Um, mmmm, to travel certain vaccines have always been a must. Sure, legally we do not have the right to inject anyone but non essential services are a privilege and therefore can be revoked at anytime, just like your DL can be revoked if you are stunt driving or driving drunk.Well for one - here it is only available to businesses and in Quebec, consumers can use it. So if I wanted to only see vaccinated clients, I couldn't because I need a business license (I will still get it because of my other business but you get the idea)
We don't get to know what is shown of our info. That is one difference.
Also - with the requirement of still needing ID - it makes the system redundant and that money spent could have gone to health care instead. As you said, use your phone or paper copies. Why the need for money to be spent on another “system”? It is a waste of money and time.
Again, not all business will be able to use it.
It will work offline but requires internet for updating so if the business doesn't update, and you had your shot last week - guess what? You are not getting in.
Businesses that require the vaccine to get service do not require it for giving service so that makes totally no sense. You even agree there.
We already know that you can get and give COVID with the vaccine.
So what does this “passport” really do? What is it for?
It is to force vaccinations on people. So why not just bloody well force it then and stop with the bullshit sidestepping? Because they can't actually hold your arm down and put the needle in. This is still forcing people just calling it another name.
You have no right to tell me or anyone else what to put in their body. Just like I have no right to tell you. What makes you think you have the right to govern my body? And if you think that is ok, then you're ok with me governing yours. And I say to protect marriage all men need a shock cock ring controlled by their wife only. I say to protect marriage, cash needs to be done with because men use it to see hookers. Where does it stop?