Toronto Escorts

Tipping an SP

Cpt crunch

New member
Nov 7, 2005
A quick question for you all...I see alot of threads referring to prices and how there are times that the prices just don't jive with the service, be it GFE or PSE, and so on.

It's been my experience to tip quite a bit over and above the so called posted rate because there is a level of satisafaction in knowing that it went well, and hopefully if it went well, there will be a second, and a third, and so on. There is also a comfort level of knowing that I can set something up again, and not have the fear of the unknown beforehand.

Do you guys tip? and if so, how much do you feel is appropriate?


Seasoned Player
Mar 24, 2004
in da club
red said:
never tip.
Agreed. The guys who splurge and go above the designated price leave the SP with a false sense of expectation. This ain't the hospitality industry. By all means if you're a high roller and want to throw your money away fine, but expecting some other level of service in the future is just dumb to assume.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
playa said:
Agreed. The guys who splurge and go above the designated price leave the SP with a false sense of expectation. This ain't the hospitality industry. By all means if you're a high roller and want to throw your money away fine, but expecting some other level of service in the future is just dumb to assume.
A lot of us johns are really ugly and it is asking a girl an awful lot to kiss us , provide bbbj's, bls etc.If a beautiful sp provides excellent services to someone she finds grotesque and ugly , and particularly one that smells bad bad, I think it might be appropriate to tip. You probably should ask your short term date what she thinks of you afterwards and tip accordingly.

If the lady likes you , finds you attractive and clearly had a good time , you should probably expect a tip.

If she finds you disgusting, ugly and odorous, you might consider tipping her on the return visit.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
PHNINE said:
No I let her keep it...cause i know she was a bit tight..for cash that is...:p
Obviously you neglected to brink the KY with you that day.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
PHNINE said:
I like my jelly in sandwiches....LOL
If your tips did not consist of nickels, dimes, and quarters they would be much easier to retrieve.


Seasoned Player
Mar 24, 2004
in da club
KWI said:
Also, I can say that a SP will most likely remember the guy that tipped 3 weeks ago or a month ago when he comes back again to see her.

I'd say that's also a pretty big assumption on your part as well. Is this from your own personal experience? I know dudes who've seen an SP the very next day after giving a big tip and nada (SP didn't remember him or the tip). But, its your money dude. Knock yourself out. I don't care either way. Peace!!!!!!!

Cpt crunch

New member
Nov 7, 2005
I'd love to hear from the odd SP on this one. I seem to be the minority in that I tip very well for services well received.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Cpt crunch said:
I'd love to hear from the odd SP on this one. I seem to be the minority in that I tip very well for services well received.
Are you fat, ugly,disgusting and odorous. If so, tips may be in order;)


New member
Aug 19, 2001
I live by the basic principal that you should always tip for good service. If my time with an SP as at least met my expectations I almost always provide a tip -- not less than 20% and more often than not...more. As someone metioned earlier it has benefits for repeats. In some places (not Toronto) SPs are audacious enough to ask for a tip before upfront. Under those circumstances no tip is given -- before or after -- for obvious reasons.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
red said:
i think of them as professionals providing a service- I don't tip my lawyer or doctor either

Red, rumour has it the only time you ever tipped was when you were in a canoe.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
sorely said:
A lot of us johns are really ugly and it is asking a girl an awful lot to kiss us , provide bbbj's, bls etc.If a beautiful sp provides excellent services to someone she finds grotesque and ugly , and particularly one that smells bad bad, I think it might be appropriate to tip. You probably should ask your short term date what she thinks of you afterwards and tip accordingly.

If the lady likes you , finds you attractive and clearly had a good time , you should probably expect a tip.

If she finds you disgusting, ugly and odorous, you might consider tipping her on the return visit.
Wow. Kudos for being blunt and straight out to the point.
Gotta love that.


New member
Apr 29, 2002

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
sorely said:
A lot of us johns are really ugly and it is asking a girl an awful lot to kiss us , provide bbbj's, bls etc.If a beautiful sp provides excellent services to someone she finds grotesque and ugly , and particularly one that smells bad bad, I think it might be appropriate to tip. You probably should ask your short term date what she thinks of you afterwards and tip accordingly.

If the lady likes you , finds you attractive and clearly had a good time , you should probably expect a tip.

If she finds you disgusting, ugly and odorous, you might consider tipping her on the return visit.
What if the SP is ugly?
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