Toronto's homeless life span is only 42 years old (half of general population): 3 die each week


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
on international students. They pay an absolute fortune for their tuition.
Yes, they pay full fare. They are not subsidized by Canadian taxpayers. My roommate in university was from Singapore so I know he paid full fare. However, he came from a rich Singapore family and I came from a poor rural Quebec family.

(I also had a part-time job delivering meals for a restaurant. It didn't pay much but I met a lot of naked women at the door but that is another story, LOL.)

When I was at McGill the policy was 15% foreign students. I hear it is now 30% foreign students.
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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
Yeah so what? Yes they are surviving but the point is that they are not homeless. Everyone cannot be rich. The post was to prove that people can survive on minimum wage and not be homeless.
Well that's reason to celebrate now isn't it? You are not homeless, you are one bad financial decision away from homelessness. Have a good night sleep. Just like another poster mention if you find yourself in need of emergency dental work your house of cards collapses. Would that give you anxiety? That would give me anxiety. And if you got anxiety from that circumstance how would you afford the medication? Slippery fucking slope but hey bud, you're not homeless so nothing to complain about.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Not always. A lot of international students these days get scholarships. As an international student I had a 50% scholarship. I know many who had 100%.
Yes, the expectation (hope?) is that you will bring prestige and honour to the institution by doing great work (e.g. finding a cure for cancer) and/or be a benefactor (e.g. money).
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