Hints:What was notable about the TV show "Taxi" during its first 5 seasons and its last 2 seasons?
It has something to do with the show's airing
Hints:What was notable about the TV show "Taxi" during its first 5 seasons and its last 2 seasons?
Changed to new networkHints:
It has something to do with the show's airing
Yes , its a tv tuner knob, but its a clue to the original question.TV tuner knob
Now you got it, correctamundo, WKRP was first aired on ABC, then NBC picked it up.Changed to new network
plane crash
I didn't look it up but I always thought that it was "...day of leisure."
the show could not have lasted 7 seasons..it only ran from the late 70s through the early 80sWhat was notable about the TV show "Taxi" during its first 5 seasons and its last 2 seasons?
100 Grand?You have to name the bar.