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Trump reveals Iran terror general was targeting ‘four embassies’ for attack


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I realize the rebels did the actual killing, but the US played a near identical role leading up to the death with a drone strike.
U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as "leading from behind".

Basically, the US did the grunt work in catching him, then stepped back so the rebels could beat him, sodomize with a bayonet and shoot several times. Plus, this was no general, this was their leader.

But Reagan, Bush with Saddam, Obama with Gaddafi, all I'm saying is this is nothing new, and Trump boasting about Soleimani is no different than Obama taking pride in killing Osama bin Laden.
When Obama announced the death of Bin Laden he said "Today's achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people."

Trump is clearly more about sensationalizing events, while Obama took a more sullen stance. But both took out very dangerous threats respectively.
It was just not a drone strike by the US, but attacks by the UK and French airforces that did the real damage. This was a mission by the whole of NATO and not just the USA.
Not sure why the blame just goes to the Obama administration rather than the whole of NATO, when the right post misleading propaganda. El Qaeda and ISIS Terrorist killings cannot be disputed as they are a threat globally, so we should commend everyone that takes down their leaders who promote hatred and death to mankind.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017


Trump has taken the killing of this terrorist very serious. Few would argue Qassem Soleimani had been responsible for hundreds of American deaths, and killing him prevented more deaths.
But he never found the matter funny.

Hillary Clinton however laughed About Killing Moammar Gaddafi saying "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

Making tough choices isn't easy, but laughing about them later?
The “What about Hillary stuff” is kinda past it’s expiry date...especially in light of the Trump/Barr Justice Dept’s having just quietly closed its investigation into her emails with no charges having been recommended. Not that any of this information will stop the Lock her Up chants at Trump’s rallies. Facts no longer matter.

And btw...Obama did not order an assassination of Qaddafi...he was killed by an enemy militia from his own country.


Mar 27, 2016
Also...I dunno why you keep calling me “Conway” like it’s some kinda insult? Conway Stewart is a hobbying legend!!! The guy has money...all the pussy he wants...and a dick the size of a fucking rhinoceros! All the chics dig Conway...all the guys wanna be Conway. You sound like you must be jealous.
LOLOL In your dreams........ you're a legend in your own mind. The last time as Conway you were going on that the the mods really really loved you, next thing it was like a cruise missile were booted very quickly...then you became LT56 also booted out. I wouldn't show boat if I were you (southern accent on) Boy.


Mar 27, 2016


Mar 27, 2016


Trump has taken the killing of this terrorist very serious. Few would argue Qassem Soleimani had been responsible for hundreds of American deaths, and killing him prevented more deaths.
But he never found the matter funny.

Hillary Clinton however laughed About Killing Moammar Gaddafi saying "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

Making tough choices isn't easy, but laughing about them later?
Thank you ..Libtards are hypocrites


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
It was just not a drone strike by the US, but attacks by the UK and French airforces that did the real damage. This was a mission by the whole of NATO and not just the USA.
Not sure why the blame just goes to the Obama administration rather than the whole of NATO, when the right post misleading propaganda. El Qaeda and ISIS Terrorist killings cannot be disputed as they are a threat globally, so we should commend everyone that takes down their leaders who promote hatred and death to mankind.
Sarkozy was hell bent on seizing Libyan oil and overthrowing Ghadaffi in the process. However, he could not do so without US approval. It was reported that Obama was initially reluctant to let this go ahead, but Hillary convinced him otherwise. Obama was weak in the foreign policy department.

BTW, Sarkozy double-crossed/ stabbed Ghadaffi in the back: just a few years before, Qadaffi gave Sarkozi's political campaign 50 million Euros.

It was French air assets that tracked Qadaffi's convoy, and directed the Libyan rebels towards it. Those rebels had Western advisors that were really leading them; they watched on the sidelines as those rebels tortured Qadaffi. They could have stopped or prevented it, but NATO didn't want to mess with long-winded and potentially embarrassing trials.

I met a Libyan a couple of years after Qadaffi's downfall, and his family still had a farm over there then. Initially, they were all for this revolution, and it was simply based on inadequate pay and lack of consumer goods. However, Libya had the highest standard of living in all of Africa, but the Libyans had no real point of comparison. After the overthrow, now they long for the good old days under Ghadaffi, who gave them free health care, free education including going to foreign universities, generous grants upon marriage, free flying lessons (including for women), male-female equality (Ghadaffi really pushed for this, to the ridicule then of the West). Now, Libya's a basket case, infested with Al-Qaida in between two rival factions fighting it out. This is what Western intervention is all about.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010


Trump has taken the killing of this terrorist very serious. Few would argue Qassem Soleimani had been responsible for hundreds of American deaths, and killing him prevented more deaths.
But he never found the matter funny.

Hillary Clinton however laughed About Killing Moammar Gaddafi saying "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

Making tough choices isn't easy, but laughing about them later?
So you are telling us that Trump would not laugh about this later? Your delusion that he has any humanity at all is so precious!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
So you are telling us that Trump would not laugh about this later? Your delusion that he has any humanity at all is so precious!
I dunno about laughing but he was certainly gloating about it in his interview w Laura Ingraham recently. Same way he boasted and bragged about killing Al Baghdadi.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Sarkozy was hell bent on seizing Libyan oil and overthrowing Ghadaffi in the process. However, he could not do so without US approval. It was reported that Obama was initially reluctant to let this go ahead, but Hillary convinced him otherwise. Obama was weak in the foreign policy department.

BTW, Sarkozy double-crossed/ stabbed Ghadaffi in the back: just a few years before, Qadaffi gave Sarkozi's political campaign 50 million Euros.

It was French air assets that tracked Qadaffi's convoy, and directed the Libyan rebels towards it. Those rebels had Western advisors that were really leading them; they watched on the sidelines as those rebels tortured Qadaffi. They could have stopped or prevented it, but NATO didn't want to mess with long-winded and potentially embarrassing trials.

I met a Libyan a couple of years after Qadaffi's downfall, and his family still had a farm over there then. Initially, they were all for this revolution, and it was simply based on inadequate pay and lack of consumer goods. However, Libya had the highest standard of living in all of Africa, but the Libyans had no real point of comparison. After the overthrow, now they long for the good old days under Ghadaffi, who gave them free health care, free education including going to foreign universities, generous grants upon marriage, free flying lessons (including for women), male-female equality (Ghadaffi really pushed for this, to the ridicule then of the West). Now, Libya's a basket case, infested with Al-Qaida in between two rival factions fighting it out. This is what Western intervention is all about.
Gaddafi is no saint as you make him out to be. He was responsible for the Lockerbie downing of the Pan Am jet and various other terrorist bombings of all NATO troops in discos and public places in Europe. As an example remember General Idi Amin who was responsible for the coupe in Uganda, and desired to eventually bring Democracy back to that country. He was closely aligned with the UK and other Western nations. Uganda was a thriving nation, until Gaddafi visited Uganda and then things changed there. Amin booted out the East Indians within three months and brought in a type of martial law. Women were supposedly asked to cover themselves with no mini skirts etc. being permitted, and then there was the most brutal killings of protesters and various prisoners. Women were also raped by soldiers. This is the sort of guy Gaddafi was really all about. He created a series of unrest in African countries including those with large Muslim populations. Read a bit more about him as there were parts of Libya that he ignored and repressed. He also quelled democracy and free speech in his won nation:


Mar 27, 2016
Sorry to hear about your mom.
(note the small font)n[/url]
Do you really want to go there? Traditionally Terbites have set boundaries when insulting parents. But if you choose to leave it, I will let the Mods know the reason why I will mention your Mom in the future....


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do you really want to go there? Traditionally Terbites have set boundaries when insulting parents. But if you choose to leave it, I will let the Mods know the reason why I will mention your Mom in the future....
Was that an insult to your mom?
Had no idea, I was sure from your posts that she'd be proud of your work here.

Meanwhile, does anybody have any clue what Trump is on about or what he thinks is going to happen with Iran?

Trump on twitter today:

National Security Adviser suggested today that sanctions & protests have Iran “choked off”, will force them to negotiate. Actually, I couldn’t care less if they negotiate. Will be totally up to them but, no nuclear weapons and “don’t kill your protesters.”

'Couldn't care less if they negotiate'?
Does he just want war?
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