Unprotected anal intercourse can TRANSMIT the HIV virus, if one of the participants is infected with said virus. The gender and sexuality of the participants are fairly irrelevant to the equation (although the likelihood of female-to-female transmission via anal sex seems rather remote). Homosexuality and bisexuality (or having a partner who falls into either group) are risk factors, as are promiscuity, intravenous drug use, and condom use (or more accurately, the lack thereof).
No matter how much you may wish it, a monogamous, uninfected gay couple will not get (or "produce") AIDS, no matter how much anal sex they have with one another.
Cloaking lies and half-truths with (attempted) eloquence doesn't make them any more true, it just makes you slightly more literate than the dung-flinging chimps at the Metro Zoo. Apologies in advance to any chimps I may have offended.
You don't like fags - we get it. You're entitled to your opinion, however vile, silly, or unsubstantiated it may be. But you have yet to advance any argument beyond your "culture of death" catch phrase and, like all good bigots, refuse to address any facts, arguments, or points that do not fit into your teeny little world view. Until you decide to actually respond to such points, you're just a sad little troll getting his kicks from the mock outrage of Ho Boarders. Doesn't sound very natural, normal, or healthy if you ask me.
Now run along and get a blow job or something (don't worry, we won't condemn you for such a unnatural perversion!) because your shtick is played out.
Infamously yours,
The Shake