Top British universities secretly serve halal meat to unknowing students,Canada next?


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Feb 13, 2004
mighty Leafs Nation


Nov 26, 2002
The animal has been treated cruelly all it's life, a minute of intense pain is probably 0.01% of the total pain it suffers. This issue is just a vehicle to pedal another agenda.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
OMAHGERD! Imma going to catch teh Islam from eating a burger. Someone must put a stop to this madness.

Fecking eejits.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
I don't think it's so much about the risk of "catching Islam" considering it's a religion, not a disease, but more so an issue of why should I not have the choice to not eat halal meat?

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I don't think it's so much about the risk of "catching Islam" considering it's a religion, not a disease, but more so an issue of why should I not have the choice to not eat halal meat?
because of the extreme cruelty

i like to think such barbarism is illegal in canada but i do see stores advertising halal meat

are there not laws against this barbarism??

where are the animal right groups?


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I don't think it's so much about the risk of "catching Islam" considering it's a religion, not a disease, but more so an issue of why should I not have the choice to not eat halal meat?
I'm sure at times they served shechita meat and no one had a problem with that despite being almost identical in practice. For that matter, do you even use a butcher and know what method they use, or do you just go to a chain grocery store and blindly buy what's on the shelf without a second thought to how the animal was slaughtered? There's no labelling law in Canada, so for all you know you've been eating nothing but halal/shechita meat your entire life.

I don't see this as they "secretly fed people halal meat", I see this as they never advertised the source of their meat or how it was butchered before, and they simply did the same now. Maybe it was cheaper, maybe it's a new supplier, who knows. If there's no legal requirement for a butcher to label their meat as halal or shechita (which there isn't in the UK), why should the group serving it be required to tell people, and how can they be expected to know? If the UK was one of the countries that had passed laws on ritual slaughter and its labeling, I'd see the argument. But that's not the case. This is a non-issue unless the people of the UK decide they want to start imposing laws requiring the labelling of halal/shechita.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
because of the extreme cruelty

i like to think such barbarism is illegal in canada but i do see stores advertising halal meat

are there not laws against this barbarism??

where are the animal right groups?
There is no law against the ritual slaughter in Canada. There is a proposed animal cruelty law that the Jewish and Muslim groups are banding together to attempt to be exempt from, but as of right now it's neither illegal nor is a butcher required to label their food as halal or shechita.

Interestingly enough, most Islamic sects do allow animals to be stunned before the throat is slit provided the stun isn't what actually kills the animal. This is in sharp contrast to the Jewish tradition of shechita where stunning is NEVER permitted.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
where are the animal right groups?
Mostly busy protesting against the lifetimes of torture and abuse animals experience on factory farms, as opposed to the 20 seconds of suffering at the end of their lives that seems to so interest certain not-at-all-bigoted folks.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Seriously? Settle down guys...this one is a big ol' who gives a shit.

If you eat meat, you eat meat (I eat meat). Anything beyond free range, organic animals that die in their sleep is arguably cruelty. If you're fine with any type of captivity until eventual slaughter, but this offends your sensibilities you're either hyper-racist, a hypocrite, or both.

And if anyone who is complaining has ever, EVER eaten fast food, you're full of shit and don;t care about the welfare of food-for-you animals at all.

Ok, off to Popeye's ;) (which is Halal, btw, as are a number of KFC's)


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
What is wrong with halal meat? Is that because the cruel way the animal is killed (lol in those countries humans are treated worse)? Or is that because the quality of meat is bad or bacteria infected or what? I am confused why the controversy!!!
Neither. Its because of what 'Halal' is associated with, combined with the fact that most people don't have work today and needed something to bitch about


New member
Apr 18, 2012
This thread is amusing on so many different levels.

First off, OP has a pro-Israel sig, which is cool. But doesn't realize kosher and halal meat are cut almost the same way (I don't think there is an Imam present for kosher meat).

Second - OH NOEs, you're going to be all Mozlems now!

Third - Most major high end downtown hotels have already started this. Fairmont, 4 Seasons I know have halal chicken as standard.

Fourth - Most lamb meat in Canada is already halal.

Fifth - Popeye's is all halal, so is Nandos, and a bunch of restaurants have halal locations including Swiss Chalet, Boston Pizza, Works, and so much more. Almost all grocery stores sell halal, and now even those cooked rotisserie chickens are coming in halal.

I think this is the apocalypse, and you should really think about investing in a underground shelter. Bad shit is going to happen. Mozlems going on a rampage for their 72 virgins.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Koher and halal are not the same

Kosher – requires the animal be slaughtered quickly and humanely, strictly forbidding cruel slow methods like strangulation.

Halal – requires the animal be bled out in agony while sick people who get off watching that kind of thing have a “festival.”

Kosher – requires the blood be drained cleanly from the *carcass* of the humanely killed animal, removing toxins released from cells into the bloodstream at the moment of death from the meat.

Halal –leaves the meat *filled* with toxins released at the moment of death because the blood is removed while the animal is dying and therefore is not present in sufficient quantities to remove those last toxins.

Kosher – contains little to no cortisol or norepenepherine (two stress chemicals that are similar enough from mammal to mammal to cross species) because the animal to be killed is treated well before it is put down and is generally not frightened as it is put down (because in a truly kosher slaughter situation, animals cannot be slaughtered in a sequential fashion, as the waste of one could contaminate the next, so they are not exposed to the “scent of death” the way non-kosher culls are)

Halal – animals watch other animals die during the blood letting festival, smelling their fear and raising their own stress. These stress chemicals “marinate” the meat in hormones known to raise levels of aggression and violence in nearly all mammal species (including human).

Kosher – requires cooking the cleanly drained meat completely, cooking any remaining stress chemicals into oblivion.

Halal – allows for a surprising range of cooking methods, including even some “tar tar” dishes (raw or nearly raw), allowing for the spread of disease and chemicals and hormones that were not removed by the idiotic slow bloodletting practice and half-measure cooking.

Kosher – the spinal cord is sectioned thus cutting off pain to the brain. Therefore, no suffering or terror.

Hallal – spinal cord left intact.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Kosher: The animals have their throats gently and painlessly slit while they peacefully surrender to the long sleep of death. They are lovingly stroked and serenaded by harps, while their blood and viscera are instantly whisked away to maintain a pristine environment. Afterwards, they portion the animal into various cuts.

Halal: Al Qaeda operatives laughingly cut the throat of the animal, howling with sheer evil pleasure while it dies in excruciating agony. The butchers then defecate on the carcass and leave it to rot in the sun for no less than three days while they roll around in the filth. Afterwards, they portion the animal into various cuts.

The reality is that Kosher and Halal are more or less identical from where we heathens sit. In fact, many Muslims consider Kosher meat to be Halal, and will happily consume it. Sure there are insignificant nitpicky differences between the two methods (type of knife used, words muttered, mojo invoked, whatever), but BOTH techniques require that the animal be conscious and have their throats slit. And BOTH methods require the person to avoid the spinal column: ... the fact of the similarities makes perfect sense, since they are both old-school Abrahamic religions, or "People of the Book". And yet, the angry-shouty knuckle draggers are only up in arms about one of these practices. Gee. Wonder why.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There have been threads criticizing Kosher too (around the time of the discussions in Germany).

I agree with the post about pain free slaughter. All animals suffer to some extent when slaughtered so unless you are a vegetarian, pot:kettle.

If restaurants have a large Muslim clientele, it makes sense for the to serve Halal (or Jewish/Kosher). If it makes economical sense for a company to only buy Halal meat, that's fine with me. Only way I would be annoyed is if I had to pay noticeably more because of it.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
The good vicar thinks Halal meat shouldn't be foisted on the rest of us.
I think the opinions of intolerant UKIP-fellating assholes shouldn't be foisted on the rest of us.

Let's call it a draw, shall we?


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Koher and halal are not the same

Kosher – requires the animal be slaughtered quickly and humanely, strictly forbidding cruel slow methods like strangulation.

Halal – requires the animal be bled out in agony while sick people who get off watching that kind of thing have a “festival.”

Kosher – requires the blood be drained cleanly from the *carcass* of the humanely killed animal, removing toxins released from cells into the bloodstream at the moment of death from the meat.

Halal –leaves the meat *filled* with toxins released at the moment of death because the blood is removed while the animal is dying and therefore is not present in sufficient quantities to remove those last toxins.

Kosher – contains little to no cortisol or norepenepherine (two stress chemicals that are similar enough from mammal to mammal to cross species) because the animal to be killed is treated well before it is put down and is generally not frightened as it is put down (because in a truly kosher slaughter situation, animals cannot be slaughtered in a sequential fashion, as the waste of one could contaminate the next, so they are not exposed to the “scent of death” the way non-kosher culls are)

Halal – animals watch other animals die during the blood letting festival, smelling their fear and raising their own stress. These stress chemicals “marinate” the meat in hormones known to raise levels of aggression and violence in nearly all mammal species (including human).

Kosher – requires cooking the cleanly drained meat completely, cooking any remaining stress chemicals into oblivion.

Halal – allows for a surprising range of cooking methods, including even some “tar tar” dishes (raw or nearly raw), allowing for the spread of disease and chemicals and hormones that were not removed by the idiotic slow bloodletting practice and half-measure cooking.

Kosher – the spinal cord is sectioned thus cutting off pain to the brain. Therefore, no suffering or terror.

Hallal – spinal cord left intact.
Wow, so much falsehood.

Halal requires that the jugular, carotid and windpipe all be severed with one single, swift stroke. This is identical the practice required for kosher (Shechita) butchering. Halal MAY allow an animal to be stunned, therefore making it more humane, while kosher (shechita) always forbids that practice. I don't get why you say the kosher method is "quick and humane" while the Halal method lets them suffer, given that both require a single, swift cut through the jugular and carotid. Consider over 80% of halal ritual slaughter also includes stunning in the UK while kosher (shechita) never does, Halal is definitely more humane that kosher.

Then you say kosher drains blood and halal does not... Explain how that's possible when both drain the blood the same way - through the carotid and jugular. My grandfather butchered his own animals, and he slit their throats too. He was neither Jewish nor Muslim, but he slit the throats and drained the blood. They're the same.

As for the method of cooking, that has nothing to do with the ritual slaughter. You can go to the grocery store, buy a raw chicken and eat it without cooking it if you really want to, and when you subsequently die of salmonella that will have nothing to do with the butcher.

"Kosher" (shechita) and Halal are both methods of slaughter prescribed by the Old Testament. Most old-school Christian butchers do it the same way (my grandpappy, as a perfect example, didn't touch the spinal cord, didn't stun the animals, killed with one fluid stroke, then drained all the blood, exactly as both prescribe despite your claim that Halal doesn't). To argue that Kosher is better than Halal is an absolute falsehood. There's a reason the two are on the same side of the debate and you virtually never see one form of ritual slaughter banned while the other is permitted.
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