Its ok to object, refuse, cut of oil and power, boot out the ambassador. threaten etc, but if they send an invasion force to call our bluff, then its time to negotiate a peace before the shooting starts. I don't wanna be American, I will accept being 15-20% poorer to avoid being American, but not being wiped out or in a war. I can live with being American I think, esp if we can negotiate a favorable annexation and 51-57 states and maybe have Canada manage some of our sacred cows like healthcare, ourselves.
Ahhhhh... so you are a cowardly Russian! Your values are that anyone should fold at the hint of conflict, and then live under the boot of a Dictator than fight for your freedom like Ukrainians, Canadians and Americans.
I'd rather die fighting than give up my freedom to a tyrannical, brutal, vengeful narcissistic kleptocrat. That includes both Putin and Trump.