Top 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Wrong


New member
Jul 12, 2003
acutus said:
Thank you for your reply Mr. Bobistheowl. I have to wonder about the value of attempting to offer various 'theories' about the cause of AIDS when the cause of AIDS is known absolutely, and that is by Homosexual anal intercourse. What 'theory' is going to be presented next?...How about a secret U.S. Military secret weapon gone wrong? The AIDS virus was secretly 'designed' to kill all the people on the planet for some yet unexplained secret reason? Sincerely, Jon .
Lots of people have become HIV positive from blood transfusions and the sharing of needles. A number of health care workers have also become infected by coming into direct contact with body fluids that contain the HIV virus. Many of these people have never engaged in homosexual acts of any kind.

The HIV virus can be transmitted through a number of bodily fluids. The main reasons why it is frequently transmitted through unprotected anal sex are the variety of fluids that can be exchanged during unprotected anal sex, (semen, blood, urine, feces), the fact that the cell wall in the rectum is very thin, and the fact that small breaks in the skin are common in the act, which allow an exchange of body fluids from one person to another. The virus must enter the bloodstream for a person to become infected.

If the penetrator is infected with HIV, the recipient would be just as likely to become infected, be that person male or female.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
bobistheowl said:
Lots of people have become HIV positive from blood transfusions and the sharing of needles. A number of health care workers have also become infected by coming into direct contact with body fluids that contain the HIV virus. Many of these people have never engaged in homosexual acts of any kind.

The HIV virus can be transmitted through a number of bodily fluids. The main reasons why it is frequently transmitted through unprotected anal sex are the variety of fluids that can be exchanged during unprotected anal sex, (semen, blood, urine, feces), the fact that the cell wall in the rectum is very thin, and the fact that small breaks in the skin are common in the act, which allow an exchange of body fluids from one person to another. The virus must enter the bloodstream for a person to become infected.

If the penetrator is infected with HIV, the recipient would be just as likely to become infected, be that person male or female.
That may be all well and good Mr. Bobistheowl; however in my view, the core and central issue remains...and that is that Homosexual behaviour is the sole cause of this new, virulent, deadly, incurable and completely preventable disease known as AIDS, and the subsequent refusal of the Homosexual community and their supporters to accept or even acknowledge their responsibility of this Holocaust of Death. One wonders exactly how 'proud' Homosexuals can be about their reality. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Jul 12, 2003
acutus said:
That may be all well and good Mr. Bobistheowl; however in my view, the core and central issue remains...and that is that Homosexual behaviour is the sole cause of this new, virulent, deadly, incurable and completely preventable disease known as AIDS, and the subsequent refusal of the Homosexual community and their supporters to accept or even acknowledge their responsibility of this Holocaust of Death. One wonders exactly how 'proud' Homosexuals can be about their reality. Sincerely, Jon .
Facts are irrelevant in the face of strong belief.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
eyeofthedragon said:
Just a few questions, if I may, acutus, to help me better understand your thoughts on this issue.

1)Obviously this is an issue you feel very strongly about - do you have gay friends? Do you make your opinion on this issue known to your friends?

2)What would you do, or how would you feel - if a friend or family member told you that they were gay? Would you now treat them differently?

These questions are not meant to judge the rightness or wrongness of either side of this issue, my intention is simply to better understand your thought process.

I apoligize for making "cheap shots" and having an immature attitude in this thread. I was responding in anger to what I felt was hatred and misguidence.
Thank you for your post Mr. Eyeofthedragon. Obviously this is an issue that many individuals that have posted on this Thread feel strongly about. To answer your, I do not and would never have a Homosexual 'friend'; nor would I have a rapist or paedophile or liar, cheat, fake...etc., as a 'friend'. Everyone who knows me is aware of my position on this issue. If a Family member or friend told me that they were Homosexual, I would most definitely treat that individual differently. I would first try and help arrange some form of psychiatric counselling for that individual and if they refused I would terminate the friendship. As far as your interest in my thought process is concerned, I can assure you that that process is straight forward. I do not approve of Homosexual behaviour because the premise is false. The Human anus and rectum does not function in Truth and reality as a recepticle. This is not a personal attack on any one individual or group of individuals, nor is it a Moral judgement. It is simply a statement of Truth and Fact. Homosexual intercourse causes AIDS. We all know this. This is also a statement of Truth and Fact. For me, Homosexual behaviour is only pathetic and ridiculous. However it is the very aggressive attempts by this small minority in Society to twist and pervert the Truth to suit their political agenda. That political agenda is to try force everyone to not only accept but to support a behaviour that is clearly abnormal and unhealthy. It is the profound lies and cheating that the Homosexual community engages in as a matter of course that is offensive to me, and others. The Homosexual community avoids any real adult discussion on the morality of the consequenses of their behaviour, and instead, for example, trys to bring their political agenda into the school system to 'teach' young children that Homosexuality is a good thing. Obviously, children are by definition incapable of understanding Human sexuality because as children they do not have the chemicals and hormones necessary to have a conscious understanding of their sexuality. To try and 'teach' children something that they cannot possibly understand represents indoctrination. This indoctrination of children is offensive to open minded and intelligent people. The Homosexual community goes to great lengths to always present itself as a 'victim' of 'ignorance' and 'hatred' and...and 'bigotry', but the reality is that we are all victims of the Homosexual community since Human sexuality is now and perhaps permanently poisoned by AIDS. What is that we are supposed to tell our children and future generations?...We, and now you have to wear rubber gloves if you wish touch another individual? No one is allowed to say exactly how or why that is because of...what? That we might hurt someone's feelings? The Homosexual community constantly insists that it is the 'victim' of discrimination in Society because of their sexual choice, but upon closer examination, one will see that it is the Homosexual community that is the only group in Society that feels that it and it alone has the 'civil right' to demand answers and investigate other people's sex lives. This form of sexual harassment is called 'outing' or to 'out' someone. There are many, many well known examples of public individuals who have been subjected to the most horrific and invasive harassment imaginable by the Homosexual community, who, in response, either claims to have a 'civil right' to expect and demmand answers about a complete strangers sex life, or shrieks and whimpers that it is the 'victim' of 'hatred' and 'ignorance'. As I see, the Homosexual community is a degenerate, destructive and profoundly dishonest minority in Society. Sincerely, Jon .


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I'm sorry...

Morgan Ellis said:
Just admit it, strap ons are farkin' hot!

Cripes, this is 2006.. and we're on an escort board, for God's sake! Of all the places you'd expect to see more tolerance for sexuality that deviates from the so-called 'norm', you'd assume this would be the place.

Face it, none of us on here are doing what most of society would consider to be 'acceptable', or 'decent', and the last time I checked, this house was made out of some pretty thin glass... so perhaps we should all refrain from chucking around such big rocks.

Barring that, there are some nice Christian right wing discussion boards out there that would revel in a good old fashioned whore bashing, gay slamming, adultery condemning discussion thread.

Dammit, doesn't anyone just want to talk about blow jobs anymore?

- M
...did you not start this with a political commentary (though clearly intended to be humorous) post?
Last edited:


Apr 7, 2005
Just read this entire post.

When exactly did it become a bad thing to be a conservative?

And why can't I oppose homosexuality again?

I do not begrudge what people do in their own homes go ahead and be freaky freaky freaky, but the sight of a 45 year old, 275 lb., homosexual man wearing a string bikini with a leather hood over his head throwing coloured beads while on parade in downtown Toronto at 4:00 in the afternoon on a Saturday simply sickens me on too many levels to comprehend.

And no I didn't see it personally it was actually on the TV during the news.

Is all this "pride" stuff reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally necessary? I mean, I get it you're here, you're queer, and . . . oh whatever.

When is the heterosexual parade?

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
MLAM said:
...did you not start this with a political commentary (though slearly intended to be humorous) post?
Call me naive, but I really never would have believed that a simple post meant to celebrate Pride could degenerate into 18 (or is is 19, now?) pages of commentary. Some of it I honestly and truly find frightening, and I'm not being histrionic in using that word, trust me.

It scares me that there still exist people who feel they have the right to hate, denigrate and belittle other people for who they choose to love, or what they prefer to do in the bedroom. I'm not going to say more than that on this subject, other than that I like fluffy bunnies. Do you like fluffy bunnies? Here's a picture of a fluffy bunny with a pancake on its head.

- M


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Is that your bunny, Morgan?????
You are sucha tease!!!
I'll bet you waggled that pancake in front of fluffy all day long.
Then as a grand finale placed the pancake on his head, all the while fluffy wondering where his pancake went.

Animal Cruelty!!!!


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Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Morgan Ellis said:
Here's a bunny with a chocolate cookie on its head. The bunny loves cookies. I love bunnies. Let's all hug.

- M

I do agree that after a big meal of rabbit stew I like some chips ahoy cookies.

Bt to be honest I would rther eat dolphin or tuna steaks


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Morgan Ellis said:
Call me naive, but I really never would have believed that a simple post meant to celebrate Pride could degenerate into 18 (or is is 19, now?) pages of commentary. Some of it I honestly and truly find frightening, and I'm not being histrionic in using that word, trust me.

It scares me that there still exist people who feel they have the right to hate, denigrate and belittle other people for who they choose to love, or what they prefer to do in the bedroom. I'm not going to say more than that on this subject, other than that I like fluffy bunnies. Do you like fluffy bunnies? Here's a picture of a fluffy bunny with a pancake on its head.

- M
It is both revealing and disappointing that you view a simple discussion on a contentious Social issue as 'degenerate', Ms. Morgan Ellis. That you are frightened and scared by the mere prospect of a conversation on this topic may tell us more then you had intended about the strength and validity of your position. Being scared and frightened by Truth, fact, reason and logic is consistent with the Homosexual community's tactic of attempting to evade adult discussion on the Moral consequenses of its behaviour by claiming that such critical observation is 'hateful' or 'bigoted'...etc. I would point out to both the Homosexual community in general and to you specifically, Ms. Morgan Ellis, that offering criticism of an individual's or group of individual's behaviour is not hateful, denigrating or belittling to that individual or group of individuals. Your contribution to this discussion of a image of a rabbit with a pancake on its head may very well be indicative of your abilities regarding adult discussion. Sincerely, Jon .


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Morgan Ellis said:
Call me naive, but I really never would have believed that a simple post meant to celebrate Pride could degenerate into 18 (or is is 19, now?) pages of commentary. Some of it I honestly and truly find frightening, and I'm not being histrionic in using that word, trust me.

It scares me that there still exist people who feel they have the right to hate, denigrate and belittle other people for who they choose to love, or what they prefer to do in the bedroom. I'm not going to say more than that on this subject, other than that I like fluffy bunnies. Do you like fluffy bunnies? Here's a picture of a fluffy bunny with a pancake on its head.

- M
...though I don't entirely get it.

For what it is worth - though I am not sure why because I am not particularly interested or caring in what people think about me - I would like to go on record that my position on the topic is virtually EXACTLY what I posted, and is most certainly not in line with some of the other things I have read in this thread.

I have my views and beliefs, and they are what they are (and certainly not in the majority in a forum like this one, but I don't care) but they do not include thinking or feeling that homosexuals are somehow less than human, undeserving of a full set of human rights or are on par with child molesters or anything like that.

Though I will also go on record to say I have no interest in seeing a 300lb man wearing a bikini, and I don't care WHO he sleeps with, and that effeminate men, hetro and homo both - annoy the shit out of me. Be a man damn it - I fail to see how being a homosexual means you can't be a fucking man versus a limp wrist bitch...


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
MLAM said:
...though I don't entirely get it.

For what it is worth - though I am not sure why because I am not particularly interested or caring in what people think about me - I would like to go on record that my position on the topic is virtually EXACTLY what I posted, and is most certainly not in line with some of the other things I have read in this thread.

I have my views and beliefs, and they are what they are (and certainly not in the majority in a forum like this one, but I don't care) but they do not include thinking or feeling that homosexuals are somehow less than human, undeserving of a full set of human rights or are on par with child molesters or anything like that.

Though I will also go on record to say I have no interest in seeing a 300lb man wearing a bikini, and I don't care WHO he sleeps with, and that effeminate men, hetro and homo both - annoy the shit out of me. Be a man damn it - I fail to see how being a homosexual means you can't be a fucking man versus a limp wrist bitch...
Mr. MLAM, Could you please explain to me what is wrong with evaluating a situation or circumstance and then making a value judgement based on what is acceptable for the majority of us in a Democracy? Could you please explain to me how it is that you feel that Homosexuals are deserving of a full set of Human Rights when their behaviour has caused and continues to cause such needless and completely preventable damage, disease and death on a scale never seen before in the history of Life on Earth? Sincerely, Jon .


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Acutus: No offence but the hyperbole over the effects of aids is a bit much. The Middle Ages Black Death in Europe killed 1 in 3 people, the 1918-19 Influenza killed millions of Europeans. While there have been deaths in Europe and North America, the casualties of AIDS have primarily been in the third world and therefore of no real consequence to world development.

With that in mind it is hardly the "death on a scale never before..." that you try to portray.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

LancsLad said:
Acutus: No offence but the hyperbole over the effects of aids is a bit much. The Middle Ages Black Death in Europe killed 1 in 3 people, the 1918-19 Influenza killed millions of Europeans. While there have been deaths in Europe and North America, the casualties of AIDS have primarily been in the third world and therefore of no real consequence to world development.

With that in mind it is hardly the "death on a scale never before..." that you try to portray.
I do not share your point of view that the 'hyperbole' over the effects of AIDS is a bit much, Mr. Lancslad. Please note that the AIDS Pandemic is still unfolding. The distinction that I would draw to your attention on the Historical examples that you have cited is that real efforts were made to try and determine the causes of those large scale and devastating infections. In constrast, the cause of AIDS is known and the solution is obvious. Your opinion that the casualties of AIDS have been primarily in the third world and therefore of no real consequence to world development might be different if you or someone that you cared about were living in one of those Third World countries. Sincerely, Jon .


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
acutus said:
I do not share your point of view that the 'hyperbole' over the effects of AIDS is a bit much, Mr. Lancslad. Please note that the AIDS Pandemic is still unfolding. The distinction that I would draw to your attention on the Historical examples that you have cited is that real efforts were made to try and determine the causes of those large scale and devastating infections. In constrast, the cause of AIDS is known and the solution is obvious. Your opinion that the casualties of AIDS have been primarily in the third world and therefore of no real consequence to world development might be different if you or someone that you cared about were living in one of those Third World countries. Sincerely, Jon .
While no one I care about is in the third world that is beside the point. There is a vast difference between the effect on the world economy of 1 million dying in post WW1 Europe and 1 million in Africa. One million dying from aids just reduces the number that will die from starvation , tribal warfare, ethnic cleansing, drought or any of the other myriad problems afflicting that continent. On balance Africa can not feed and support itself therefore the population needs to be controlled somehow, they have one of the worlds highest birth rates and there are not enough addle minded do gooder pop stars to go around when it comes to feed africa concerts. Starvation and droughts in Africa were going on for millennia before soft liberal types decided it was a trendy cause.

So I stand behind what I say. unless the AIDS disease takes hold in a big way in the developed world it is nothing compared to the examples I cited.


New member
May 28, 2006
dashing in the slippery tunnel
Morgan Ellis said:
In honor of
Pride Week...

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Happy Pride, all, and hope those who want some this weekend get some! I know I'll be cruising it... minus the marriage rings, of course. ;)

Well said, Morgan!


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

LancsLad said:
While no one I care about is in the third world that is beside the point. There is a vast difference between the effect on the world economy of 1 million dying in post WW1 Europe and 1 million in Africa. One million dying from aids just reduces the number that will die from starvation , tribal warfare, ethnic cleansing, drought or any of the other myriad problems afflicting that continent. On balance Africa can not feed and support itself therefore the population needs to be controlled somehow, they have one of the worlds highest birth rates and there are not enough addle minded do gooder pop stars to go around when it comes to feed africa concerts. Starvation and droughts in Africa were going on for millennia before soft liberal types decided it was a trendy cause.

So I stand behind what I say. unless the AIDS disease takes hold in a big way in the developed world it is nothing compared to the examples I cited.
Is this a serious reply? You seem a little hostile and off topic, Mr. LancsLad. Sincerely, Jon .
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