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Trying to be respectful...but the stripper got annoyed anyway


Feb 23, 2017
I just say no when asked. If they say can I sit down, I say sure but I'm not going to the VIP. Just having a drink and enjoying the stage shows. If they ask why I'm not interested, I tell them it's not good value. That's usually followed by, please explain.

Okay, $10-20 VIP fee plus $20 for every 3 minute song. That's simply not good value. I tell them it's not difficult to find a MPA who offers a 30 minute massage with a HJ, for in many cases, less than the price of a trip to the VIP and a two song dance.

They don't usually argue much after that. ;)
2 things

1) Most songs average 3.5-4 minutes. Obviously the experience is different - lapdance vs nude girl bodyslide and HE, but at around $120-140 for 30 min at a body rub, it's almost a wash economically - @ 4 minutes a song you are looking at 24 min for $120, 28 min for $140.
2) VIP fee? Never been charged that before. We go, it's $20/song, and the good ones wait until a new song starts before starting and keeping count. That said, I've learned that many girls count more songs than actually occurred so my rule was after every song is over, please relay the count.

This all said, I can't understand why any guy would go and pay the same money when there's clearly better value at an MP.


Active member
Feb 28, 2016
So I go too my local strip club and one of the dancers comes up to my table and says “Hello”.

I say “Hi” back and the dancer asks me if I’m waiting for anybody.

I wasn’t interested in a dance as I didn’t find her that attractive so I replied: “Thanks anyway...I’m not interested in a dance.”

She responded: “I didn’t ask you if you wanted a dance”; which was technically true but obviously she’s approaching me at my table hoping to make some money.

I apologized for my inadvertent rudeness...she gave me the death stare and walked away.

WTF? I coulda chatted with her for 20 minutes and then told her I didn’t want any dances but I didn’t wanna waste her time. I was being respectful of her time and the fact that she’s working and this is the Thanks I get?

Fuck me. No good deed goes unpunished.

Have found this sort of thing happening less and less over the past several years, though I have to say it was quite common (and very annoying) in the more distant past.

Most dancers will respond more or less politely when they are confronted with the typical lines given by an uninterested patron, even if there is an occasional hint of exasperation not entirely disguised.


Mar 25, 2007
I remember the craziest experience I had. It was a few years back. I went to this club in Belleville, and this girl sits down beside me, and right off I could tell she was jacked up on coke or something. When I politely turned her down for a lap dance, she goes totally postal on me! She literally starts yelling at me that apparently I had an obligation to accept her offer of a lap dance. I`m like WTF? Finally she left in a huff, but I wasn`t taking any chances, I chugged down my beer and got the hell out of there, thinking that this crazy bitch was going to get the bouncer.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I just say, "You're sweet but I'm waiting for my favourite girl." The young dancers seem to have the most attitude.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
Most of us go there for the girls and a private dance, the girls are there to make $$$$.

They will chat you up to go in the back, I found the some that would sit with you and ask you if you were interested. I'd say no, and they would ask if it was okay to sit as they were tried.

We'd have a fun chat, usually buy them a drink. They would leave to hurt for someone to take them to the back. When they were done, they'd come back and chat some more. The nice ones would actually buy you a drink. Those are the one's I'd end up having a dance with..


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
You can't win. If you say you don't want a dance right away they get mad and if you let them chat and then say no when they ask they get mad.

There should be a rule that a dancer has to get to the point within a minute.
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