Todd Bertuzzi's wife


New member
Aug 1, 2004
If I was playing for a team across the country away from my hottie wife for long extended times I would be a bit nasty on the ice...this lady is gorgeous. Todd made a lot of money (well earned before the assault) and if I were him I'd retire and spend all my days with Julie. Screw the Stanley Cup ring; the one he's got right now around his finger is priceless:

For the record...the hit on Moore made me dry heave...brutal.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
She's not that hot. Especially in that pic. Is that a cold sore on her lip?

I wonder who tied his tie?

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
If he gets off scott'll be a total disgrace to the justice system.

Why is it that if you or I did that on the street, we would do time. But for professional athletes it's just a slap on the wrist. Why should the system be more lenient on them?


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Still IMHO...

His wife should be bubba in cellblock 4.

Let Todd get attacked, straddled and eat some fist from behind for a while.

Also, I respect Brian Burke but he has been way off base since day one in his support of this goonery. That is all.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
While I agree 100% what he did was totally wrong and he should be banned from professional hockey for ____? The criminal system has NO right to step into sports.

Bandit: 99% of the actions commited during sports would be a criminal offence if done on the street:
Javelin Throwing
Skeet Shooting
Kick Boxing
Body Checking
Stock Car Racing
Drag Racing
Blocking/Tackling etc (football)

Those are just SOME examples. Actions taken during regular play would be illegal if done outside the arena so that argument doesn't wash.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Stand by your man, buh ba bah ba.

I am sure that she would be with old Todd even if he wasn't an NHL player.

And yes, that cold sore does stick out a bit doesn't.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
She's nothin special.
And he's a sack of shit.

Toronto Passions

Trusted Since 2001!
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I don't think he is a sack of shit. What I do think is he let his emotions get the best of him. Pound for pound, I feel he is the best player in the game. I remember when Wendel (maple leaf heart) Clark was traded to Quebec, that guy at that time was rated as the best player in the league. Every aspect taken into account. Just take a look at the elite players at that time. Bertuzzi's that kind of player of this new era. Granted what he did was wrong, but I feel this guy is the total package. I hope he will pay for all this, and return.

If and when hockey returns that is.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
What Bertuzzi did had NO place in hockey.
He may as well have brought a gun and shot him.
Good for the justice system to get involved. I hope he's been thoroughly humiliated. Also, the guilty plea will make it much easier for Moore's pending civil case to garner him mucho dineiro from that scumbag.

Toronto Passions

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All I'm saying is that all of us have made a mistake at one point or another. I hope justice is served too. Where was the justice system when The Great One high sticked Killer in the 93 playoffs?

All I'm saying is the guy must be so sorry it's not even funny.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
What Gretzky did happens quite often in hockey - it's an accepted part of the risk of playing the game, and therefore does not require the involvement of the justice system. The law should become involved if something occurs beyond the pale.

Toronto Passions

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Cnd-Guy said:
Wendel clark ?

And Ranger, I see what you're saying, but Bertuzzi is a great talent to see. You mean to say you can never forgive him for what he did? He lost control, and he would probably be the first to admit it. I bet you he had no idea he was going to do the damage that he did to this guy. If this guy just got up and skated off the ice to his bench would you be saying all that?


New member
Feb 28, 2004
tboy said:
The criminal system has NO right to step into sports.
I agree. And if the incident had occurred during game play you might have a case. However, Bertuzzi's actions occurred when play had been stopped so technically they were no longer playing a sport at the time of the incident.

I would also say that the justice system has the right to step in if the actions in question show a reckless disregard for others and exceed the norms for the sport. Even if his actions had occurred during game play Bertuzzi showed he had no concern for how much pain or injury he inflicted on another person and wasn't even man enough to attack him face to face.

Bertuzzi is a gutless coward who unfortunately looks like he isn't going to get what he deserves.


New member
Feb 28, 2004
I bet you he had no idea he was going to do the damage that he did to this guy. If this guy just got up and skated off the ice to his bench would you be saying all that?
Fortunately for society that's not a valid defense in an assault case.

Toronto Passions

Trusted Since 2001!
Supporting Member
No it's not. You are right. He should get what he deserves. I just think in a day and age where European playres are dancing around for 3 periods it's refreshing to see a Canadian talent like Bertuzzi go in front of the net and make things happen. He is a great player. (I almost said escort instead of player. Shows you where my mind is at :D)

I'm just saying, I hope he returns and generates some positive interest again.

Toronto Passions

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Supporting Member
Imagine Forsberg is in the corner going for the puck. Now imagine Chelios is in behind him trying to take it off of him. Imagine Forsberg throws 3 or 4 elbows at Chelios and the last one hits him square in the mouth. It knocks one of his teeth loose, and Chelios swallows it and dies. Should Forsberg be banned from hockey when those types of elbows happen all the time? Bertuzzi used his fists. And I may be mistaken, but were his gloves not on? That happens all the time.

What I'm saying is let justice be served, then let this guy come back and aim to win the Lady Bing. Whatever! All I'm saying is the guy is sorry and I thought he was a great player since day one.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
tboy said:
While I agree 100% what he did was totally wrong and he should be banned from professional hockey for ____? The criminal system has NO right to step into sports.

Those are just SOME examples. Actions taken during regular play would be illegal if done outside the arena so that argument doesn't wash.
This is the biggest bunch of crap I've ever read and typical of some hockey fan's mentality.

A crime is a crime regardless of where it's committed. I suppose it would be ok to pull a knife and stab him as long as it happens inside the rink. Any person with common sense would see that there has to be a limit on violence.

How does javelling throwing compare , I don't think you try to maim people when you throw the javelin. Ye s I understand you couldn't throw a javelin down the street.

Pistol Pete

New member
Aug 18, 2001
Bertuzzi is a scumbag. I hope he goes bankrupt from the civil case Moore will be filing against him.
BTW, nobody except the most delusional leaf fans ever considered Wendell Clark as the best player in the league.


New member
Sep 18, 2004
east of eden, west of sodom
His 'wife'

looks more like his sister, those close-set, dark eyes and Leno-like chin...creepy. Not an especially good photo of her.

As for Todd, what he did was cowardly and brutal, but what do you expect from a guy who was probably taught that way (with hundreds of other Canadian guys) as his ticket to the bigs. Sad commentary on the state of Canadian hockey, but I think it has improved since he came up.

Lots of blame here, the league, the coaches, management, they are all guilty IMHO.

Bring on the world Juniors.
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