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Tradesmen, plumbers, electricians, ect, ect. Have you ever been soaked?


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
Last job I quoted out they did not call back, when I saw him 9 weeks later he said he did it himself following my advice. Never again will I say a word about how or why.
Welcome to the club. It happened to me many times. The worst part is that even they didn't hire me they keep calling me for advise on how to do things.
Then I have people calling me to do major renovations like new kitchen, couple of bathrooms, knock down some walls and they tell me that they want me to do it for $30,000 as they've seen it on tv :)

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
Best part was that he wired plugs and switches wrong and called me and wanted me to help him fix it. I told him to call someone else.
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