Many people don't know when you choke, you press from the sides and not directly on the windpipe which is the risk for injuries or even worse. I am into choking (with full consent of course) and most girls I am with enjoy it because I actually do it right and not try to crush their windpipe lol.There's research now showing it you are routinely obstructing the airway the choking described - its actually causing brain damage akin to getting a concussion. Be careful out there folks!
Frequent and Recent Non-fatal Strangulation/Choking During Sex and Its Association With fMRI Activation During Working Memory Tasks - PMC
Being strangled, or “choked,” by a sexual partner has emerged as a prevalent, often wanted and consensual sexual behavior among adolescent and young adult women, yet the neurological consequences of repeated exposure to this behavior are unknown.
Association of Frequent Sexual Choking/Strangulation With Neurophysiological Responses: A Pilot Resting-State fMRI Study