He called an election in the middle of the pandemic. Think about that for a minute. Done thinking. He tried to pull a fast one on the country thinking that things were about as favourable as it could be to get his majority government. But surprise surprise even with his bought and paid for media he still lost the majority vote and we ended up in exactly the same position as before. Well not just the same come to think about it because we were out 600 million for the cost his folly.
The ''fringe minority'' who he calls mostly racists and misogynists' have had it with him and his divisive rhetoric. He always talking about dialogue and transparency. Let's see what his next move is because this isn't going away anytime soon I can guarantee you that.
You don’t like him. I get it. I don’t either. You can think what you want about him, about the liberals about how and why he says what he does, how and why he called an election. None of that matters.
What matters is democracy, which is something everyone is bitching about and yet everyone has gotten.
He called an election. In the middle of the pandemic. With the platform of vaccines and mandates and he won. Period. End stop.
So what do you do now? Hold the public hostage? For what? That ain’t gonna change his mind. Hold food hostage at the border? You think he is going to change his tune For that? Nope. Revolt and have a civil war? Sure, let’s turn into Syria because that is how the war started there. Between the government and the people.
You like to bitch and post shit here but you never give a solution. It’s just drop the mandates. Well he ain’t and he is in power. For a quite a while longer. Illegal protests ain’t gonna do it.
So do it the legal way and take them to court. Fight it there where it is the only place that will make a difference.