But seriously for a moment - i am always surprised when people act online unlike how they'd act in face to face situations. So explain to me why folks feel the need for name calling (this is a general question, not you specifically)? Why acting like how my 14 year old would act in another post a good thing? It's not a good look. Particularly after you rightly say save the energy for the real problems. Unless the whole point is not to solve problems but attack others. I've never known anyone to change their minds when insulted.
I understand feeling relief and vindication and joy. That's fine. But taking it personal is unbecoming. When Biden won I never felt for a moment to say "suck it trumpies!" I know many Trump supporters. I've always felt the vast majority were decent people. Thus I've never insulted anyone. Even when i disagree with folks. But I get upset when people say things that are patently untrue. (I inhabit a world where wrong facts = people die). But i try to lay out the facts, i will for sure challenge, but I don't insult. (If i have i apologise, but i dont think I have). I try to write like i am talking with folks over a beer. I've gotten things wrong. I don't double down. Admit it's wrong and move on. Play the ball, not the man. So, if one wants to really solve problems, one needs to have proper information. And there is a shit ton of misinfo out there. So let's try to agree on those facts.
Finally, I've seen this repeatedly - some people instantly run to hallucinate a personality for others, or who they are, based upon a couple of sentences. You might be really surprised what some folks around here actually do. Remember this - decorated Generals and NFL players opposed Trump. Not quite soyboys.
I bid you peace.