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Tipping an SP


New member
Oct 13, 2005
Tip in or tip out

Wow, what a thread. I'm glad we have such an open ability to communicate and share our thoughts and feelings so freely.

For my two cents, as an SP- someone who HAS worked in the service industry and just as a NORMAL girl, i almost felt shy accepting anything.

However i soon learned- When i did work in the service industry, your gratituities are what you absolutely rely on-bread and butter so to say, in an industry you get paid next to nothing. A $5, $10...sometimes 20 and even on rare occassion a 50 dollar tip is what seperates your night in most times, from okay to AWESOME. Regardless, on volume- even two dollars here, 50 cents there... ALWAYS add up.

REGARDLESS of any industry I always graciously accept, with hesitation of course. Most times, expressing how grateful i am and an appreciation beyond words. MOST give, especially in the service industry based on merit, service provided etc etc... now, what differs is this- The serivce industry, most tip- some don't - but there is an EXPECTATION. If nothing is recieved, your questioning the service most times

In the world of an SP, i was completely BLOWN away when i first recieved a tip. Infact, i remember quite frankly counting and recounting- calling the agency to re confirm amounts... and then going to hand the difference to the client explaining he gave too much and he looked at me like a stund c**t... and couldn't believe i didn't just take it. HOW STUPID COULD I BE?

Infact, believe it or not- he said- i quote 'A freshy in the business'- adding a fifty to the amount in my hand- closed it and said 'Worth every penny' with a reassuring nod. I was so baffled all i could mussel out was a thank you,nearly tripping over my feet on my way out and was floating on clouds for days. Now, whos the stund c**t? Me, without question.

Perhaps what this demonstrates; a TIP is and never should be expected in this industry- however when it does happen.... it reassures that your providing a service some show their gratituity in $ amounts.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Toronto Escorts