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Turkey on Israel: All bark and no bite


Jan 31, 2005
So are you saying that the Saudi's get equipment that Israel doesn't have access to? I would find that hard to believe.
That's because you are viewing the Middle East through the wrong lens. You've bought into the propaganda that the issue in the Middle East is "Israel versus Palestine", and while that's certainly playing out in the media, it is not an issue that many Middle Eastern regimes take seriously anymore. They mostly view it as a solved problem. Sucks for the Palestinians--but the Palestinian issue isn't a threat to anybody's national security, except maybe Israel's. Certainly it's not a hot button for the Saudis.

The issue in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia versus Iran. Look at it through that lens and you'll understand why the Saudis are getting the good stuff. You can be pretty sure that, whatever they may say publically, the Saudis are privately bought into the existence of Israel and aren't going to make any move against the Israelis: They're on the same side. Really.

If you want to see which side of that dispute each country is on, look at whether their military forces carry Kalashnikov rifles and fly SU-class planes or whether they carry M16's and fly F-class planes. Seriously.


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
The problem is when the Saudi regime crumbles who gets the good stuff.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
So are you saying that the Saudi's get equipment that Israel doesn't have access to? I would find that hard to believe.
My understanding is that some military tech that is sold to Saudi is not sold to any other country until it is a generation old.
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