this is unrealistic but maybe the reviews should contain a preamble stating the circumstances in respect to the above.



Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
I don't even mention TERB to SP's or MP's. If the subject ever comes up I NEVER admit to posting.
Admitting to being a Terbite would be like admitting to wearing women's panties under my business suit.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Best case: she's heard of TERB and you think it get's you somewhere (but how will you ever know?), even though she decides you're just trying to boost your feeling of self-importance.

Worst case: she hasn't a clue about TERB and she decides you're just trying to boost your feeling of self-importance.

Either way, the MPA's now got a reason beyond, "what if he's LE?" to be suspicious of her customers, and any reviews you post—as you noted, and if you don't conceal your tactic—are suspect.

Your proposal seems TERBinally self-defeating to me.


New member
Jan 8, 2006
oldjones said:
Your proposal seems TERBinally self-defeating to me.
What proposal?

This one?: I realize this is unrealistic but maybe the reviews should contain a preamble stating the circumstances in respect to the above.



Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
Tragically_Glib said:
I posted this on the "Which reviews do you Trust?" thread and only one person replied. Someone posts a question about golf balls that a quick Google search would answer and gets 25 replies. YIKES!

OK, I realize this topic has likely been covered a few times but there are lots of newbies like myself that would like hear a fresh discussion.

Here's the post, lets hear from the ladies as well.
I’ll start with a few scenarios. Both assume the SP is familiar with TERB and the review process.

Best case scenario:
You reveal it to a SP you have seen 4 – 5 times and you seldom post reviews.

By this time you have developed a rapport with the SP and the rules of engagement have been established. On the down side it will still influence her decision process so a conflict of interest does exist to a degree.

Worst case scenario:
You reveal it to a SP you are seeing for the first time and you frequently post reviews that are highly regarded in the TERB community.

First off, your review is nearly worthless. It may be an exact account of the session but the odds are high that you received better service that the average Joe would get.

I really struggled with this next topic. I am somewhat uncomfortable because it may cause controversy but would like to hear other opinions. Do any of you feel strong enough about this practice being unethical to call it extortion? That argument can be supported. This is a business for these girls, the sole source of income for most. Many have people that depend on them and can little afford to lose business. In cases like that you are basically holding a knife to her throat. Comments?

As you know, most occupations are guided by a code of ethics. I recognize this is not an occupation, however, given the number of people that rely on reviews some guidelines would be appropriate. To illustrate my point here are a few excerpts from the restaurant reviewers code of ethics, not far off from sex really, lol.

  • Reviewers will conduct their reviews anonymously and pay for their meals like regular customers.
  • Reviewers will never announce their intention to cover or review a restaurant by making reservations in their own name.
  • Reviews should be conducted anonymously to experience the restaurant just as ordinary patrons do.
  • Reviewers who have been recognized may want to make note of that in the review, especially if the treatment they receive differs markedly from what nearby tables are receiving.

I realize this is unrealistic but maybe the reviews should contain a preamble stating the circumstances in respect to the above.


You've got waaay too much free time on your hands.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
If the topic comes up I do mention my handle on terb because often the ladies I see post here and they've read my posts. Some think I'm hilarious and some, well, you know lol.

If I'm going to post a review I always ask first and my regular date prefers that I don't post anything, so I respect her request.

As for getting better service because I divulge my knowledge of terb? Ummm hardly...I have had my poor experiences as well as my mind blowing, knock my sox off, leave me broken and battered on the side of the road dates. Were these dates a direct result of me being a terbite? I think not as the ladies I've seen have been reviewed before with similar results.

I like to think that people are generally honest and it won't matter one iota if the customer is a terbite or not. I thin chemistry between two people is far more conducive to a great date than what site one belongs to. WIth that being said I do have to say that any guy that says "I'm a terbite, give me great service or I will write a bad review" is mud in my eyes and should be shot shit and pissed upon.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Of course it's unethical... you actually have to ask that question?

However I don't lie to SP's and some will only allow bookings through Terb... which puts their potential clients in an interesting dilemma.


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
A lot of times My bookings are made through PMs on the board, so the Ladies know I do Make posts here. I'm not into the whole ratings numbers thing, it's mostly, I like them and we got along or we didn't.
I don't think a Lady knowing you are going to post a review about them is going to change the way they do things or their sevice anyway, all visits are YMMV so posting a Bad review is just your one time experience and Not necessarily Mine.


New member
May 30, 2005
It can be extortion, so how about Glib's "code of conduct?"

Hey team,

As in the previous thread that relates to this topic, I agree with Glib, although I'm not as sympathetically inclined towards the SPs as he and other TERBites seems to be.

Few other professional pursuits allow for a $200 to $300 per hour fee for an activity that requires no education or formal training and has a large, captive market. Any SP who is between the ages of 18-40, keeps her body and health in reasonable condition, and has good sexual technique can have a successful career. We hetero guys are a horny and not always discriminating species when it comes to the biological imperative of sex; hence the reason that the SP business has existed since the dawn of civilization, and will continue to do so until men become extinct.

I firmly believe that unbiased and HONEST reviews are the key to this board and I find it difficult to view an SP who has a university education +/- a previous career, and works independently out of an immaculate downtown Toronto condo as a victim of my unrelenting dick. The "rules of engagement", then, boil down to the standards of good business practice (whatever the business) between customers and providers, and the basic laws of economics.

None of the above excuses the crap that SPs must endure on a daily basis, and I'd say that this includes what Glib is referring to. For us TERBites who hope to use reviews to guide our "purchases", Glib is right in that if you inform the SP you are an experienced and well-respected TERBite, it is more likely than not that you will be treated to the best possible service the SP can muster, and therefore your review will describe the best possible experience and not the most common one. I don't think I would go as far as Glib as to refer to it as "extortion" - I think it depends on the particular circumstances and if the TERBite explicitly threatens the SP with a bad review unless she accedes to his demands. But it certainly has the potential to be unethical, and even if the threat is only implied it still counts as extortion. The opposite view is to consider it some sort of performance evaluation. Most professions have this, both formal and informal, and both announced and unannounced, and as long as the TERBite is accurate in his account and does not attempt to influence the session to his advantage or to the SP's disadvantage, it's fair game.

To revise Glib's restaurant code to make it applicable to our hobby, how about the following?

  • Reviewers will conduct their reviews anonymously and pay for their sex sessions like regular customers.
  • Reviewers will never announce their intention to review an SP by making appointments with her using their TERB alias.
  • Reviewers will never disclose their TERB alias at any time before, during, or after the session.
  • As above, reviews should be conducted anonymously to experience the quality of the SP's service in an unbiased and reliable fashion, just as ordinary clients do.
  • Reviewers who have been recognized may want to make note of that in the review, especially if the service they received appears to differ markedly from what other clients have received (where applicable). To reduce the likelihood of this occuring in the future, TERB members are advised not to reveal extraneous, superfluous, or uniquely identifying details in their reviews (or during the session itself) that are unrelated to the quality of the sexual encounter and which may therefore inadvertently reveal their identities to the SP.

Like asn (and, I assume, many others on the board), I have NEVER revealed my TERB alias to an SP. I never even raise the topic of TERB, but if it raised with me I always feign ignorance. It just avoids a multitude of potential problems that I'd rather not have to deal with, including the problems mentioned by Glib and others.

tboy's comment that he has still received poor service after disclosing his TERB alias is quite interesting, and if anything that's just more proof that the lady in question is a crappy SP. If she can't orchestrate a fantastic lay for someone who could potentially provide her with more clients, then it is really a lost cause.



New member
Feb 10, 2005
People that go to TERB functions are given name tags, many recognize each other especially in a small area like Kitchener Waterloo. It puts SPs at ease to know they are dealing with a client they know and can check their posting history.
We aren't extortionists because of this, if I am then Fred should give me a second handle so I can trash some bitches anonymously. :rolleyes:


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
i think if the hobbyist asks for extras because they will write a bad review- thats extortion.

if a hobbyist books using their handle or mentions they are on terb - its not extortion, though I do think its unethical.


It's been good to know ya
Svend said:
People that go to TERB functions are given name tags, many recognize each other especially in a small area like Kitchener Waterloo. It puts SPs at ease to know they are dealing with a client they know and can check their posting history.
We aren't extortionists because of this, if I am then Fred should give me a second handle so I can trash some bitches anonymously. :rolleyes:

That's my take on the issue. I would much prefer to know the handle than to hear only I am on Terb. It is more comforting than to meet just a stranger even if you do not know the man yet already as stated you can check his posting history and at least feel secure in the fact that you are meeting a man that will be back on the board the next day. He then feels already much less like a stranger. I do not feel it is the ones that admit to who they are that would use it as leverage it is the ones who hide whom they are or have multiple handles.


New member
May 30, 2005
Small vs. Large Area

Hi Svend,

Geez, I've been quite the Toronto-centric jerk, haven't I? I had not considered that things might operate differently in smaller locations where it is more difficult, if not impossible, to maintain anonymity to the same degree as Toronto. And, having never been to a TERB soiree, I've never had the opportunity to meet other TERBites. Not sure if I really want to, though - I'd be worried about encountering my boss, co-workers, family members, etc. :cool:

It's not automatically extortion just because the SP knows your handle. But at best, and with no coercion or other nasty self-serving behaviour, it still makes the review seem less objective in the reader's mind. Maybe in small cities there are few options for recourse, but in T.O. I still think anonymity should be the standard.



Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Tragically_Glib said:
As you know, most occupations are guided by a code of ethics. I recognize this is not an occupation, however, given the number of people that rely on reviews some guidelines would be appropriate. To illustrate my point here are a few excerpts from the restaurant reviewers code of ethics, not far off from sex really, lol.

  • Reviewers will conduct their reviews anonymously and pay for their meals like regular customers.
  • Reviewers will never announce their intention to cover or review a restaurant by making reservations in their own name.
  • Reviews should be conducted anonymously to experience the restaurant just as ordinary patrons do.
  • Reviewers who have been recognized may want to make note of that in the review, especially if the treatment they receive differs markedly from what nearby tables are receiving.

I realize this is unrealistic but maybe the reviews should contain a preamble stating the circumstances in respect to the above.
Glib is the only one who uses bullets on terb. Such display of organization, you must be an accountant.:D


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
eyeofthedragon said:
I usually dont mention my handle anymore or terb. I'd rather talk about something real. That and have sex
i always tell them I am mute.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Oooooh, I just LOVE this response!

Tragically_Glib said:
So will you if you invested right and have outstanding time management skills. ;)

(Nothing to add to the thread)


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Gee thanks Red, now I'm just unethical instead of an extortionist.
Why taint all people that book using their handle, go after the ones that abuse their role on TERB.
I see there is another big party shaping up in Hamilton, all TERB members with name tags. Are they all unethical because they'll know each other's faces?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Meister said:
Glib is the only one who uses bullets on terb. Such display of organization, you must be an accountant.:D

Hey, never assume all accountants organized are.
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