I don't care much about politics, and I'm proud to say that no one for whom I have voted has ever won an election, of any kind. That includes student government when I was in school.
I don't consider myself to be a supported of the Right, but I do consider myself to be an opponent of the Left. This is because, as a White male, the Left arbitrarily assigns me, as an individual, to groups with which I am not affiliated, and simultaneously holds me accountable for actions perpetrated by other members of those groups. At the same time, the Left hides behind group memberships to avoid taking personal responsibility for anything they say or do, and they are unable to criticize any member of any other group in their voting coalition.
Very often, a vote for one candidate is not an endorsement of their platform; it is a vote against their opponent.
While the committed Left often think of themselves as being subscribers to a majority opinion, they are, in reality, a relatively small but vocal subset of the potential voting pool. The real plurality is the unaffiliated individuals who don't care enough to exercise their voting rights.
I am a vocal opponent of any and all proposals for 'group rights', because only individuals can have rights, whether or not they are part of a group. Groups don't have responsibilities nor accountability, and any behaviors which are permitted for some, but not all, individuals are not rights; they are privileges.