Wow, so much falsehood.
Halal requires that the jugular, carotid and windpipe all be severed with one single, swift stroke. This is identical the practice required for kosher (Shechita) butchering. Halal MAY allow an animal to be stunned, therefore making it more humane, while kosher (shechita) always forbids that practice. I don't get why you say the kosher method is "quick and humane" while the Halal method lets them suffer, given that both require a single, swift cut through the jugular and carotid. Consider over 80% of halal ritual slaughter also includes stunning in the UK while kosher (shechita) never does, Halal is definitely more humane that kosher.
Then you say kosher drains blood and halal does not... Explain how that's possible when both drain the blood the same way - through the carotid and jugular. My grandfather butchered his own animals, and he slit their throats too. He was neither Jewish nor Muslim, but he slit the throats and drained the blood. They're the same.
As for the method of cooking, that has nothing to do with the ritual slaughter. You can go to the grocery store, buy a raw chicken and eat it without cooking it if you really want to, and when you subsequently die of salmonella that will have nothing to do with the butcher.
"Kosher" (shechita) and Halal are both methods of slaughter prescribed by the Old Testament. Most old-school Christian butchers do it the same way (my grandpappy, as a perfect example, didn't touch the spinal cord, didn't stun the animals, killed with one fluid stroke, then drained all the blood, exactly as both prescribe despite your claim that Halal doesn't). To argue that Kosher is better than Halal is an absolute falsehood. There's a reason the two are on the same side of the debate and you virtually never see one form of ritual slaughter banned while the other is permitted.