Tin Foil Hat Thread on 9/11


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Malibook said:
Since Mcluhan dismisses the pancaking effect, I suppose massive amounts of explosives and trip wire had to be laid on every floor without anybody noticing a thing.
This would have been a very long and dangerous job and impossible to hide from the tens of thousands of people around.
Exactly my point (thanks, Mali) and exactly what I have asked Mcluhan to explain.

Protoss has suggested that the explanation is contained in one of the videos. When I have some time, I'll have a look.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
viking1965 said:
How am I not being fair to him? I merely asked him to specifically explain the physical logistics of "wiring" the building.
There is a report hanging around, that puts forward a "possible" scenario for that. If you have any interest,
you can easily find it.


Mar 22, 2004
viking1965 said:
Thanks Protoss, which one is it in? (Obviously not the Schroeder one).
It's the "911 BluePrint for Truth by the Architects and Engineers for 911 truth"
It the second link I believe. BTW in case you didn' t catch it there is a link at the bottom when you arrive there to watch it at a Google Videos. It's bigger and more enjoyable to watch.

Grab some popcorn and a beer. (or two) :)



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Mcluhan said:

Yes, i know my construction well, i was in the field for 20 years, commercial and res, but that's beside the point. Yes, i looked over the structural plans to satisfy myself, to gain understanding of loads, load points, and tie-ins of the floor trusses to see how the building was blown, but again, that's beside the point. Its not too complicated actually to understand, probably even to anyone without a building background. But of course you would have to spend a few hours learning the facts, which obviously, you have not done.
Mcluhan said:
BTW, civil engineers have worked for me (for 20 years), and i have fired more than one over the years. One i physically manhandled and threw one off a job for being a complete idiot, so much did he upset me in the middle of a large concrete pour. Just because a man gets a seal, it doesn't guarantee he knows how to think straight. Maybe you haven't learned that about life yet. Same with lawyers and doctors btw..only more so.
Strange but I was pretty sure that in your previous incarnation, you were in finance with extremely close (almost familial) with the dictators of some middle eastern country. At least your belief in your own superiority and the 'truth' of conspiracy theories hasn't changed.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
danmand said:
When I ran large organizations, I would have set a low probability on 4 teams all getting up early, getting to the right airport, getting on the right airplane and successfully taking over the airplanes. I would have been happy, if 2 of the teams had succeded.
I don't know. It seems to me that millions of people get up every early day, make the way to the airport, buy a ticket and get on the plane they bought the ticket for. Why some highly motivated nuts couldn't do the same thing is beyond me.

Maybe your large organizations only employed complete idiots.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
basketcase said:
Maybe your large organizations only employed complete idiots.

PM me your real name and I will tell you if I employed you.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
danmand said:
PM me your real name and I will tell you if I employed you.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
danmand said:
There is a report hanging around, that puts forward a "possible" scenario for that. If you have any interest,
you can easily find it.
I was just about to rip this response to shreds but I (as a viking myself) realize that stoic Skandinavians are sometimes hard to read.

Am I correct in perceiving your sarcasm?

The "smileys" help.:rolleyes:


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Protoss said:
It's the "911 BluePrint for Truth by the Architects and Engineers for 911 truth"
It the second link I believe. BTW in case you didn' t catch it there is a link at the bottom when you arrive there to watch it at a Google Videos. It's bigger and more enjoyable to watch.

Grab some popcorn and a beer. (or two) :)

Thank you sir.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
danmand said:
PM me your real name and I will tell you if I employed you.
Yes, that was a very funny retort, but basketcase's comment, like my own on the same subject, is quite valid.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
viking1965 said:
I was just about to rip this response to shreds but I (as a viking myself) realize that Skandinavians are sometimes hard to read.

Am I correct in perceiving your sarcasm?

The "smileys" help.
No, I think you misread my response. I was not sarcastic, I think you are one of the few,
who brings insight to the 9/11 discussion. Here is a smiley for that :)

I was, maybe clumsily, trying to convey, that I have no interest in proselyting or pushing
any agenda here.

Besides, when I last posted a link to a scientific paper, I was violently accused of doing
anti-american terrorist propaganda.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
danmand said:
I was, maybe clumsily, trying to convey, that I have no interest in proselyting or pushing
any agenda here.
Nor do I. I only wish that those who do, when challenged on the specifics, would engage and explain rather than simply chiding the challenger to "educate himself".

This is simply an accepted convention of intellectual debate.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
viking1965 said:
Nor do I. I only wish that those who do, when challenged on the specifics, would engage and explain rather than simply chiding the challenger to "educate himself".

This is simply an accepted convention of intellectual debate.
Then you are at the wrong forum. Because there is little of that here.
The trolls here are incapable of that.

Debate is impossible: If you post data, you are anti-american and crazy,
if not you are not debating properly.

PS: and by the way, telling me that my organization was "pencil pushers on a team building effort"
or "complete idiots" does not rank high in intellectual debate.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
danmand said:
Then you are at the wrong forum. Because there is little of that here.
The trolls here are incapable of that.

Debate is impossible: If you post data, you are anti-american and crazy,
if not you are not debating properly.

PS: and by the way, telling me that my organization was "pencil pushers on a team building effort"
or "complete idiots" does not rank high in intellectual debate.
I actually think the addition of well placed sarcasm adds to the value of a point, assuming that the point itself has value, and I think mine (and basketcase's) did.

I don't know what you do for a living, but unless it's military related, I doubt that any team within your organization has ever been exposed to similar levels of motivation and training as those experienced by Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Green Berets, or terrorists on a suicide mission.

I agree that calling your staff "complete idiots" was probably uncalled for, but I see that you had no problem with an equally harsh, and pretty funny, response.:D

All's Fair in Love, War, and TERB Debates?



New member
File under: Notes in the margin.

In reading this thread, its quite easy to see how the facts of this 'incident' for lack of a proper word, were so easily pushed out of the room, dismissed, omitted, refuted by a lie, or just plain ignored by the majority of onlookers. Even when the information is clearly presented, most people do not even look at it. There is zero searching going on in the minds of most people.

I have absolutely no trouble now understanding how the Nazi's took over control of the German people thru '33 to '39 era. It always perplexed me as a teenager in the '60's and then well into adulthood how an entire nation of people were so utterly brainwashed. Now, i am living it. Its the human condition.

We could be living in a unique time, when information is freely accessible on a public network. I think its conceivable that this era might someday end.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
viking1965 said:
I don't know what you do for a living, but unless it's military related, I doubt that any team within your organization has ever been exposed to similar levels of motivation and training as those experienced by Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Green Berets, or terrorists on a suicide mission.
OK, I am happy to engage in arguments with you:

You are right about the motivation, but from what I have read, the perpetrators
were not in any way highly trined like the Seals or the Rangers. They had
difficulty following elementary flight training.

Another point is how they managed to take over 4 airplanes by merely
using box cutters.

You have 20 seamen on a container ship fight off pirates
armed with machine guns, but airplane captains give up their "ship" to
people armed with box cutters.

Some of these captains were former marine pilots etc.

I am not arguing, that you could not succeed in capturing an airplane that way,
only that a 100% success rate is astonishing.


Jan 31, 2005
danmand said:
The trolls here do not understand the difference between an article in
a chemical physics journal that shows evidence of nanothermitec material in dust from 9/11, and proof that the government caused 9/11.
A "journal" run by Al Qaeda apparently.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Mcluhan said:
File under: Notes in the margin.

In reading this thread, its quite easy to see how the facts of this 'incident' for lack of a proper word, were so easily pushed out of the room, dismissed, omitted, refuted by a lie, or just plain ignored by the majority of onlookers. Even when the information is clearly presented, most people do not even look at it. There is zero searching going on in the minds of most people.

I have absolutely no trouble now understanding how the Nazi's took over control of the German people thru '33 to '39 era. It always perplexed me as a teenager in the '60's and then well into adulthood how an entire nation of people were so utterly brainwashed. Now, i am living it. Its the human condition.

We could be living in a unique time, when information is freely accessible on a public network. I think its conceivable that this era might someday end.
It's not going to end. Why should it? The majority of what's on the internet is bs and as such insures that the "information" is a threat to nothing, other than our own sensibilities.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
danmand said:
Another point is how they managed to take over 4 airplanes by merely using box cutters.

Some of these captains were former marine pilots etc.

I am not arguing, that you could not succeed in capturing an airplane that way,
only that a 100% success rate is astonishing.
It was only 4 planes.
That is a very tiny sampling and I don't find this astonishing at all.

19 out of 20 hijackers were among the vast majority of hundreds of thousands who made it on to their flights.
Again, why is this so astonishing for you?

Before 911, the cockpit doors were not very secure and the potential dire consequences of a hijacking were not realized.
The vast majority of previous hijackings did not end with the plane being used as a weapon or a situation where almost everybody dies.
Most people survive even when a plane is stormed by rescuers.

After 911, the doors are much more secure and everybody is well aware of the potential consequences.
Passengers and crew are now much more likely to stand up to the hijackers or go down fighting like flight 93.
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