Total Lifetime # of Sessions you've had with SP's?

Total Lifetime # of Session with SP's

  • None

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Less than 10

    Votes: 18 10.7%
  • 10 - 24

    Votes: 21 12.5%
  • 25 - 49

    Votes: 22 13.1%
  • 50 - 99

    Votes: 18 10.7%
  • 100 - 249

    Votes: 33 19.6%
  • 250 - 999

    Votes: 42 25.0%
  • 1000+ (I bow down to you most holy of mongers)

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Took some figuring... (I keep a hobby history diary as well.)

Total number of hobby experiences: 52
Total # of Diff SP's: 20
# of repeats w/ SP: 9 so far...
Most repeats w/ same SP: 3 way tie with 7
Total # of no-show/ short cancellations: 4
Second chances given: 2
Third Chances given: 1
Duo's: 4
Shortest session: 90 mins
Longest Session: Overnight (about 12 hours...)
SOG: 152
Most SOG in one session: 6
$ Invested: I have no clue! LoL
Last edited:


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Lol! Had a feeling you were a trophy hunter. Are these real figures or placed there for comedic value? I'll review my exp to the best of my recollection... All figures are guesstimates.
LoL... with the exception of # SOG's, it is NOW completely accurate. I had to go back and edit it to 20 different SP's because I forgot to update my diary to include Roxanna's session last week.

As for SOG's, that is my best guesstimate as I am usually a hat trick kinda guy, but there were a few of the overnights where I went 4, and then the one with 6... and also a couple deuces, and even one with just 1. (Don't ask... one of 2 SP's I never wrote a review for...)


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
The number of sessions I've had is scary, but the dollar amount is even scarier!!! I spent over $10,000 in a year a few times.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Never been with an SP. I'm so far strictly a MP hobbyist. I've been hobbying for about 5-6 years or so.
Its always interesting to see the divide between men in the SP and men in the MP camps. I do both but am 90% in the SP camp.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
The number of sessions I've had is scary, but the dollar amount is even scarier!!! I spent over $10,000 in a year a few times.
I don't think it's scary at all. You only live once, live to the fullest I say. You can't bring money with you when you die. Its the one thing I don't feel guilty about. The amount I've spent on drinking....that's a different ball of wax all together.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
i have had over 150 here and not 1 repeat,if 1 includes FS at SCs then the number is 200 with repeats
over 50 in my 13 trips to cuba
over 100 in my 15 trips to thailand(loss count during my single days)
other activities on usa or montreal road trips would be close to 50
between 30-42 i treated my body like an amusement park and everyone got a ride


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2004
Berlin, Germany
Been kicking around the"hobby"for about 35 years. Gave up on relationship about 10 years ago and just living the goodlife. So I would say there have been 1000's but who is counting. It is not the quanitity but the quality guys. Enjoy the moments each are special good and bad and hell there has been some bad ones but lord know there has been some real good ones.Money comes and go but the memories are for ever.
Been kicking around the"hobby"for about 35 years. Gave up on relationship about 10 years ago and just living the goodlife. So I would say there have been 1000's but who is counting. It is not the quanitity but the quality guys. Enjoy the moments each are special good and bad and hell there has been some bad ones but lord know there has been some real good ones.Money comes and go but the memories are for ever.
Amen brother!

The exceptional SPs are the ones I have seen at least 10x and there are only a few....2 Sps and 1 MPA. Hopefully the current SPs realize how special they are to me - my life is better with them and in many ways I wish I could afford to just have them as exclusive, or even better for them to want to be with me exclusively, but I realize that I am hard-wired for a lot of sex and the SPs are not necessarily as emotionally available as I would be.

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
For some reason I started counting the sessions this year. I have posted them all in the Hamilton section. So far this year there have been 28 sessions, most in Burlington and Oakville.


Nov 11, 2007
Saw 6-8 total. Realized the escorting thing wasnt for me as I found I enjoy the "chase" Nothing against the women as i went to those most highly rated by terb brothers in my area (durham) and can say they were lovely women. I can understand why most here love the scene....just not for me. Give me a civy that I have to put my game on and juggling several at the same time....etc is the adrenaline I love. I admit I am addicted to that scene...havent acted on the addiction for several years but badly miss it.
Thats my reason why low number of sps visited.


Feb 19, 2012
My sessions = my post count.
Wow, so 15,000 * 250 = 3.75 Million Dollars! You must either be a professional sports player, movie star, or the CEO of a large hedgefund?

I am a little bit shocked by the results of this poll, we have a lot of seasoned mongers on these forums (including 9 guys who have had over 1000+ sessions!?).
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts