Am I the only one who suspects Tony Robbins is a modern day charlatan?
I rented 10 hours of his tapes and listened carefully and decided to write down his wisdom. My notes were almost blank.
He says
1 find your passion in life and follow it (his Main theme). Well, of course one is happiest when living their passion. No insight there. But really, I disagree,I wanna be a Hollywood actor and if I put all my effort into I will die a poor and sad man.
2 To learn a skill seek advice from the very best. I disagree. Wayne Getzsky would not be a great teacher, IMHO, because he is a natural who never had to understand the fundamentals like a grinder has to. Therefore, you seek out those with less talent but who still succeeded.
There was a third point he made but I have forgotten what it was.
All the rest was glib and entertaining talk of no substance.
And I never once heard him give a good explanation of what NLP is or acknowledge that he never created NLP.
"Because of the absence of any firm empirical evidence supporting its sometimes extravagant claims, NLP has enjoyed little or no support from the scientific community. It continues to make no impact on mainstream academic psychology, and only limited impact on mainstream psychotherapy and counselling."
He has made millions and to go to his school in Haiwai costs a small fortune.
I rented 10 hours of his tapes and listened carefully and decided to write down his wisdom. My notes were almost blank.
He says
1 find your passion in life and follow it (his Main theme). Well, of course one is happiest when living their passion. No insight there. But really, I disagree,I wanna be a Hollywood actor and if I put all my effort into I will die a poor and sad man.
2 To learn a skill seek advice from the very best. I disagree. Wayne Getzsky would not be a great teacher, IMHO, because he is a natural who never had to understand the fundamentals like a grinder has to. Therefore, you seek out those with less talent but who still succeeded.
There was a third point he made but I have forgotten what it was.
All the rest was glib and entertaining talk of no substance.
And I never once heard him give a good explanation of what NLP is or acknowledge that he never created NLP.
"Because of the absence of any firm empirical evidence supporting its sometimes extravagant claims, NLP has enjoyed little or no support from the scientific community. It continues to make no impact on mainstream academic psychology, and only limited impact on mainstream psychotherapy and counselling."
He has made millions and to go to his school in Haiwai costs a small fortune.