I can’t worry about every country and their issues. As another example, I’m a huge supporter of the LGTB+ community. I hate that there are still countries that banned gay marriage but I can’t do anything about it. I can only focus on Canada. I would drive myself nuts if I started looking and investing myself in every country that has different ideologies than me or my country.
I don’t know, maybe it is my age but I just don’t get investing so much emotional energy into this, win or lose.
EDIT : to your addition, how am I oblivious if I acknowledge it but refuse to get emotionally invested. I know it is happening and sure, it sucks but it is not my country. Not my circus, not my monkeys so to speak. If it comes here to Canada. I will do something. I had my letter read during the C-36 Bill readings. I got involved because it affected me here. But not here, not for me to get involved.