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Trying to be respectful...but the stripper got annoyed anyway


Feb 16, 2013
So I go too my local strip club and one of the dancers comes up to my table and says “Hello”.

I say “Hi” back and the dancer asks me if I’m waiting for anybody.

I wasn’t interested in a dance as I didn’t find her that attractive so I replied: “Thanks anyway...I’m not interested in a dance.”

She responded: “I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.

I apologized for my inadvertent rudeness...she gave me the death stare and walked away.

WTF? I coulda chatted with her for 20 minutes and then told her I didn’t want any dances but I didn’t wanna waste her time. I was being respectful of her time and the fact that she’s working and this is the Thanks I get?

Fuck me. No good deed goes unpunished.



Active member
May 22, 2011
So I go too my local strip club and one of the dancers comes up to my table and says “Hello”.

I say “Hi” back and the dancer asks me if I’m waiting for anybody.

I wasn’t interested in a dance as I didn’t find her that attractive so I replied: “Thanks anyway...I’m not interested I a dance.”

She responded: “I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.

I apologized for my inadvertent rudeness...she gave me the death stare and walked away.

WTF? I coulda chatted with her for 20 minutes and then told her I didn’t want any dances but I didn’t wanna waste her time. I was being respectful of her time and the fact that she’s working and this is the Thanks I get?

Fuck me. No good deed goes unpunished.

All they care about is $$$.

If you get one of those strippers who lingers around, best thing to do is totally ignore her. Use your cell phone, stare at the stage, chat with your buddy beside. She'll eventually leave.

And never get suckered into buying drinks. Waitresses are hawks too. The second a dancer sits beside you they make a bee line for you assuming you will buy her and the rest of the table drinks. Forget it. Brush off the waitress.

Only buy drinks if you want to chat and get a dance after.

If you have zero interest, then zero dances, zero drinks, zero time.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Duh. It's her job.
Big difference is that lots of strippers have attitude. If someone isn't interested, then too bad. move on to the next table.

In other kinds of sales jobs.... anything from someone being Al Bundy selling shoes to a door to door salesman making a living on commission.... if someone doesn't want to buy, customers typically don't get evil eyes, get a worker storming off, or attitude in general.

Even a shady telemarketer (from that other thread) trying to pitch you something. If you decline, that's the end of it. Each party says bye and hang up. You don't get a Bell or credit card guy giving you attitude at the end of the call.


Feb 16, 2013
Big difference is that lots of strippers have attitude. If someone isn't interested, then too bad. move on to the next table.

In other kinds of sales jobs.... anything from someone being Al Bundy selling shoes to a door to door salesman making a living on commission.... if someone doesn't want to buy, customers typically don't get evil eyes, get a worker storming off, or attitude in general.

Even a shady telemarketer (from that other thread) trying to pitch you something. If you decline, that's the end of it. Each party says bye and hang up. You don't get a Bell or credit card guy giving you attitude at the end of the call.
I suppose it doesn’t matter if she gives me attitude or not. The outcome is still the same. It’s just kind of annoying when you think you’re doing the right thing and get crapped on for it.

One time I let a stripper sit with me for awhile and chatted to her but when she asked me for a dance I said No. She told me if I wasn’t gonna go to the VIP room with her then I shoulda told her in the first place. I felt bad afterwards cuz I felt she was right in what she said.

This girl tonight shoulda thanked me FFS.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Self entitlement. Some strippers think every guy is a horny atm and just can't resist their feminine charms.

I've seen It lots of times. Just laugh it off. Its THEIR problem.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
That's why I rarely go to CA or other clubs with mostly hardcore hustlers. They're seriously jaded, have no CS skills, and can be incredibly rude and obnoxious if you turn them down. I mean, you go there to have a good time, so anything that dampens that spirit is a huge turn-off. Half the time I would go to CA my mood would shift from horny and excited to pissed off and depressed, so I would end up leaving without seeing anyone.

Then go see an MPA who turned it all around.
I wonder why strip clubs are in free fall....


Feb 23, 2017
OP, sounds like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I've been there - gone to a few strip clubs with buddies and either I'm not getting a dance because I don't want one or the lady is not MCOT. But whatever the reason, not going to the VIP. So, do you cut the cord early on so she doesn't get her hopes up or string her along so you aren't rude? Honestly, each lady's reaction will be different.

I've never been "crapped" on because I've engaged to the point of not being rude but in fairness, at some point early on, the girl asked about "having fun" or getting a dance or whatever. At that exact point I made it clear I wasn't interested now, maybe later. Haven't had a bad reaction so far.

The one thing I actually detest about strippers is the fact that it's comes across as a robotic cash grab. They go to one customer, get a no, and move on. Their goal is clear and obvious - to make money and most of that I gather comes from tips/dances. They also have that sick, sweetly smell that isn't very pleasant (IMO) and when you do get a dance you stink to high hell of it. That's one of the reasons I think MPA's and SP's are a much better bang for your buck (pun intended - lol). Just the showering alone is important.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
So I go too my local strip club and one of the dancers comes up to my table and says “Hello”.

I say “Hi” back and the dancer asks me if I’m waiting for anybody.

I wasn’t interested in a dance as I didn’t find her that attractive so I replied: “Thanks anyway...I’m not interested in a dance.”

She responded: “I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.

I apologized for my inadvertent rudeness...she gave me the death stare and walked away.

WTF? I coulda chatted with her for 20 minutes and then told her I didn’t want any dances but I didn’t wanna waste her time. I was being respectful of her time and the fact that she’s working and this is the Thanks I get?

Fuck me. No good deed goes unpunished.

I'm not sure why you even care. You already no what ever motive was, it's all part of the game they play. This one of the many reasons I stopped going to strip clubs and as well as many other people, making them a showdown of what they used to be.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I'm not sure why you even care. You already no what ever motive was, it's all part of the game they play. This one of the many reasons I stopped going to strip clubs and as well as many other people, making them a showdown of what they used to be.

This. Some people are just rude. Ignore the reaction and move on. Too bad she got annoyed, but you avoided her repeatedly coming back every 15 min and asking you for a dance.


Jan 16, 2004
Paradise by the dashboard light.
I wasn’t interested in a dance as I didn’t find her that attractive so I replied: “Thanks anyway...I’m not interested in a dance.”

She responded: “I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.
she could have been annoyed because you didn't give her a chance to finish her sales pitch. Like me asking you for the time and your reply being "shit son, i already know what time it is". Your excuse had no verisimilitude



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So I go too my local strip club and one of the dancers comes up to my table and says “Hello”.

I say “Hi” back and the dancer asks me if I’m waiting for anybody.

I wasn’t interested in a dance as I didn’t find her that attractive so I replied: “Thanks anyway...I’m not interested in a dance.”

She responded: “I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.

I apologized for my inadvertent rudeness...she gave me the death stare and walked away.

WTF? I coulda chatted with her for 20 minutes and then told her I didn’t want any dances but I didn’t wanna waste her time. I was being respectful of her time and the fact that she’s working and this is the Thanks I get?

Fuck me. No good deed goes unpunished.

In fact, when she asked if you were waiting for someone, she was subtly asking if you were there for dances or as a spectator. But as malata said, you queered her smart pitch by leaping straight to the closer, and she didn't like it any better than if she'd started a long joke and you said, "Heard it!", and followed with the punch line. It may have been well meant, but it still stings.

You were did right and proper to apologize however unsatisfactorily, and she'd have been more cunning if she'd 'retaliated' with a multi-minute convo that suckered you in instead of the death-stare, but neither worked. Such is life.

Better you put some more polish on your delivery and she on her response than either of you gunny-sack any resentment.


Feb 23, 2017
Not that it's the same but I had someone from Rogers knocking at my door. I've had them do it before, I know exactly what their pitch would be - a bundled rate for phone, internet, TV. Knowing this instead of letting them draw out their pitch, I said politely "Hey, do me a favor - just give me the rate and your number and I'll decide." They did and left. I could have said "Not interested" but most salespeople protest and draw things out and it gets irritating. Sometimes you swat flies with a slow swat so they just go away versus the hard smack that kills them...

Sometimes a straight no upfront comes across as cold. Her reaction wasn't right but the OP crushed her hopes.

Here's a slightly different scenario. You are at an MP and you see a lineup. For sure there might be a girl or two that isn't your COT and you are not going to pick them. Do you make it clear upfront and/or recoil when they extend their hand or touch your arm OR do you nod, shake their hand, give them a hug if they ask, or whatever the procedure is they do when greeting you? I'm sure most of us do the latter because it's considered being polite.

I was speaking to the receptionist at one MP about a customer. The first lady came out and the guy declined. He then openly made comments about her age and how she should retire because she was so old. The receptionist gave him shit and kicked him out. Was that necessary? Did that really help things out? Couldn't he have just politely declined and walked away like others do if they aren't interested in the choices?


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
You might have got that reaction because I was they guy who just told her “no, thanx anyway, but I’m just waiting for someone”. One of the girls I know is currently working as a dancer.

I’ve also got the attitude/over-reaction when I’ve said no. Some dancers are happy if their having a good day (making money) and not happy when they’re not.
Some are constantly unhappy if they’re not suited for he job.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
“I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.
I'll get an identical answer when I reject her sitting at my table. I'm trying to give her a polite rejection instead of ... 'Your boring dribble and constant probing questions are not going to get me to give you a dance" or " Excuse me but I think you will scare away the good looking dancers from visiting my table' and still I get abused.

My bad luck is that if there is a very hot dancer I'm trying to get to - she will usually wander by me unattended just at the same time the most disgusting dancer in the club plants her sizeable body in front of my face.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Been there done that.They are never happy unless they have their hand in your wallet. No stripper is just going to sit and talk without the expectation of free booze or dances,even if they already know you.


Dec 5, 2015
Been there done that.They are never happy unless they have their hand in your wallet. No stripper is just going to sit and talk without the expectation of free booze or dances,even if they already know you.
Ha! I told one I was just "browsing right now." She got the message and moved on.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I just say no when asked. If they say can I sit down, I say sure but I'm not going to the VIP. Just having a drink and enjoying the stage shows. If they ask why I'm not interested, I tell them it's not good value. That's usually followed by, please explain.

Okay, $10-20 VIP fee plus $20 for every 3 minute song. That's simply not good value. I tell them it's not difficult to find a MPA who offers a 30 minute massage with a HJ, for in many cases, less than the price of a trip to the VIP and a two song dance.

They don't usually argue much after that. ;)
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