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Tony Robbins


Nobodies business if I do
Sep 26, 2007
Am I the only one who suspects Tony Robbins is a modern day charlatan?

I rented 10 hours of his tapes and listened carefully and decided to write down his wisdom. My notes were almost blank.

He says

1 find your passion in life and follow it (his Main theme). Well, of course one is happiest when living their passion. No insight there. But really, I disagree,I wanna be a Hollywood actor and if I put all my effort into I will die a poor and sad man.

2 To learn a skill seek advice from the very best. I disagree. Wayne Getzsky would not be a great teacher, IMHO, because he is a natural who never had to understand the fundamentals like a grinder has to. Therefore, you seek out those with less talent but who still succeeded.

There was a third point he made but I have forgotten what it was.

All the rest was glib and entertaining talk of no substance.

And I never once heard him give a good explanation of what NLP is or acknowledge that he never created NLP.

"Because of the absence of any firm empirical evidence supporting its sometimes extravagant claims, NLP has enjoyed little or no support from the scientific community. It continues to make no impact on mainstream academic psychology, and only limited impact on mainstream psychotherapy and counselling."

He has made millions and to go to his school in Haiwai costs a small fortune.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
Tony Robbins is, by pretty much any measure, a master of self-promotion. One can learn a great deal about how to market and manage an image.

But as for his message, it's nothing new and nothing that you don't already know.

The whole "The Secret" phenomena/fraud (IMHO) is pretty similar, though at least Robbins approach means that you actually are required to DO something, rather than just think happy thoughts and the universe will dispense your desires into your lap, not unlike some sort of cosmic vending machine.

As for NLP, the jury's still out. The fellows who came up with it in the first place - one is named Richard Bandler, I don't know the other guy's name and I'm too lazy to look it up - sell it as a panacea, much like Robbins sells his motivational stuff as the "easy way to success." But there's precious little evidence for it.
261252 said:
Am I the only one who suspects Tony Robbins is a modern day charlatan?
No, you are not the only one...

My (former) sister-in-law used to be associated with his organization. (It was actually part the reason my brother dumper her a$$!) She eventually saw Tony and his organization for what it was...

He's a complete fraud and yes, a modern day con-artist. He preys upon people who are too weak minded to motivate themselves and make their own decisions...

Just my nickels worth...


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY

Cycleguy007 said:

No, you are not the only one...

My (former) sister-in-law used to be associated with his organization. (It was actually part the reason my brother dumper her a$$!) She eventually saw Tony and his organization for what it was...

He's a complete fraud and yes, a modern day con-artist. He preys upon people who are too weak minded to motivate themselves and make their own decisions...

Just my nickels worth...
Just another snake oil salesman. But like Kevin Trudeau, they are very bright and very convincing. They are very good salesman at least, and scammers at worst.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008

Best advice for ALL these types of people


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Just like so many of these people that do the rubber chicken circuit, Trump, Women of Distinction, Mr.Woo. Lite a fire under our asses and convince you to go and do something and be positive. Bull s--t baffles brains. It's sometimes more entertaining (these seminars) better than going to the movies.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
For whatever Robbins is, he tells you if you want to be sucessful to plan your life and take action. On that level he is correct.


Nobodies business if I do
Sep 26, 2007
How about these other charlatans?

Kevin Trudeau, IMHO, is complete garbage. On day he is a memory expert President of the "American Memory Institute" dispensing visualization memory techniques developed by others. I saw a book in the Health food store with his cute white trash face on it claiming to be the worlds' expert in health food denouncing those who have actually studied the issue to be all idiots. The book is ripped off from other new age dont know WTF they are talking about psuedo health experts. At least he could have made his own crap up.

How about other GURUs?

Deepak Chopra

create any reality you desire by wishing inside the gap that is between all your thoughs where there is a universe of infinite possibities? Have enema baths as a way for better health? Deepak do some magic or STFU.

IMHO he dispenses new age gobbledegook for pusedo intellectuals.

Dr Dwayne Dwyer he and my friend Deepak are popular on public tv in the usa. Dwyer particularly during donation campaignes. ( gotta love the way PBS never does a documentary on these guys where doubters are allowed to speak. I guess the dollar is King even with PBS. )

Watched his talk he labelled "inspiration" and never learned one thing. He had several guests who had done some amazing accomplishments and says that was because they had the power of belief.
Amazing things happen to some people OK? It is called chance and to say we can change the world if we believe can is nonsense, IMHO. It takes luck. Some people win the lottery. It is called the laws of probability.
hunter001 said:
For whatever Robbins is, he tells you if you want to be sucessful to plan your life and take action. On that level he is correct.
Not disputing the message, just the method in which he goes about delivering it... He's is getting very wealthy "selling" the idea to everyone who is fool enough to pay for something of which they should already know. ;)


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Cycleguy007 said:
Not disputing the message, just the method in which he goes about delivering it... He's is getting very wealthy "selling" the idea to everyone who is fool enough to pay for something of which they should already know. ;)
There are things in his "system" that may help people that don't know how to manage their lives. There are people who need a life coach. I don't know if Tony is the answer but if you have a open mind... even if you get one good idea from his "system" it may have an impact on one's life.

It is like any other self-improvement system it is only as good as how you apply it.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
261252 said:
1 find your passion in life and follow it (his Main theme). Well, of course one is happiest when living their passion. No insight there. But really, I disagree,I wanna be a Hollywood actor and if I put all my effort into I will die a poor and sad man.
But your disagreement is a negative that leads to pain, not pleasure. You automatically, even subconsciously, come up with a reason too fail, because it provides you MORE pleasure to fail, i.e.: a reason NOT to succeed, rather than to succeed........according to Tony Robbins.

261252 said:
To learn a skill seek advice from the very best. I disagree. Wayne Getzsky would not be a great teacher, IMHO, because he is a natural who never had to understand the fundamentals like a grinder has to. Therefore, you seek out those with less talent but who still succeeded.
Well, if you want to be rich, would you take advice from a banker giving you just 2% on your savings? No. You'd want to know what someone did to become rich, rather than someone telling you not to be. If you wanted to shoot like Gretzky, you'd be on the ice in a nanosecond if you had the opportunity to do it. So make the opportunity. Look for the equation that actually works, not equations that don't work......according to Tony Robbins.

261252 said:
He has made millions and to go to his school in Hawaii costs a small fortune.
So release a bundle of your own Personal Power tapes back in the days before The Internet and CDs were mainstream and pay three (3) payments of $99.95. Or have a sucker buy it, get a double tape deck, use high-speed and make your own copies, like I did, when it first came out.

I will say, his program does work if you apply yourself to do it. In some cases, what you may think is the future, isn't necessarily what the outcome is by wishing it to be that way. You have to create the outcome and you will bang into unexpected walls. You have to find the way to go through those walls by taking action. It works. As for his schools and other things, you don't need to go to them. A University degree is a better idea. Plus you can see his stuff on YouTube for free.

But his Personal Power tapes are as good as one (1) college course and you must do all the exercises, like assigned homework. The idea is to continually take action with each, until it becomes a part of you. I still want to hear his "Get the Edge". Eventually, I'll get it for like $5.00 in a thrift shop, if it ever shows up.

I wouldn't pay Robbins anything. But his message is good. And he's an overgrown non-stop, drive you crazy talker with a brain tumor (and he won't get treatment for it, which I think is not the best idea to do).

Gyaos Baltar.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
261252 said:
1 find your passion in life and follow it (his Main theme). Well, of course one is happiest when living their passion. No insight there. But really, I disagree,I wanna be a Hollywood actor and if I put all my effort into I will die a poor and sad man.
There is a difference between what you want (say be an actor) then your passion. If you have a passion for acting you would enjoy pursuit. You would enjoy taking acting classes, working small theaters, extra work, walk on roles, auditions, ... Getting to would your goal and not your passion. If you have a passion for acting and never made it to the big screen your life would still be fulfilled...

2612522 said:
To learn a skill seek advice from the very best. I disagree. Wayne Gretzsky would not be a great teacher, IMHO, because he is a natural who never had to understand the fundamentals like a grinder has to.
You could seek out Gretzsky for insight into his on the game which could be invaluable to people who are at his skill level. If you want to get to his level he could tell what he did. (It might not be possible at you age, whatever it is, because Gretzsky had a passion for the game at a young age and spent hours as a kid practicing.)

If you want to be the best grinder in the game you would seek out the best grinder in the game and ask his advise (perhaps Bob Gainey for example.) You could ask what it takes, who his coaches were, what it took to be at his level. You then could seek out coaching and advise from people that he recommends. (Yeah it is some work but that is the point. If you have the passion you can do it.) You make never be the best in the game or ever make it to the N.H.L. That isn't the point. The point is you have a passion for the pursuit.

Another example :

Let say Tony Robbins want to excel as jockey. The guy is a giant and will never be in the world class as a jockey. If Tony loved horses, loved everything about racing, it may not matter that is the very best jockey in the world but that he become his very best he can be.

261252 said:
And I never once heard him give a good explanation of what NLP is or acknowledge that he never created NLP.
You might want to listen again because he says he didn't invent any of these ideas but learned to practice them.

261252 said:
"Because of the absence of any firm empirical evidence supporting its sometimes extravagant claims, NLP has enjoyed little or no support from the scientific community. It continues to make no impact on mainstream academic psychology, and only limited impact on mainstream psychotherapy and counselling."
I am not sure about "empirical evidence" but I know "visualization" and "positive affirmations" can change one's view about themselves.

261252 said:
He has made millions and to go to his school in Haiwai costs a small fortune.
It is a Fiji Island but yeah he charges a lot.

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
There's some intersting stuff on Kevin Trudeau online if you do some looking. The gist of it is that he has been severely restricted by the US government in what he can and can't do. My guess is that this was a compromise reached by teams of lawyers so that Trudeau could contine to earn a living without the medical community or the AMA having to constantly sue him.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
Downloaded some of Banana Hand's stuff years ago. I can count on one hand the times I've listened to bits and pieces of it. One nugget/saying of his that's stuck out in my mind the past few months is "the road to someday leads to nowhere". Not a mind-blowing revelation, but most times now that I find myself thinking I'll do something tomorrow, in a few days, or next week (which might realistically get done in a month or two or maybe even never), I'll remember that quote and push myself to get working on that task NOW.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
All I know is that the gal in Hunter's sig would be an excellent life coach...and I would buy anything she was selling.


Nov 26, 2002
When I was in first year engineering school I bought kevin Trudeau's mega memory tapes because I wanted an edge. It was complete crap, the only thing I remember was that he advised against eating pork, I only remember that because of how stupid it sounded.
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