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Understanding SO's


New member
Feb 2, 2006
[So, if there is even a remote chance that you are still going to be intimate with your wife or SO, and they haven't signed off on your extra carricular activity, keep it in your pants. Otherwise, if you bring something home and give it to them you are absolute scum. Not only that but you're a chickenS#@t coward.[/QUOTE]

Okay, so now I am puzzled. Your earlier posts are mostly under the threads "Ottawa Sucks" and "Why are Ottawa Escorts so Ugly?" where you bitch about the quality of escorts in Ottawa. Now you are calling people who visit escorts names. Please explain. Where exactly are you coming from?


New member
Aug 17, 2005
qwerty said:
Wow slurp. Nice post. I am in pretty much the same situation as you...
I was in this I'm divorced. Sex is just one part of a marriage, but it's an important part, and if ignored will very likely lead to seperation...
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Jack Mioff

re: members
Dec 23, 2003
My deal....

I haven't had sex with the wife for about 7 years now (married: 26). I used to wait (and wait and wait...) until she was in the mood back in our 20's & 30's, and sex would come very infrequently and without any surprises or experimentation. I would go to sleep with a hardon most every night hoping for relief that would never materialize. When I reached 40 I decided that it wasn't worth the trouble for the few morsels she would throw my way when she felt like it and made a conscious decision to eschew all further sexual contact with her. It took her about 3 years before she figured out what was going on. At around the same time, I ventured out on my own to mostly MPs and found a whole new world just waiting for me (why didn't somebody tell me about this before?). Now I bet you're wondering: Which came first? The Chicken? Or the Egg? (Well, I can guarantee you that I was choking the chicken for many years before I decided to sally forth.). For a few measly bucks I could get some satisfaction at the hands of a beautiful woman with no extra baggage thrown in. I could get it when I wanted it and I could have a different girl each time. Good deal. My adventures continue to this day.
She now figures I'm having an affair and, in a way, I guess I am. She harangues me for the lack of sex these days, but I am standing firm (so to speak). I just can't bring myself to go back to the way things were. Our marriage now is on untenable ground for various reasons including this issue. I don't really have a moral to this story, I just had to get it off my chest and this thread seemed appropriate.
You may now commence with the slings and arrows................



New member
Sep 23, 2004
Slurp, I understand your situation, and I'm trying not to be judgmental -- but I think it's sad when any spouse unilaterally decides to end the sexual relationship in marriage.

But it would be one thing if a person simply lost interest in sex altogether -- it's quite another if a person is only not interested in having sex with his or her spouse. You can see where a person could take that quite personally.

I hope it all works out for you. As some here have said, divorce is an option. But if you were my husband, I think I'd be more interested in a solution with a "til death do us part" flavour.



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2004
mav256 said:
My gf caught me looking at TERB and threatened me within an inch of my dick! My ex-wife almost caught me but I deleted all of my posts and that id before she ready any of my reviews. I guess it wouldn't have mattered since we got divorced anyway, lol!
How did you get caught and how did you explain TERB? I would freak out, have a seizure, stop, drop, and roll...into a grave.


New member
Jan 13, 2005
I'm not new to TERB, just don't usually post. This thread caught my eye. Been married 23 years. Wife going through menopause. Haven't had sex in over a year, and previous has been very very sporadic after kids came. Began hobbying, mostly with MPs, as I love the teasing, and the release is usually enough to satisfy my urges, and ythe cost is more affordable than SPs. JoyfulC is right. If a partner is not interested in even trying to be attractive/sexually desirable/ or just plain intimate, the hunger is there and cravings must be satiated. I have three wonderful kids, and apart from the lack of intimacy, we get along great. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else, and nearing 50, I wouldn't want to even start finding a new SO. Three years ago I had an affair for about a year. My wife suspected, things improved for maybe 6 months, then back to zilch. But having a girlfriend on the side is very difficult to manage and keep secret. There's also the very real possibility of really falling in love, and then divorce, heartache, financial hardship, not to mention the danger of loosing your testicles. So next week, I'm coming to Ottawa (used to live there for 7 years in late 90's, now in TO) for business, and have made arrangements to see Monique for a couple of hours. I'm looking forward to it as one would look forward to opening a fine wine and savouring it slowly. Again, JoyfulC is right. Be discreet, be SAFE, get your needs met and hopefully both are the better for it. My two cents' worth.


New member
Jan 13, 2005
BTW, besides Monique, anybody have experience with the Mature Ladies group, or have recommendations for GFE? Sorry, didn't want to hijack the thread...


New member
Aug 17, 2005
Participant said:
How did you get caught and how did you explain TERB? I would freak out, have a seizure, stop, drop, and roll...into a grave.
Oh, I freaked out alright.

I forgot to delete my browser history and she looked through it (we share the computer). I told her that I used to see some SPs before I met her (true) and that now I just use it to chat with some friends and read posts (also true). She knows that I had no sex life with my ex-wife for 5 years so she wasn't that suprised that I saw some professionals. Actually she's very sexual and fulfills every fantasy I've ever had (and some I didn't know I had) so I don't really have a need for SPs anymore (even the best SP is still a stranger and doesn't know how to make you completely happy), but you never know when things are going to change, lol.

This place is kinda like Newsgroups 15 years ago, kinda adictive. Besides, I can't talk to my friends about nailing escorts...they already don't understand the divorce, never mind paying for sex.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
SP vs MP

I got to thinking that I've shared many of your experiences and agree with you all in some shape or another (except Rofobo - sorry bud). I've come to the conclusion that I like my comfortable little life & SO. If I have a choice, I don't think I will change it. I made a promise to keep married, and I'm sticking to it as close as I can.

I don't happen to share sex with her - that appears to be an unspoken agreement between us. Been almost 6mo. What's next?...I don't know, but if I have any say in the matter, it will be status quo for now. I've come to the conclusion that I don't enjoy SP services as much as I used to. I now prefer MPs. Hope I don't get busted along with all the other MAs.


New member
Oct 3, 2005
I'm not pissing on the choice of people to use service providers. I like service providers because I have an incredibly hectic life and when I want relaxation I want relaxation. And to be quite honest, I don't need emotional intimacy, just physical. Whatever reason anyone sees a service provider is OK by me UNLESS they are doing it behind someones back with who they are having a physical relationship. Putting your health at risk is your choice. Putting someone elses's health at risk is actually criminal in this day and age. I don't care if your wife or SO is the biggest shrew on the face of the planet, if you are physically intimate with her and someone else behind her back you're scum. I challenge anyone on here to tell me that sleeping with prostitutes and your SO at the same time without her knowledge is acceptable.

My nephew was quite the party animal. He had a really cute girlfriend too but he was big man on campus so he played around. He contracted HIV and it's only by the grace of god that his girlfriend didn't. That girl went through hell until her tests came back negative. Just imagine if he'd actually given it to her. I could never live with myself if I'd have done that to someone.

And I'd also be willing to wager that a majority of women, even if they aren't interested in sex, would leave their SO's if they found out that they were being cheated on.

So if you want to step out on your wife or SO at least have the guts to tell her what you're doing.


New member
Feb 2, 2006
I have been with my SO for almost 30 years. I still love her dearly even though the rabbit imitation that we performed all through our twenties petered off after the birth of our first child and sex eventually became a once a month activity. I still craved sex daily as many men do, and my right hand became my most frequent sex partner. I disliked the notion of cheating on my wife and certainly didn’t want to get involved with the cumbersome baggage of having an affair and destroying my marriage.
What’s one to do? As I reached my late forties I finally realized that things were never going to improve on that front and that I wasn’t getting any younger. I could see the entire future of my sex life and it didn’t make me very happy. Effectively, my sex life was winding down.

When I was younger, women always flirted with me. I never followed up on any of that, it just let me know that I was still alive and was still a desirable commodity. As I got older, the flirtations wound down. My barometer was broken and I was still unhappy sexually even though I loved my wife.
My wife began her menopause and her sex drive diminished further.
The options for me became either, suck it up and be miserable for the rest of my life or try to live a little in the 20 years that I possibly have left. I wasn’t trying to be selfish though some may perceive it that way. You can love someone but you can never be all things to one person. My wife proved that to me.

A few years back, I went to the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam and discovered the sanity of Dutch society and the joys of the Red Light District. A young blonde Dutch woman looked puzzled when I asked her how much for a hand job. I guess it was an uncommon request in those parts but she did her bit and I went away happy. I saw her again a few times and became comfortable with the full service that is customary there. We became friends and I found out that like many of the working girls, she also had a SO at home. This was just her job and she treated it as such. Like most RLD girls, she was meticulous about safe sex as this was her livelihood and she was not about to jeopardize it with anyone. I told her about John schools here in Canada and she thought I was joking.

Anyhow, over the past year, I have started to visit MPs here at home. No full contact but still the joy over being touched by a beautiful lady.
My wife knows that I go for massages and even jokes about it. She also knows that I go to Amsterdam once a year. She knows that I have a high sex drive that has always been out of sync with hers. She is an intelligent person and I think that she can connect the dots. At the same time, I’m sure that she doesn’t want to hear about it and I have no desire to rub it in her face. Would there really be any percentage in telling her? I don’t think so.

If I ever contracted an STD, she would be the first to know but given how careful the few women I've been fully intimate with are (condoms for BJ too), it's a small likelihood.


New member
Aug 17, 2005
rofobo said:
Whatever reason anyone sees a service provider is OK by me UNLESS they are doing it behind someones back with who they are having a physical relationship....
Blah blah blah. You do realize you are on a web site where men pay women for sex and then bitch that they didn't swallow, right? Probably everyone here has a SO they at least fuck occasionally. If you want to preach morals then go the

P.S. Tell your dumb ass nephew and his girl friend to learn how to use a condom. My heart bleeds for their stupidity not!


New member
Sep 6, 2003

...and any other techies out there. How do you delete the browser history? When I clear history it is still possible to see previous web sites listed in the address bar and in the google bar. How do you get rid of this? I know in TOOLS-SECURITY there is something you can click but do not know what it is? Any help?? Thanks.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
In tools , you can click " clear history " You can also delete cookies in temporary files and all viewed temporary files. In the address bar, highlite the selected address and click delete


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
sun said:
In tools , you can click " clear history " You can also delete cookies in temporary files and all viewed temporary files. In the address bar, highlite the selected address and click delete
I delete cookies and clear history all the times, but still there are a few address that won't go away.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2004
"Tools"...."Internet Options"...."Delete Cookies"...and/or "Delete Files"....or better yet...Window Washer 5.0!


May 17, 2005
See the bottom of this post

FalconHawk said:
...and any other techies out there. How do you delete the browser history? When I clear history it is still possible to see previous web sites listed in the address bar and in the google bar. How do you get rid of this? I know in TOOLS-SECURITY there is something you can click but do not know what it is? Any help?? Thanks.


New member
Oct 3, 2005
mav256, I'm hurt, I think I'm close to tears. You've cut me to ribbons with your razor like wit. I admit my nephew was an idiot, but so are you if you think condoms are 100 percent effective. I'd like to leave you with one thought...but I'm not sure you have anywhere to put it!


New member
Mar 27, 2004
Thanks , Gumoo. That link is a great help for a lot of us who are only semi computer literate.
Remy , I just highlite the address I wish to remove with the mouse . Then click the delete key on the keyboard and the address always disappears.
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