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Trudeau brownface


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
I don't like Trudeau. I also don't think he is competent to be Prime Minister. I didn't vote Liberal in the last election and I'm not going to vote Liberal this fall. Trudeau is a hypocrite of the highest order, and I think his views on just about everything are wrong and/or disingenuous.

Having said all of that, I don't think Trudeau is a racist any more than I think he is exceptionally racially enlightened. Nor do I think that the vast majority of those who have ever dressed up in blackface, or imitated Jamaican Patois, or dressed up in a costume that included an Afro wig, or dressed up like Michael Jackson and tried to dance a moonwalk are racists. All of these things are examples of the same common human behaviour - it's amusing to pretend to be someone or something that you aren't. There are some racists left in Canada, but you can't identify them based on what kind of makeup or costumes they've worn in the past.

This is the response to this "outrage" that the breathless media should get. However, Trudeau can't speak this truth, because he's peddled the lie that minorities are still hugely disadvantaged in Canada, and that behaviour like wearing makeup is meaningful evidence that this is true, and that he and the Liberal party are the saviors who will put an end to these often imagined atrocities.

Not a racist, but hoisted on his own petard.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
What university did you attend?

I second the sentiment that your claim is a complete pigshit figment of a demented imagination. I've never seen or heard anything like what you describe and I attended university years ago when it was less woke than today.

You're likely describing the kinds of people that you consider to be close friends rather than the general student body. Choose better friends.
I attended a well known university in Ontario.

The entire first year class did it. It was taught to us by the 2nd year students who were running Frosh Week. It was not just me and my friends; it was the ENTIRE FIRST YEAR CLASS...Young men and women...We were all told to do it and we all did it.

PS: I doubt very much that you have ever set foot in a university.

Believe what you like. It happened.


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
Brownface bans ar15 day after manufacturer colt ends production of

Only refer to him as brownface


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
No kiddin.
Better than even André-Philippe Gagnon!

Of them all, either the Boxer or Stuntman made me laugh most.
And the boxer pic clearly showed the bias of the piece. Trudeau being punched in the face during a fight he clearly won.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
From Global News:

""A third incident of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appearing in racist makeup emerged Thursday morning, hours after he apologized for wearing brownface at an Arabian Nights-themed party in 2001 and blackface at a high school performance.
A Liberal Party spokesman confirmed that the young man in blackface in the video published Thursday morning by Global News was Trudeau, and said it was “from the early 1990s." Trudeau turned 20 in 1991.
The succession of revelations Wednesday evening and Thursday morning has rocked Trudeau’s campaign as he faces a tough battle for a second term. Trudeau, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Thursday, canceled his morning events.""

First strike is a write off. Second strike raises concerns. But a third strike shows a pattern. Justin Trudeau should step down immediately. He will never be able to wash (no pun intended) this away. Never.
Have another toke . This is a Nothing Burger.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I attended a well known university in Ontario.

The entire first year class did it. It was taught to us by the 2nd year students who were running Frosh Week. It was not just me and my friends; it was the ENTIRE FIRST YEAR CLASS...Young men and women...We were all told to do it and we all did it.

PS: I doubt very much that you have ever set foot in a university.

Believe what you like. It happened.
Name the school. What are you afraid of?

Lying is sin and God is watching.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
And the boxer pic clearly showed the bias of the piece. Trudeau being punched in the face during a fight he clearly won.
It's simply funnier seeing him eat a knuckle sandwich. Get it?


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Name the school. What are you afraid of?

Lying is sin and God is watching.
Oh Come On!!!!!!!!!

Of all the things God has to watch, an Escort Review board would be the equivalent of a tabloid rag that God leafs through while sitting on the the heavenly toilet, taking an almighty dump.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Name the school. What are you afraid of?

Lying is sin and God is watching.
I’m not naming where I went to school. You don’t need to know. It’s none of your business.

Fortunately for you, being ignorant and poorly informed is not a sin (as far as I know) so I don’t think God will be too upset with you over that. Your racist, anti-Semitic views are a different story, though, which will probably lead to your spending eternity burning in a Lake of Fire.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
I attended a well known university in Ontario.

The entire first year class did it. It was taught to us by the 2nd year students who were running Frosh Week. It was not just me and my friends; it was the ENTIRE FIRST YEAR CLASS...Young men and women...We were all told to do it and we all did it.

PS: I doubt very much that you have ever set foot in a university.

Believe what you like. It happened.
Is that a feeble attempt to justify it because a bunch of people did it together? Does that make it right?
So I guess you were all racists or spineless lemmings.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
That's Carlson channeling Limbaugh who came up with this back.in the nineties.
I like that quote and it hits the nail on the head.

Add to that...if you don't share their same opinions they go on the attack and start labelling people.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Is that a feeble attempt to justify it because a bunch of people did it together? Does that make it right?
So I guess you were all racists or spineless lemmings.
As usual, you have completely missed the point. Please go back and re-read my posts on this topic...I don’t have time to keep trying to re-teach the slow learners of our community.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
As usual, you have completely missed the point. Please go back and re-read my posts on this topic...I don’t have time to keep trying to re-teach the slow learners of our community.
Nothing to say eh? Typical go-on-the-attack when stumped strategy. Nice.

btw Speaking of re-teach...are you a drama teacher? Because if you are, everything you have said would make perfect sense.

Daaaaaaaayyyyy O !!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
That's Carlson channeling Limbaugh who came up with this back.in the nineties.
Well Justin has proven he is
1. Stupid
2. Irresponsible
3. Corrupt
4. Foolish
5. Willing to lie to Canadians
6. Hypocritical
7. An international embarrassment
8. Not as advertised

Perhaps it is time he gets a new occupation
Does Gerald Butts not have a spare pupett to substitute for Justin ? Someone who can masquerade as the leader of the liberal party?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
Well Justin has proven he is
1. Stupid
2. Irresponsible
3. Corrupt
4. Foolish
5. Willing to lie to Canadians
6. Hypocritical
7. An international embarrassment
8. Not as advertised

Perhaps it is time he gets a new occupation
Does Gerald Butts not have a spare pupett to substitute for Justin ? Someone who can masquerade as the leader of the liberal party?
You forgot extortionist, I'm really getting sick of Liberals saying you got to vote Liberal to stop Scheer and the Tories, especially as the only reason the Tories have a shot at power in the first place is because Trudeau broke his promise on electional reform. I mean pressuring people vote liberal by exploiting the consequences of one if your own lies, that is bottom of the barrell.

And now not only has he done brown face one, but black facevtwo times while implying the black folks are like apes in one of them, and there are likely more times after that, which weren't recorded, I say this because Trudeau did it often enough he lost count.

Hey Trudeau your Klu Klux Klan memberships in the mail I here. The guy is a fucking clown. Between Trudeau and Doug Ford Canadians really got to start getting more self respect when it comes to voting.
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