We'll see, Ford certainly pissed off a good chunk of Toronto with his city council moves. And his sex ed moves are pretty unpopular as well.
He hasn't even put out his first budget and he's not making new friends.
Quite possibly.
But polls support a carbon tax in Canada.
Its only the troglodytes that don't understand the science, or the anti-tax right wingers that really whine about it still.
Polls also said Hillary was going to be the next president........
This tax will hurt Canadian and will have little to no effect on carbon
example I use 20L of gas to get to work weekly adding 4.5 cents per liter will NOT make me use less I have to get to work
Its cold here in Canada for a good part of the year I HAVE to heat my house I keep the tstat low and use the nest so house is even lower when were not home adding a tax on natural gas will NOT reduce my usage I NEED to heat my home
using transit not an option where I live not to mention its very heavily taxpayer subsidized and the carbon tax will require MORE taxpayer subsidizes to cover increase costs
everything will go up at every single store
If I pay $1k a year in carbon tax giving me back $300. is not revenue neutral for me its revenue negative for me
Trudeau and his 3 year long world wide rockstar touring has spewed more carbon then probably 100 Canadian families in their lives ever will