U.S. Doublespeak on Palestine


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
U.S. Doublespeak on Palestine

by Robert Fantina

As Palestinians continue to endure unspeakable suffering at the hands of Israelis, there are some old bromides that are constantly being hurled at an unsuspecting public by elected U.S. officials, in order to justify U.S. financing of that suffering. Let us look at just a few:

Israel has the right to defend itself. This writer cannot count the number of times this ridiculous statement has been made. Can we all just take a minute to investigate it? Israel, we are told, has the right to use the most advanced weaponry available on the planet, some of it banned by international law, to ‘defend’ itself against an occupied, rock-throwing population. Yes, occasionally Palestinians are able to smuggle in enough supplies to make ‘rockets’ that author Norman Finkelstein, son of Holocaust survivors and an outspoken critic of Israel, refers to as ‘enhanced fireworks’. In the minds of the Israeli-lobby-controlled U.S. government, those fireworks are sufficient to justify the carpet-bombing of homes, mosques, hospitals and schools. Need we mention, again, that bombing these sites is a violation of international law? Oh, and let’s not forget that the U.S. finances it all.

President Obama, in 2008, made this amazing statement: “If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. I would expect Israelis to do the same thing.” If someone, heavily armed, was stopping his daughters on their way to school every
fantinamorning to search their backpacks, would he do everything in his power to stop that? If the First Lady was constantly spat upon when going to the local store, would he stop that? If one or both of his daughters were at risk of being shot at point-blank range and left dying in the street, would there be any limits to his efforts to stop that? Or if representatives of a foreign nation showed up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with bulldozers and began razing the White House, claiming that it was sitting on land that God promised to them, would he stop it? If his daughters were arrested for throwing stones at someone who had bulldozed their house, would he prevent that? This writer would love to hear Mr. Obama say this: ‘If somebody was brutally oppressing my loved ones, I’m going to do everything in my power to stop that. I would expect Palestinians to do the same thing.”

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. It isn’t surprising to hear U.S. politicians say this, since most of them have only the vaguest concept of what ‘democracy’ means, never having experienced it, but hearing about it once or twice in some high school civics class. It seems that, in their view, if a nation holds elections, it is a democracy. Never mind that there are separate laws for Africans and Arabs living within Israel’s borders. Forget about the fact that Palestinian men, women and children can be arrested and held indefinitely, without charge or contact with legal representation, or even family members. Don’t bother even considering the fact that, in the Israel-occupied West Bank, there are separate, and far inferior, roads for Palestinians, and that they are not allowed to drive on, or even cross over, the superior Israeli roads. But hey! They have elections! Therefore, Israel is a democracy!

Israel is the U.S.’s only friend in the Middle East. This one is almost too much for this writer to bear; it is all he can to do keep from screaming every time he hears it. Israel continually slaps the U.S. in the face, refusing to halt illegal settlement activity; demanding that the U.S. protect it from United Nations criticism; committing the kinds of human rights abuses that cause the U.S. to bomb other nations, all the while receiving $10 million dollars a day from the U.S. This doesn’t sound like friendship; it sounds like services bought and paid for by the various Israeli lobbies.

What, one wonders, does the U.S. get from this one-sided ‘friendship’? Other nations in the Middle East despise the U.S., at least partly because of its financing of the oppression of the Palestinians (constantly bombing them doesn’t help much, either). Perhaps, just perhaps, the U.S. might have some real allies in the Middle East if it stopped funding ongoing genocide.

What, one further wonders, is in store for Israel after a new U.S. president is inaugurated in January of 2017? Mr. Obama is said to detest Israeli Prime Murderer Benjamin Netanyahu, yet he jumps through whatever hoops the Prime Murderer puts in front of him, like an obedient dog performing at a circus. All of the major party candidates seeking the U.S. presidency fawn all over Mr. Netanyahu as if he were some international hero, and not a mass murderer.

Although the struggle of the Palestinian people has lasted since 1948, let us look at the death toll for them, and the Israelis, just in the current millennium. Approximately 1,200 Israelis have died in this conflict (this writer does not call it a war; it is genocide, pure and simple), including about 130 children. In that same time period, at least 9, 150 Palestinians have been killed, and this number includes over 1,500 children.

So one might ask Mr. Obama how he feels about Israel preventing the firing of ineffective rockets by the use of mass murder. What would he say to the parents of those 1,500 children, slaughtered in their homes or schools, with bombs he provided?

The U.S. was one of the last nations in the world to condemn South African apartheid; never a leader in the fight for freedom, or in assisting oppressed people to gain their basic human rights, the U.S. will again follow in Palestine. Israel will either implode from the weight of its own internal and external oppression, or will find itself so ostracized by the world community that even the mighty U.S. can’t save it from itself. In time, the people of Palestine will experience the freedom that the U.S. pays cheap lip service to, but does not practice. They will live on their ancestral lands, despite all the opposition from the United States. The day of their liberation cannot come soon enough, but it is coming.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Another Idiot who thinks it is OK tfor Israelis to be under constant attack.
The truth is becoming more apparent by the day Fuji. As I said, I think Iran is Obamas little gift to Israel. Maybe if Iran arms the Palis with proper GPS weapons capable of doing real damage the Israelis will actually be forced to stop playing games or face a protracted and debilitating war with Iran... Also blows massive holes in Fujis lies that Israelis are treated equally.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The truth is becoming more apparent by the day Fuji. As I said, I think Iran is Obamas little gift to Israel. Maybe if Iran arms the Palis with proper GPS weapons capable of doing real damage the Israelis will actually be forced to stop playing games or face a protracted and debilitating war with Iran...
Or maybe Obama is just going to let Putin align with Syria and Iran and hem Israel in.
The US has pretty much given up on the Syrian revolution, its pretty much a choice between IS, Assad or al Qaeda.
Israel is pushing for al Qaeda, but with Putin backing Assad thats not looking wise.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Or maybe Obama is just going to let Putin align with Syria and Iran and hem Israel in.
The US has pretty much given up on the Syrian revolution, its pretty much a choice between IS, Assad or al Qaeda.
Israel is pushing for al Qaeda, but with Putin backing Assad thats not looking wise.
I am not sure Israel would back Al Queda, I think IS is their choice because they are opposed to all the incumbents in the Arab world, and quite muted in regard to anti-semitism.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I am not sure Israel would back Al Queda, I think IS is their choice because they are opposed to all the incumbents in the Arab world, and quite muted in regard to anti-semitism.
Israel has been quietly backing al Qaeda, check the news.


Jan 31, 2005
The truth is becoming more apparent by the day Fuji. As I said, I think Iran is Obamas little gift to Israel. Maybe if Iran arms the Palis with proper GPS weapons capable of doing real damage the Israelis will actually be forced to stop playing games or face a protracted and debilitating war with Iran... Also blows massive holes in Fujis lies that Israelis are treated equally.
The truth is that Palestinians fire rockets at Israel daily and idiots like the one quoted in post 1 downplay that.

I guarantee you if Toronto was being hit by these rockets we wouldn't be seeing the word rocket in quotes, as if that makes them less dangerous, and we wouldn't be hearing that it is acceptable and should be tolerated.

Any PM that didn't send in the army with orders to shoot on sight to make it stop would immediately lose the confidence of Parliament and be replaced by someone willing to do what it takes to stop the attacks.

The attacks aren't ok. The terrorism isn't OK. There isn't any such thing as peace while Hamas and Islamic Jihad exist as armed groups.

Post 1 is pure bullshit.

Your suggestion that terror sponsoring Iran should give the terrorists better weapons so that they can kill more civilians is fucking reprehensible and you are really showing just how fucked up you are here.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The truth is that Palestinians fire rockets at Israel daily and idiots like the one quoted in post 1 downplay that.

I guarantee you if Toronto was being hit by these rockets we wouldn't be seeing the word rocket in quotes, as if that makes them less dangerous, and we wouldn't be hearing that it is acceptable and should be tolerated.

Any PM that didn't send in the army with orders to shoot on sight to make it stop would immediately lose the confidence of Parliament and be replaced by someone willing to do what it takes to stop the attacks.

The attacks aren't ok. The terrorism isn't OK. There isn't any such thing as peace while Hamas and Islamic Jihad exist as armed groups.

Post 1 is pure bullshit.

Your suggestion that terror sponsoring Iran should give the terrorists better weapons so that they can kill more civilians is fucking reprehensible and you are really showing just how fucked up you are here.
Canadians would not treat minorities the way Israel treats its arabs. Also if Canada tried to steal land from our neighbor we'd get more then an angry protest and fireworks display.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Canadians would not treat minorities the way Israel treats its arabs. Also if Canada tried to steal land from our neighbor we'd get more then an angry protest and fireworks display.
Or if Canada regularly bombed the rez's for asking for clean water or for protesting treaties which haven't been respected, which is probably a closer metaphor for Israel's treatment of their natives.


Jan 31, 2005
Canadians would not treat minorities the way Israel treats its arabs. Also if Canada tried to steal land from our neighbor we'd get more then an angry protest and fireworks display.
You RAN from the point. If Muslim groups in Canada started receiving arms from Iran, formed terrorists militias, and firing rockets at Toronto nobody would say we should put up with the rockets.


The rocket fire on Israel isn't acceptable and any country has the right to defend its citizens from it.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You RAN from the point. If Muslim groups in Canada started receiving arms from Iran, formed terrorists militias, and firing rockets at Toronto nobody would say we should put up with the rockets.


The rocket fire on Israel isn't acceptable and any country has the right to defend its citizens from it.
So you are saying it is not acceptable for the US to use rockets on its enemies? Israel is stealing Arab land and oppressing people. You expect them to just suck it up?


Jan 31, 2005
So you are saying it is not acceptable for the US to use rockets on its enemies? Israel is stealing Arab land and oppressing people. You expect them to just suck it up?
It is not acceptable to target civilian populations.

Your bullshit lies about Israel wouldn't justify targeting civilians even if your lies were true.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So you are saying it is not acceptable for the US to use rockets on its enemies? Israel is stealing Arab land and oppressing people. You expect them to just suck it up?
I think fuji is arguing that Palestinians are within their rights to fire rockets at Israeli's, according to his analogy.
That if someone comes to your land and starts firing rockets at you, as Israel does, then you are within your rights to defend yourself.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Another Idiot who thinks it is OK for Israelis to be under constant attack.
No .. that 'idiot' looks into the WHY of the attacks. You seem reluctant to even entertain a passing thought on the reaction of people whose live in an armed occupied territory. Are the missiles coming from Israel or occupied territory ? I don't know but it doesn't take an idiot to realise that seizing territory and subjecting the indigenous people to your laws and restrictions, putting up illegal settlements is going to generate frustration. Add the inability to launch a conventional war with a modern army, then as with the French freedom fighters (or terrorists depending on your viewpoint) - there will be unconventional armed activity.

I do not agree with targeting civilians on either side but you can't resolve a conflict without facing the underlining cause. This position that Israel has not contributed to the conflict is unrealistic.


Jan 31, 2005
No .. that 'idiot' looks into the WHY of the attacks.
The attacks have been going on without interruption since before there was an occupation, so that isn't why. The attacks caused the occupation, not the other way around.

And while you say seizing territory you are willfully blind in overlooking that the territory came under Israel control as a result of a war in which the Arabs attempted to annihilate Israel.


Jan 31, 2005
Its Israel that fires more rockets and kills more civilians.
Even now.

Israel has attacked Gaza 696 times since the 2014 slaughter of civilians, according to the UK.

Are you supporting those war crime rockets and attacks?
I see you have crawled back from being banned. Are you still claiming that the rapporteurs speak for the UN d telling lies that the UN called Israel apartheid?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The attacks have been going on without interruption since before there was an occupation, so that isn't why. The attacks caused the occupation, not the other way around.

And while you say seizing territory you are willfully blind in overlooking that the territory came under Israel control as a result of a war in which the Arabs attempted to annihilate Israel.
Another Israeli chicken and egg argument. Utter rubbish. Israel wants the missile attacks to continue so it can keep playing the victim. That is why they handed Gaza to Hamas instead of supporting Fatah who was their official partner for peace.
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