The Porn Dude

Top 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Wrong


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
The Shake said:

Unprotected anal intercourse can TRANSMIT the HIV virus, if one of the participants is infected with said virus. The gender and sexuality of the participants are fairly irrelevant to the equation (although the likelihood of female-to-female transmission via anal sex seems rather remote). Homosexuality and bisexuality (or having a partner who falls into either group) are risk factors, as are promiscuity, intravenous drug use, and condom use (or more accurately, the lack thereof).

No matter how much you may wish it, a monogamous, uninfected gay couple will not get (or "produce") AIDS, no matter how much anal sex they have with one another.


Cloaking lies and half-truths with (attempted) eloquence doesn't make them any more true, it just makes you a slightly more literate than the dung-flinging chimps at the Metro Zoo. Apologies in advance to any chimps I may have offended.

You don't like fags - we get it. You're entitled to your opinion, however vile, silly, or unsubstantiated it may be. But you have yet to advance any argument beyond your "culture of death" catch phrase and, like all good bigots, refuse to address any facts, arguments, or points that do not fit into your teeny little world view. Until you decide to actually respond to such points, you're just a sad little troll getting his kicks from the mock outrage of Ho Boarders. Doesn't sound very natural, normal, or healthy if you ask me.

Now run along and get a blow job or something (don't worry, we won't condemn you for such a unnatural perversion!) because your shtick is played out.

Infamously yours,

The Shake
You sound awfully emotional, Mr. Shake. Ask you family Doctor about the consequenses of two men having anal intercourse with one and other...don't take my word for it. Just so that you know, Mr. Shake, the Human anus and rectum do not function in Truth and reality as a recepticle. Ask you Doctor. He'll tell you that the anus and rectum functions to expell waste from the body. Have you read this Thread through in its entirety? What 'lies' and 'half truths' are you referring to? How is my perspective 'vile', 'silly' and 'unsubstantiated'? What 'facts' have I not addressed? You call me a 'bigot' while referring to Homosexuals as 'fags' ? Sincerely, Jon .


Jun 3, 2002
acutus said:
9 posts, huh, Mr. Southern Knight? Sincerely, Jon .
Only 432 posts, eh, acutus? :rolleyes:


Jun 3, 2002


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
A Public Challenge For Jon

Let's see if you have ANY BALLS AT ALL.

Let's meet up and meet with a doctor or two, I would suggest that we contact (1) an epidemiologist and (2) a proctologist. If I could get in touch with a doctor at a downtown hospital or a teaching physician at UofT, would that be acceptable?

(Hell, we could even ask Dr. Phil!)

We ask the doctor a simple question: "Is or was AIDS CAUSED by anal sex." Or any way you want to phrase the question.

If the scientific answer is against your beliefs, you will print a retraction of your statement that male homosexualiity is wrong because it causes AIDS.

You can tell me what I will do if the answer is yes.

Up to the challenge?

You can skip your reply to me where you call me emotional or whatever, yes it's important to me to prove to you that you're wrong. I care about the truth, that's what opinions are for.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

DATYdude said:
Let's see if you have ANY BALLS AT ALL.

Let's meet up and meet with a doctor or two, I would suggest that we contact (1) an epidemiologist and (2) a proctologist. If I could get in touch with a doctor at a downtown hospital or a teaching physician at UofT, would that be acceptable?

(Hell, we could even ask Dr. Phil!)

We ask the doctor a simple question: "Is or was AIDS CAUSED by anal sex." Or any way you want to phrase the question.

If the scientific answer is against your beliefs, you will print a retraction of your statement that male homosexualiity is wrong because it causes AIDS.

You can tell me what I will do if the answer is yes.

Up to the challenge?

You can skip your reply to me where you call me emotional or whatever, yes it's important to me to prove to you that you're wrong. I care about the truth, that's what opinions are for.
You've obviously mistaken me for someone who takes you seriously. After some of your remarks to me, I don't care what you think or what you believe. You are most welcome to believe whatever you wish. I suggest that you go to your own family Doctor and ask him about the true function of the Human anus and rectum. You will learn Mr. DATYdude, that the anus and rectum functions in Truth and reality to expell waste from the body. AIDS became known to Science in the very early 1980's or so when it was referred to as the 'Gay Plague', as it was clear that men having anal sex with one and other was causing real problems of infectious disease and death.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
acutus said:
You sound awfully emotional, Mr. Shake.
Mr. Shake is my father. I'd revisit the old chestnut of how "assume" makes an ass yada yada yada, however it would be rather redundant in your case.

Ask you family Doctor about the consequences of two men having anal intercourse with one and other
By consequences do you mean something other than an orgasm or two?

The general consequences of two men having anal intercourse with one and another are the same as the general consequences of a man and a woman having anal intercourse with one and other. There are, in fact, many potential "consequences" to anal sex that range from the mundane to the very serious. A responsible health care provider would likely admonish her patient against any anal sex, regardless of the asshole's gender.

I urge you to have a conversation with your family doctor, because your wilful ignorance of how sexually transmitted diseases spread is rather disturbing. Once again, I'll make the point clear. Homosexual sex - anal or otherwise - does not produce AIDS or any other STD's. AIDS - and other STD's - are transmitted when a carrier of the disease has contact with an uninfected partner. The AIDS virus does not distinguish between the male or female anus. Clinging to your sad version of "the facts" puts you at risk of contracting a variety of STD's and, while a particularly virulent case of the clap might be poetic for one of your ilk, not even a fool deserves to have a permanent - or deadly - punishment for such ignorance.

Specific consequences will, of course, vary according to the sexual health, history, and habits of the two participants. I would certainly not dispute that two strangers who have unprotected anal sex in a bath house are at far greater risk than a monogamous married couple who occasionally switch from pink to brown for a walk on the wild side.

...don't take my word for it.
Trust me, sunshine, I'm as likely to take your opinion on sexual health as I am to ask for investment advice from the Zoltran the Homeless guy who asked me for some spare change to fix his "time machine" this morning.

Have you read this Thread through in its entirety?
Good God no. Are you on crack?

What 'lies' and 'half truths' are you referring to?
Hmmmm, let me count the ways. How about:

acutus said:
Homosexual anal intercourse produces AIDS.

acutus said:
So why should Homosexuals be granted 'special rights', above and beyond the rest of us

acutus said:
their behaviour has caused and continues to cause such needless and completely preventable damage, disease and death on a scale never seen before in the history of Life on Earth? .

acutus said:
In constrast, the cause of AIDS is known and the solution is obvious. Your opinion that the casualties of AIDS have been primarily in the third world and therefore of no real consequence to world development might be different if you or someone that you cared about were living in one of those Third World countries.

acutus said:
Homosexual intercourse causes AIDS. We all know this.

acutus said:
The Homosexual community avoids any real adult discussion on the morality of the consequences of their behaviour.

acutus said:
the cause of AIDS is known absolutely, and that is by Homosexual anal intercourse.

I could go own, but I have a zit to pop. Or anal sex to have. Or something.

How is my perspective 'vile', 'silly' and 'unsubstantiated'?

adj 1: morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them" {syn: despicable, ugly, unworthy} 2: thoroughly unpleasant; "filthy (or foul or nasty or vile) weather we're having" {syn: filthy, foul, nasty} 3: causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench" {syn: nauseating, nauseous, noisome, loathsome, offensive, sickening}

Wow - three for three on that one!

sil·ly ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sl)
adj. sil·li·er, sil·li·est
Exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish. See Synonyms at foolish.
Lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous: indulged in silly word play; silly pet names for each other.
Semiconscious; dazed: knocked silly by the impact.

Well, you're not semiconscious. At least, I don't think you are. Perhaps you should ask your family doctor just to be safe.


adj : unsupported by nother evidence [syn: uncorroborated]

Game. Set. Match.

What 'facts' have I not addressed?
Sigh. This is where you move from mildly amusing in a let's-feed-the-trolls kind of way, to just boring and stupid. Various posters in this thread have cited sources that clearly contradict your claims about the "source" or "cause" of AIDS, most notably theories presented by bobistheowl, flaws in your logic noted by DATYdude, and referenced facts (in the other thread) from Reg. You have yet to provide any facts - or even direct responses - to any of them. Your consistent pattern, when faced with facts or arguments which fall outside of your meagre comprehension skills is to say I am right and you are wrong and then launch into an off-key rendition of the "I Am Right" song.

You call me a 'bigot' while referring to Homosexuals as 'fags' ?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

The Shake said:
Mr. Shake is my father. I'd revisit the old chestnut of how "assume" makes an ass yada yada yada, however it would be rather redundant in your case.

By consequences do you mean something other than an orgasm or two?

The general consequences of two men having anal intercourse with one and another are the same as the general consequences of a man and a woman having anal intercourse with one and other. There are, in fact, many potential "consequences" to anal sex that range from the mundane to the very serious. A responsible health care provider would likely admonish her patient against any anal sex, regardless of the asshole's gender.

I urge you to have a conversation with your family doctor, because your wilful ignorance of how sexually transmitted diseases spread is rather disturbing. Once again, I'll make the point clear. Homosexual sex - anal or otherwise - does not produce AIDS or any other STD's. AIDS - and other STD's - are transmitted when a carrier of the disease has contact with an uninfected partner. The AIDS virus does not distinguish between the male or female anus. Clinging to your sad version of "the facts" puts you at risk of contracting a variety of STD's and, while a particularly virulent case of the clap might be poetic for one of your ilk, not even a fool deserves to have a permanent - or deadly - punishment for such ignorance.

Specific consequences will, of course, vary according to the sexual health, history, and habits of the two participants. I would certainly not dispute that two strangers who have unprotected anal sex in a bath house are at far greater risk than a monogamous married couple who occasionally switch from pink to brown for a walk on the wild side.

Trust me, sunshine, I'm as likely to take your opinion on sexual health as I am to ask for investment advice from the Zoltran the Homeless guy who asked me for some spare change to fix his "time machine" this morning.

Good God no. Are you on crack?

Hmmmm, let me count the ways. How about:








I could go own, but I have a zit to pop. Or anal sex to have. Or something.


adj 1: morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them" {syn: despicable, ugly, unworthy} 2: thoroughly unpleasant; "filthy (or foul or nasty or vile) weather we're having" {syn: filthy, foul, nasty} 3: causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench" {syn: nauseating, nauseous, noisome, loathsome, offensive, sickening}

Wow - three for three on that one!

sil·ly ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sl)
adj. sil·li·er, sil·li·est
Exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish. See Synonyms at foolish.
Lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous: indulged in silly word play; silly pet names for each other.
Semiconscious; dazed: knocked silly by the impact.

Well, you're not semiconscious. At least, I don't think you are. Perhaps you should ask your family doctor just to be safe.


adj : unsupported by nother evidence [syn: uncorroborated]

Game. Set. Match.

Sigh. This is where you move from mildly amusing in a let's-feed-the-trolls kind of way, to just boring and stupid. Various posters in this thread have cited sources that clearly contradict your claims about the "source" or "cause" of AIDS, most notably theories presented by bobistheowl, flaws in your logic noted by DATYdude, and referenced facts (in the other thread) from Reg. You have yet to provide any facts - or even direct responses - to any of them. Your consistent pattern, when faced with facts or arguments which fall outside of your meagre comprehension skills is to say I am right and you are wrong and then launch into an off-key rendition of the "I Am Right" song.

I appreciate the considerable efforts that you have made in your attempt to communicate clearly. Sincerely, Jon .


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Jon, you clearly don't care about the truth and have no cojones.



Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

DATYdude said:
Jon, you clearly don't care about the truth and have no cojones.

I do care about the Truth, Mr. DATYdude; but as they, some individuals just can't handle the Truth. Sincerely, Jon .

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
acutus said:
I do care about the Truth, Mr. DATYdude; but as they, some individuals just can't handle the Truth. Sincerely, Jon .
Assuming that you don't suffer from a bizarre and unnatural fetish which compels you to make random, inappropriate capitalizations, your reference to "the Truth" hints at a faith-based reason for your opinions on sexuality and AIDS.

In that context, can you please rationalize the "Truth" with your (apparent) predilection for prostitution, artificial birth control and, perhaps, adultery?

If I've misinterpreted the "Truth" and you do indeed fetishize random capital letters, then, for the love of sodomy, please get some help before you destroy society, you sick freak.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

The Shake said:
Assuming that you don't suffer from a bizarre and unnatural fetish which compels you to make random, inappropriate capitalizations, your reference to "the Truth" hints at a faith-based reason for your opinions on sexuality and AIDS.

In that context, can you please rationalize the "Truth" with your (apparent) predilection for prostitution, artificial birth control and, perhaps, adultery?

If I've misinterpreted the "Truth" and you do indeed fetishize random capital letters, then, for the love of sodomy, please get some help before you destroy society, you sick freak.
Do you really expect to have an adult, intelligent discussion with another individual when you appear incapable of communicating without raw emotion and insulting invective? Sincerely, Jon .
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