I will personally try to accommodate but I'm not going to NEVER wear those things to accommodate a cheater. I would prefer if my clients were single and unattached. I sleep better at night knowing I had fun with someone who wasn't cheating on someone.
I really don't appreciate that the bulk of my clients are cheaters and I don't like when they disclose that.
You could just as easily tell them you're single. It's probably better if you don't disclose that you're married because some people will get angry with with you and purposely leave underwear behind or something to let your partner know she was there. Sometimes it's totally by mistake, and sometimes it's malicious. I knew a woman who used to do this (shes not an escort anymore). She would leave condom wrappers and underwear behind or leave a lipstick print somewhere the wife would find it.
Someone actually accused me of doing this, but they hired so many prostitutes they lost track of who was at their house. Their partner caught them because an escort deliberately stuck a used condom and wrapper outside of the garbage. It was in a place that would not be seen unless you were really cleaning down there. Anyway, he confronts me and tells me to be more careful next time (I'm always carful and i'll even bring the garbage with me in some instances. I bring mini garbage bags)
Anyway, not only did this person disclose that they were cheating on a long term partner, they let me know i was not the only one they had in their house. The condom did not belong to me. I only have one brand because of allergy and this condom would have sent me to the hospital. I explained that it wasn't mine, but he had already made up his mind about it lol. He was just a constant bullsh*tter. He had something negative to say about every girl he saw. I'm sure he stopped seeing me as a result of this condom fiasco, but then continued to see the person that left the condom there in the first place

the man described to me where it was left and it was in such a strange location that this woman left it there to be found and it was found. I walked away from that situation grateful to be able to just wash my hands of that person and his little circus.
Men, for some reason, forget that we're women and we don't like cheaters and we don't like dishonesty and we get jealous.
It's so funny when a guy will talk to an escort and then be confused why she got angry. They will disclose sleeping with multiple escorts and cheating on a spouse and then ask a girl for a recommendation for another escort. They forget they're talking to women.
It's so funny watching them put their own foot in their mouth. Sometimes they ask me for advice, and they ask me what they did wrong, and it's so clear to me what happened and they're totally oblivious.
You guys might all want to pretend that we don't care and that everyone wants to protect your secret, but we are at our very basic foundation WOMEN before anything else. It bothers us even if we don't say it. An escort a hundred percent isn't going to tell you the truth because that's not what you want to hear.
Your best bet is to simply ask that they not wear those things or if they can accommodate you DO NOT say you're married. Tell them you have sensitive skin and an allergy to perfumes.
Men are way too comfortable admitting to WOMEN they're cheating on a WOMAN like we get off on it. It's hard listening to that and going back to our normal relationships and understanding that men do this all the time.
In fact, there's an entire forum about it
An escort doesn't owe you anything. Some might even prefer if someone like you did not reach out to them. I personally have a "not my circus, not my monkeys" policy. I also have a "don't ask, don't tell".
I don't want to know, it's none of my business.
I'm also not going to live my life according to accommodate people cheating on their spouses. Sorry not sorry.
I like money, but I also like being able to sleep at night with the clean conscience.
Lots of people don't care, and that's great for them.I'm happy for them. Lots of people do, and i'm not the vindictive type but I have spoken to people that will go out of their way to make sure the wife knows.
It's pretty bold to assume that everyone is comfortable with your situation. Most people have the understanding that they're mostly seeing married men, but some people don't.
What I personally like about doing outcalls only is that the bulk of the people that I see are single. I still see married people. I don't want to know that they're married, but they usually want to tell me. It's not my job to figure out their marriage i just tell myself I'm "there to get paid" and I move on.
To be clear, I am not talking about myself. I don't care what anyone is doing. I don't like it, but I don't really care that much. If I don't do it, someone else is going to. I can only have control over my own life and as long as things are good for me at home i don't care who else's home is having problems.
If my house isn't on fire, I don't care if yours is

and I say that as respectfully as possible. I don't care what goes on in your life, it doesn't affect me personally. I may or may not accommodate a cheater I guess it just depends on my mood