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Todd Bertuzzi's wife


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Total blame the victim bullshit.
Rather than seeing every player sign some jackass waiver, I'd like to see Todd Bertuzzi sued for ten million dollars.


great white hooter hunter
Mar 15, 2004
ranger is bang on.

first off, the actual events...

in the build-up to the game, the weeks beforehand, all kinds of words were being uttered in the press by the canucks. the first time they played, with gary bettman in attendance, and seemingly every eye in the world on this game, not much took place. it was a close game, with playoff implications. but, leading into the fateful second meeting, words were still being thrown around, with nothing but pittance warnings from the NHL head offices about any violence. during the game, threats were uttered all game long to steve moore, from players on the ice, and on the bench.

the game was all but over, a few minutes left, 8 to 2 for the avalanche i believe. what was moore even doing on the ice at that point in time, was way beyond me. but, the guy should not have to have been "hidden" on his bench, so that is besides the point. bertuzzi was out there with one mission in his mind, and he did it away from the puck, at the end of the play, and from behind. should the law be involved? hell yes. all players consent to some form of physical contact, but not that crap.

bertuzzi's half-arsed apology on TV, to steve moore, with his tears, was a joke. it was quite possibly scripted. i am sure todd does feel remorse for his actions, but as ranger has pointed out, not for his victim. i could tell you a few stories about todd in his junior and midget days, that would really paint a bad picture of him, but, that is not the point. what is relevant, is that it was in todd's history, to have the ability to committ such a heinous act. the book should be thrown big time at bertuzzi. i would go as far as to say that todd never plays until steve moore does, and, if moore never does play agin, well, so be it. what is the punishment to todd, if he is allowed to play again, and make millions, while moore has had his career snuffed? the NHL really should send a clear message here, but, alas, money talks, and, having todd play means more to the NHL's bottom line, than having him sit on the sidelines. sadly, people will pay just to come and boo and jeer him.

there is no defence for todd. as ranger correctly pointed out, his plea of guilty, albeit for a lesser charge, will inevitably, come back big-time to bite him in the ass, if moore files a civil suit, which, make no mistake about it, will happen. the man has admitted his guilt. bertuzzi is a big goof, who let himself down, his team down, a city and it's fans down, and the entire game of hockey itself, down.


PS - wendel clark was a very good NHL player, but, unless you have been smoking some real good shit, he has never even been close to being the best player in the game. wendel played when guys like gretz, mess, bourque, coffey, lemieux, savard, lafontaine, francis etc;...played, and, sorry to say, he wasnt better than any one of them. lay off the bong.
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